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Posts posted by gohornets23

  1. So this will pretty much be the worst possible scenario for Libertarians, the choice between two authoritarians who believe they know what is best for everybody else. Too bad about yall's boy Cruz...My opinion he should have backed off on pandering to the religious right and reached out to libertarians, he might have gotten them, but It's really hard to claim that you believe in people's individual freedom while at the same time saying that you should be able to regulate their morality based on your belief system. Oh well, good news is, despite what they might think...presidents aren't kings..and neither of the two nimrods we end up choosing from will actually have the power to change a whole lot thanks to good ol' washington gridlock...go hornets!  

  2. Just Gonna throw this out there: 

    Libertarians versus Donald Trump


    No hair jokes, just issues.

    Nicholas Sarwark, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee issued the following statement:

    Libertarianism is the idea that you have the right to pursue happiness in any way you wish as long as it doesn't hurt people or take their stuff. We support the fundamental rights of all people, all of the time. We do not denigrate or disparage any group. We respect the humanity of all people.

    Unfortunately, the only policy position addressed on Mr. Trump's official campaign webpage is immigration. Thus, we are limited to piecing together Mr. Trump's positions on policy issues based on recent quotes in the news media.

    Let's compare and contrast Donald Trump's views with those of the Libertarian Party:

    National Security

    Mr. Trump likes tough talk and seems to think that wars are an effective solution to many of our problems. Libertarians think that wars often create more problems than they solve, are bankrupting our nation, and that violence is only justified when used for defense.

    Foreign Policy

    Mr. Trump advocates more sanctions on Iran, more support for Israel, and being tough all around. Libertarians think the United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world.


    Mr. Trump thinks that foreign countries are getting the better end of trade deals and says that he would negotiate more favorable deals. Libertarians support free trade and think that U.S. citizens and businesses should be allowed to negotiate the deals that they find favorable without the interference of the U.S. government and government officials.


    Fifteen years ago Mr. Trump claimed he was for a government run single-payer Canadian-style healthcare system. Mr. Trump now says Obamacare is ineffective and should be repealed and replaced, but he's not specific. Libertarians have always opposed government run healthcare, and support a free market.


    Mr. Trump advocates building a wall along our Southern border and has said disparaging things about immigrants. Libertarians believe that people should be able to travel peacefully across borders to work, trade, or live.

    Eminent Domain

    Mr. Trump has taken advantage of eminent domain laws to build his real-estate empire. Libertarians think that eminent domain is often exploited by the wealthy at the cost of average Americans and is a violation of our most basic rights.

    War on Drugs

    Mr. Trump has, in the past, advocated ending the “war on drugs” because it is ineffective and wasteful. Lately, he seems to be adjusting his stance and claiming that it's an issue for states to decide. Libertarians also think that the “war on drugs” is ineffective and wasteful. In addition, we think the “war on drugs” is one of the biggest violations of Americans' civil liberties as it has been used to put hundreds of thousands on non-violent people in prison.

    Gay Marriage

    Mr. Trump also has said that he thinks that gay marriage is an issue for the states. Libertarians think that the government has no business regulating anyone's marriage.

    Justice System

    Mr. Trump says he would be tough on crime via anti-crime policies. Libertarians also want to decrease crime but likely disagree with Mr. Trump on the nature of “crime.” Libertarians are careful to differentiate between violent crimes and non-violent crimes, and also between crimes which involve a victim and those that do not. Currently, a huge percentage of our prison population is imprisoned for non-violent, victimless crimes such as marijuana use. Libertarians think that this is unjust to everyone: the taxpayer, the incarcerated, and society more broadly. Prison should be reserved for violent criminals.


    Mr. Trump has stated that he is against Common Core and supports school-choice. Most Libertarians would agree. Libertarians think that the federal government should not have the authority to dictate to Americans how we should educate our children.

    2nd Amendment

    Mr. Trump has said that he is against limits on Americans' 2nd Amendment Rights, but has supported the ban on so-called assault weapons and longer waiting periods to buy guns. Libertarians oppose all laws at any level of government that attempt to restrict, register, or monitor the ownership, manufacture, or transfer of firearms or ammunition.

    In the first debate, Trump said, “Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid.” Libertarians think big government policies are the problem, and smarter politicians with the same policies won't help. America needs new policies and a new perspective focusing on smaller government, more liberty, and peace.

