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Everything posted by pngfan66

  1. Yep this is all so hard to figure out at times and then folks throw in speculation and then bam ! a whole new topic is started ! Can't wait to get the new coach on board so everyone can concentrate on their own teams and coaches for a while.
  2. True Craig may be one of the best coaches in the area, but isn't there a potential law suit from other applicants if they hire someone who may not have applied and who is not on the list. Or can they offer someone the job who isn't on the list ? I know this may be stupid in relations to all the BS that everyone complained about regarding "THE LIST", but I didn't see his name on "THE LIST" Can PNG hire someone who is not on the list ? As far as talent goes at PNG for the next several years: Let me tell ya, PNG has alot of great talent coming thru the system over the next 5-6 years. All we need is the coach to use it to its potential and develop those players who have talent but don't realize it !!! Any decent coach with a desire to win will motivate these kids and make PNG a powerhouse again in SE Texas !!! Mark my words, I know alot of these kids, because my son is in the 8th grade in Groves and alot of those boys spend alot of time at our house. My son also played BB and other sports with the current 9th grade team. As I said before with the right coach PNG is going to be at the top !!!
  3. SO who is this mystery applicant ? If there is one then his name should be out there too !
  4. Quote "Not important. When you start to ask where I live, that can be taken as a threat........You are not "getting what we are crabbing about." Somehow there are people in the PNG area that think they can do whatever. What one group must do, all must do....Rules folks, rules. I am not thrilled with FOI, but we got to follow the rules. If PNGISD was doing it for the good of all in education, they would have done it for something other than the coaching applicants." Dude are you serious that because I ask if you live within the district you could take that as a threat ? I have no idea who you are much less do I care !!! Now your sounding paranoid. That was a question asked because I wanted to know if what the PNG Board does affects you ? A threat ! Come on !!
  5. baseball25, et all. Quit worrying about issues that do not pertain to you. Worry about Lumberton, Kirbyville, etc. You guys need to come down to earth and realize your constant whiny posts mean absolutely jackcrap. Move on and find a new cause. Your time is up. Good response !!!
  6. KDOS do you live in the PNG school district or have any kids going to school here ? Just curious.....
  7. Yeah I was kinda wondering about that. Does the school contact that person directly and talk to them about whether or not they would be interested in the job ? I'm sure if so they would have to do some form of application process after that. Anyone know more about this ?
  8. Maybe with PNG doing a somewhat challenge to the law it could help out the system and give some protection to those that do apply for open positions around the state. Hard to say if it will or not, but just a thought. If I were a coach somewhere, and applied to a opening somewhere else, I would want to be protected. Some folks at other schools may give a coach a real hard time or even find a way to get rid of them if they know they are appling somewhere else. I think that the FOI is somewhat foiled in its endeavor. There honestly should be some form of protection for this situation so as to help avoid some sort of retaliation or something of the matter. Just walk a mile in the applicants shoes and see how you would feel. What are you putting on the line in regards to your own career and job and what it could do to you and your family ? Yes if a opportunity arises you should look into it, and if you apply you should have some sort of protection from your current employer backlashing you. I'm sure those that have applied have some fear of having their current employer scrutinize them or even worse. Just think long and hard about this, in the private sector things can be kept secret, but not so much in the public sector. Why should a public job be any different than a private one ? How would you feel ? The people who are on the committee will do their job. I think we should all just back off and let the cards fall were they fall !
  9. Possibly could have his official ruling by then, but in the official statement "a reasonable amount of time" to release the info. What is concidered a reasonable amount of time. 1 day ? 1 week ? etc..... So there is some gray area to be determined in this. But I feel if a official ruling comes down it will be around the same time as the announcement of who the coach will be. Remember the school had to include why they wanted to withhold the names and if thier argument is sufficient the AG office may take their time. You never know !