  3. 1 hour ago, stevenash said:

    Arent you going to add in the following? IRS/Lois Lerner- vast right wing conspiracy  Benghazi/Hillary emails- vast right wing conspiracy

    yeah why not..but i haven't heard that much about either of those, my point (i guess) is that it seems like people who believe one conspiracy thing tend to believe in pretty much all of them. My science teacher back in high school sure did, he taught us all about how the moon landing was faked and the CIA killed JFK and tons of other stuff. Of course that was before 9/11 and Sandy Hook but I bet he's into those conspiracies too...it's like a hobby for some people 

  4. On 2/16/2016 at 7:30 PM, TxHoops said:

    Not "mandatory" but certainly "customary" from what I understand.  

    not really I don't think, typically if there is not a suspicion of foul play the family will elect not too, the guy was old and overweight with heart problems, not sure this was a shock to those close to him. Many times families of the deceased would rather not have the cadaver cut into if there's not real reason. 

    That won't stop conspiracy theorists from running wild with it though...just for the sake of argument and since it's so fresh, straw poll how many of you who think scalia's death is suspicious, and also think that 9/11 was an inside job, we never landed on the moon, sandy hook was obama trying to take guns away, jade helm was obama taking over texas...etc.

  5. I think him skipping the debate is a political play, and a smart one. He probably doesn't care about the woman who moderates the stupid thing, but it works as a convenient excuse. Think about it, he's already leading in the polls, so the negatives of a bad debate far outweigh the potential positives of a good one. Now he doesn't have to worry about making some gaffe that hurts him campaign, and he gets to cast himself as a guy who is outside the republican establishment by snubbing fox news. Pretty smart really. 

  6. On 1/11/2016 at 9:13 AM, Cougar14.2 said:

    That's exactly why athletics are so important in the minority communities, often times even stressed more than academics. I think that's highlighted by the fact that even though blacks are only about 12% of the US population they make up about 70% of NFL players and about 74% of NBA players. Athletics are often times the only realistic way some of these kids don't end up as a statistic on one of those steamers running across Fox later in life.    

    Don't want to start anything, just dispel a common and very frustrating myth about poor minorities and sports. Athletics is most certainly not the only realistic way these kids don't end up a statistic. It is far easier, particularly for kids living in poverty, to get an academic scholarship than one in athletics, and even without a scholarship, college is still attainable to people at any level of income if it is something they really want. Not even mentioning the number of trade and career schools that exists as options for people who are truly motivated. There are a thousand ways to skin a cat. 

    I don't mean to seem like I am lecturing, but it gets very tiresome when I hear kids act like if they don't get a scholarship to play sports then they have no chance in this world. And the sad part is that they get this idea from uninformed parents and relatives who think it is true. 

    Fact is, if the parents of kids in bad situations cared 10% as much about their academics as they do about what they do on the court/field, then the kids would probably be alright. I see kids time and time again who's parents will show up to every sporting event but don't have time to make the meeting to decide the kids graduation plan or anything else to do with school. 

  7. Well, let's see, is the Philippines involved in the muslim countries?  How about Belgium?

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    Okay that's pretty good

    The first two links are the result of a political struggle in the Philippines between the Muslim minority group and the group in power, it's been going on for a long time. Similar to the conflicts between Irish Catholics and Protestants, once again though, the war is about control of the country, it's about power, not killing the name of Islam

    The third is a threat, but the group didn't actually DO anything.

    I can see how I might have seemed to sympathize with Islam...I don't at all...I think it's a stupid religion, even more far fetched than the others, I think its practitioners are mostly poor indoctrinated souls that are missing out on some of the great things about life because they are brainwashed with a bronze age world view and are afraid to think for themselves. I hate the fact that there are those among them who want to bring back the barbaric practices that come along with theocratic governments. Extremest Muslims are the scourge of the earth in my opinion. It's just that I know there are a lot of Muslims who are just regular people who just want to make a living and live their lives, they are Muslim because that's how they were raised, but they don't have any desire to kill anybody, I hate to see these people lumped in the with the truly evil ones. I know that's hard to do, especially in recent years, but if the world is ever going to change for the better we have to be able to reason our way through these things and stop seeing everything in black and white. 

    anyways....good talking to you guys today, the threat was about why there is no terrorism in Japan, I tried to answer that, I think it's obvious that some blame can be passed the way of the US government for the rise of radical Islam. Not all...but some. My son is 6 years old....I hate to think that he's going to turn 18 in the world where we are still involved in unwinnable wars on the other side of the world. If we overreact to the threat of ISIS, this is exactly what will happen. 


  8. Acts 17: 30 - 31

    30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, 31 because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”


    How do YOU know that the writers of The Bible didn't know that the America's existed???? I've seen maps from those days that clearly show North America, South America, and Antarctica.......counterexample provided, and another thesis from you invalidated....you keep that up and people might start to think that you don't know as much as you think you do......