  10. Amen !!!! we will have our Coach by that time ! then the oursiders can begin bashing our new coach !
  11. Some gray area's in the AG comment. Reasonable amount of time. That in itself is gray !
  12. Ok so they send for a ruling. Lets see, it may take the AG another week or so to get to review the request, and then another 10 days to post applicants. So either way, you, me and everyone has to wait ! Patience is a virtue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Some meetings are closed door, but the topics are posted about what is discussed in a closed door meeting. Closed door meetings are allowd by law.
  14. Breaking the Law ? No they are not ! they are allowed to follow what the laws have allowed. They have every right to ask for a official ruling. If it takes an additional 45 days then so be it. By then we will have hired our new Coach and it will all be water under the bridge by then.
  15. After some deliberation regarding releasing the names, I have decided that the list should be kept confidential. All those outside of the reservation should not have any opinion in this decision or hiring process. You don't live here !!! We do ! I voted and I have placed my trust in OUR elected officials ! If I don't like their decision then it is in my interest to vote them out of position and put someone in that I feel would better serve my positions. Heck I may even run for the school board if I want too ! I think the anticipation is killing more people outside of PNG than inside ! What do you, that live outside our district have at stake in this situation ? Is it that your very concerned over who is hired ? nervous about what PNG will do to your team in the season ? What fear(s) do you have in this that causes you to be so upset and concerned over who PNG hires or who is on the list ? I have 5 kids in PNGISD ! My son who is in the 8th grade is so excited over a new coach he can barely think of baseball which is his second love next to PNG football. He and I have some great conversations over what can happen in the new year for PNG ! He is excited and I think hundreds of other kids who play ball in the PNG area are excited as well. My above paragraph may cause some ill feelings but I don't care. I live in this district, and those of you who don't live in this district should focus your attention on your own programs and bash it !!! Pick it apart and be a stand sitting coach and commentator !!! for your own team !!! Oh and by the way I have a friend who coaches outside of this area and he told me the names of several coaches who have applied for the PNG position who he knows personally !!!
  16. Ok please don't take this as being arrogant or egotistical. PNG wants to help promote the hiring process by not releasing the names. I do believe that there are some huge names on this list of candidates for PNG. Some of these names may very well blow your socks off when you find out who they are. Ok my opinion, or theory on LCM releasing the names: Maybe its a good marketing ploy to release the names of their applicants to get their community more involved, to get the community back in their good graces regarding their football program. My wife is from LCM and has alot of family and friends over there. The community of LCM is starting to get excited over having a new coach. I think by releasing the names at LCM it is helping them. Look back over the last several years at LCM and you will see how disgruntled their fans have been and how their crowds have diminished. I think this is a very good thing that LCM has done to get their community behind them again and this may have given them all something to look forward to than just another ho-hum season again. I'm not trying to bash LCM I'm just putting it out there from what I see and hear from family over there.
  17. My opinion is this: FEAR, MAN FEAR !!!!!!!! all the bashers are seriously afraid of what a new coach will do with the talent this program has !!!! and what the indians will do to his/their team next year and the years to follow!!!!!!!!! Trust me what coach we end up with is gonna have alot of talent coming thru over the next 4-5 years. Lots if size and speed to work with !!! So just look at it as THEY ARE AFRAID OF WHAT THE INDIANS ARE GONNA PUT ON THE FIELD !!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I think that between PNG and LCM with new coaches and probably new styles of offense and defense, this district is going to get shaken up alot. I think it will be good for the entire district as this may very well be what stirs things up even more in the district races and playoff pictures in years to come. (like things aren't already crazy enough in this district) ! New coaches for both schools will be good for their programs. Interested to know if any more of the coaching staff at PNG is leaving ?
  19. I sure hope PNG hasn't shot themselves in the foot with making a masters required ! instead of preferred.
  20. Sure will be interesting to see how many have actually applied and who they are especially considering how many have apparently applied for the LCM job !!!!!
  21. I think Mid County madness !!!!!!! PNG and Nederland, Nederland and PNG !!!!!!!! I think it has to go both ways. I also think another team PNG seems to struggle with alot is Vidor.
  22. OK its past the deadline !!!!!!!! So all of you who have a inside scoop on who applied should spill the beans now ! ???
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