    I'll just have to take your word on the maps. I guess that would kind of make the entire age of exploration silly if people already had those places mapped out.....also set aside the fact that people didn't have the technology to sail that far until much later..but whatever. I wasn't talking about the land, I was talking about the people. The ones who crossed the reef and lived in north America for generation after generation who would have had no possible way to know anything about ol' yaweh or his son/him until the 14th century. They gotta feel really duped burning in eternal fire right now, didn't even get a shot at it. 

  9. Modern Israel has nothing to do with the Israel of the Old Testament....The Hebrews time as God's Children ended when He allowed the Romans to destroy Jerusalem......


    What they did in the Old Testament was done to keep the bloodline to the Messiah pure......so yes, it was part of keeping His chosen people safe by eliminating the threats and those who were trying to conquer and kill them.........A good example that we should be following today......

    I'm not talking about modern Isreal...I'm talking about the Isrealites moving into the promised land...there were already people there...they killed them all at god's command. So how did that work, when they were slashin' up those people did they apologize? "hey sorry man...gotta keep the messiah's bloodline pure"

  10. Jehovah wasn't trying to convert anyone in the Old Testament....He was keeping His chosen people safe until the time He chose to send His Son into the world.......trying to compare islime to the Old Testament is apples to oranges......

    just as an afterthought, why did god wait so long to send his son anyway? What happened to the souls of all the people all over the world who died in the meantime? what about the people who were living and dying in north america that aren't mentioned because the bible's writers didn't even know they existed? Oh ya...they are all still burning in hell because that lady ate an apple....makes sense

  11. Jehovah wasn't trying to convert anyone in the Old Testament....He was keeping His chosen people safe until the time He chose to send His Son into the world.......trying to compare islime to the Old Testament is apples to oranges......

    So the Israelites did not go on an aggressive campaign to reclaim Jerusalem? or was that all part of keeping his chosen people safe...by killing everybody around who wasn't part of the chosen people?

  12. No, the verses taken from the koran are very much IN context......the ones taking it OUR of context are the ones claiming that it doesn't teach violence.....

    what evidence to you have for this? Are you a secret Koranic scholar in disguise? Did you learn Arabic? Have you spent a ton of time understanding the historical context of when it was written?...of course you haven't, neither have I...so I don't pretend to know what a religion teaches and what it doesn't. 

  13. They were MUSLIMS......they were terrorists....yes, they were following the teachings of that false god and his pedophile, rapist, murdering prophet mohammed......and it was in between 1776 and 1900.....a counterexample that shows your thesis that there were no problems with muslims between those years to be invalid.......

    They were pirates...they were stealing stuff...to get money...who were Muslim by religion. Hardly an example of violence motivated by religion. By that logic, every Christian who commits a crime does so in the name of his god. 

    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

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    This is one of my favorite quotes, I think its apt here. Is it really so hard for you to consider, that a fundamentalist Muslim, who is generally distrustful of Christians and Americans, is a person who is a WHOLE lot like like you. A fundamentalist Christian who is generally distrustful of "A-rabs" and Mooselems"? Two sides of same coin, now imagine a different geo-political situation, where the Middle East is the premiere super power in the world, and we have a lot of issues here with tribal and ethnic fighting. So a bunch of Muslims from the East invade our country to try and make things better, only they stay for a really long time, and sometimes they make mistakes and bomb houses with our children in them, or they arrest our friends and detain them as suspected terrorists. Imagine the anger and insecurity you might feel. It's not that much of the stretch to think that if that were the case, a lot of people in this country might resort to violence. Just sayin'

  14. Been going on since The Crusades. Saladin ring a bell?


    what has been going on since the Crusades? Islamic terrorism? where? when?

    if you are trying to make a point that since it's beginnings the Muslim world has been trying to kill all non-muslims...then you have a very narrow understanding of human history

    Islam comes out of Saudi Arabia in the 6th century and spreads quickly, sometimes violently, but let's not get too high minded about that one lest we forget how good ol' yaweh "converted" his enemies when he first got on the scene...it wasn't pretty

  15. you have taken that passage out of context.........it is the finale of the Parable of the Ten Minas, in which Jesus is showing symbolically what will happen to those on the Day of Judgement who have been unfaithful.......try again......


    but you can see how easy it would be convince somebody..using that verse...that Christians are commanded to kill non-christians?...you can see that right?

    Imagine I'm a cleric who wants to make a name for myself, and you're a barely literate goat herder....it wouldn't be that hard for me to convince you that the United States wants to kill or enslave all Muslims...that's how propaganda works. 

    The same as it's really easy to take some verses from the Koran....and convince a bunch of people that ALL muslims want to kill us...because it's in the book

    I'm sure there are plenty of "interpretations" of violent verses in the Koran too that moderate Muslim's feel get taken out of context, but you aren't interested in the context...you want to see Muslim's as boogeymen and there's no amount of information that will sway you, I realize that...but it's still fun to talk about. 

    let's look at it from a logical standpoint

    there are 5 million muslims in the US

    of those 5 million....a small number have tried to kill a lot of non-muslims...I dunno exactly..maybe it's 25

    so from that...we conclude that all Muslim's want to kill everybody?

    so either they don't really teach that....or they are doing a really crappy job of it

  16. So WHY allow them into our nation, then????

    I never said we should, the thread was about why there is no Islamic terrorism in Japan..I tried to help answer that

    I honestly don't know how I feel about the immigration question...I have children, and if inconveniencing some people gives them a safer place to live..then I'm for that

    but at the same time....this country is supposed to be about something different from the rest of the world, a place where individuals can live the lives they choose to live and not have to live in fear of tyranny or theocracy. If I was born in the Muslim world...and I were still fortunate enough to be able to think for myself after a childhood of indoctrination...I'd like to think it would be a dream of mine to come to the United States. I think we have to be careful how quickly we are willing to deny people that dream. If America isn't about that, then we are no different than any other nation. 

    Touchy situation that one. 

  17. I can agree with you on both points...even though sometimes it is well intended, we usually make a mess when we meddle in other's affairs.

    I don't agree that if we stopped today, the violence from the Muslim community will stop.

    By it's definition, Islam means to submit to one God...it's followers are taught the infidel will either submit, be killed or be enslaved.


    Are followers of Christianity not taught the same thing?

       They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.  (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

    "oh but that's the old testament and you have to understand the context and blah blah blah"...whatever..it's in your book..the same as it's in their book. You take a few sayings here and there out of their belief system and apply it to all members...turnabout is fair play

    I don't remember there being much of the problem with the Muslim world between 1776 and 1900......wonder why?...were they not commanded to kill the infidels then and then it changed? Did they add stuff to the Koran?

    the problems are political and they are about power...as per usual, the religion is co-opted and used to get stupid people to go kill and die for the benefit of those who seek power. Let's not forget ol' Pope Urban II telling Christians they would achieve paradise if they died on Crusade

  18. No..it isn't our fault...not you and me..we didn't have anything to do with it...It's not our fault that our government and the rest of the western powers arbitrarily divided up the middle east after the collapse of the ottoman empire after the first world war with no regard to their history or ethnic problems...they literally just pointed at the map and started carving out borders, it's not our fault that the CIA and other western countries used the middle east as a buffer zone between Europe and soviet union during the cold war..propping up anti-soviet leaders regardless of their human rights atrocities. It's not our fault that after the discovery of oil in the region western powers tried to exploit these nations. It's not our fault that our economic sanctions in Iraq crippled it's economy, it's also not our fault that the US refused to remove its forces from Saudi Arabia (this was Bin Laden's whole reason for pitting Al Queda against the US) and it's definitely not our fault that Afghan and Pakistani children have to live in fear of US drone strikes. We didn't have anything to do with any of that, it's our government that has to answer for all of those things...a government that believes it can centrally plan the futures of other nations. 

    We don't agree on much...but I bet we do agree that the government can't really be trusted to do anything right in terms of economics, as soon as they get involved, it all goes to crap...so how is it that we both can agree on that..but then you can't agree with me that our government has made and continues to make idiotic foreign policy mistakes?

    I'm not saying terrorism is justified at all...but you have to see that there are valid reasons why regular people in that part of the world might hate the United States. Not to mention how easy it is to convince already deranged fanatics that the United States is the "great Satan". I'm not against patriotism..but we have to able to call a spade a spade. US foreign policy in the Middle East is like me trying to fix a car....every attempt to fix one thing ends up breaking something worse, only I'm smart enough to stop trying, not the mighty geniuses of the US government...we just keep throwing money and lives into it. 


    because Japan hasn't been meddling in Muslim countries for the past seventy years

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    And yes there are Muslims in Japan:

     The most serious work on this question has been done by Japanese scholars such as Hiroshi Kojima of the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and Keiko Sakurai of Waseda University. Their estimates suggest a Muslim population of around 70,000, of which perhaps 90% are resident foreigners and about 10% native Japanese.

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    This is the hidden content, please
     In Japan the government does not take religion into account as part of the demographic concern under religious freedom. As Michael Penn states, "The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies".
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    That's straight from wikipedia...it took 7 seconds to look up...come on fellas

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