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Everything posted by pngfan66

  1. My dad is going to the game tonight too !!! He and 4 other fans (they all live and follow nederland football) are going tonight as well. These men are all in the late 60's. Lets get as many folks there as possible to cheer on PNG !!! Don't let the weather be an excuse !!! Fans of all ages need to be there !!!
  2. Just went to academy in P.A. and man oh man !!! alot of PNG fans and Nederland Fans there buying rain gear. Very little selection left. Academy people were chasing boxes of rain gear off the top shelves and from the back to put back out !!! Too funny !!! Sounds like were going to have alot of fans there tonight, which is what our boys would expect !!! Honor, Pride. Tradition !!! It carries over into bad weather as well !!! Lets bring as many football fans out tonight regardless and help our boys bring in the victory and the sweep !!! I truly believe LC is underestimating PNG !!! from what I've read on other sites. (Like LaMarque did with Lumberton) PNG will win !!! its our game !!!!
  3. Well its almost obvious of how many mid county haters their are on here. Look at this in all reality !!! PNG was picked to finish in the middle to bottom of district this year. We have played in one of if not the toughest districts in the state. Look at PNG now. Just like Lumberton, PNG came out and put it together, and has made it happen this year. Our district will sweep this week. PNG is going to win. I just feel it. PNG will and is ready to put the purple on LC tonight. PNG 28 LC 21
  4. Way to go Lumberton !!!! What a dang good game !!!! I was so happy to see LM go down. Someone needed to put them in their place !!!! Wow what a crowd last night !!! There were so many folks there from so many different schools. Alot of PNG, Nederland fans there support you guys !!! Welcome to the big time !!! You guys have what it takes !!! keep it going !!!!!! Lets get behind all our area teams and support and pull them thru !!! Tonight its PNG's turn ! Lets bring everyone to this one tonight regardless of the weather and lets get us another sweep for our district and send out the message !!! SETX is for real !!!!!!! GO PNG !!! GO LUMBERTON !!! GO DAYTON !!!
  5. Ok guys no more BS or threats. Were suppose to be adults..... well atleast most of us. Back to topic. I have been researching some on LC. How competitive was their district. Is their district more competitive than ours ? Have they played more quality teams than PNG or is it a push ? It looks like stat wise that we match up fairly close on all sides. Looks like LC puts most of their numbers up on the board in the first half as were PNG seems to do more in the second half. LC ave. 3rd 4.3 pts, 4th 6.3, 1st. 9.7, 2nd 9.4. I dont have PNG averages per quarter. I know they have a hoss running back. 2000 yards, thats one heck of an achievement for anyone. PNG's D has been stepping it up. (Except Dayton) Good D game for PNG vs. GP. This game is gonna be alot closer than some predict. If PNG's D plays their A game and the O moves the ball and keeps LC O off the field then PNG has a really good chance. The hard part is the special team play for PNG. If they can overcome the past problems then it comes down to who wants it the most, who has the most heart. Too close to call !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Great Post 19Cherokee89. You said alot there. I would have to add from my observations of the last several games. The other area of weakness at times for PNG is between the center and QB. I've seen alot of bad snaps and shotgun snaps on the ground. I think PNG's O-Line in gonna have to step it up big time for Dayton and for the Playoffs. Against Vidor, Vidor's D was in the backfield way to easily and last night PNG's QB was rushed hard and the pocket seemed to collapse to many times on the pass plays. Dont take me wrong here, I'm a big time NDN Fan. I'm just putting in my 2 cents worth on some of the things I've noticed. Our D is solid, and I agree that the Secondary is gonna have to totally step it up for Dayton and the Playoff run. I just hope that some of the younger players can handle some very serious intensity coming there way and not get frustrated. If PNG plays solid and mistake free ball they will win in a close one. If we have turnovers or cant contain the Dayton D up the middle the Dayton wins. Who prepares and plays mistake free ball wins.
  7. OKAY no need to start pointing fingers at anyone. Chances are it was someone local, maybe even someone who is a bad apple from PNG. I dont see any need to create speculation on these boards. I know Pt. Neches PD is investigating these incidents. Lets leave it to the Police and lets leave these threads and chats to what they need to be. Smack and predictions on the teams. No need to let this be a distraction or create more bad blood between friends on here. All schools go thru this and no one is exempt. It happens and thats all. Let it go and let the authorities deal with it.
  8. OK thanks !!! I havent heard anything regarding Galena Park and how good they are. I agree if we continue to fire on all cylinders PNG has a good chance of going deep. They just have to stay focused and fine tune themselves for post season. I know the HC will have them ready.
  9. So if PNG makes the playoffs, they are large school and would have to play Galena Park ? So does the winner of our district play the winner of the other district ? Or does the first place team play the 3rd place team from the other district ? I dont know how this works for pairing in playoff games to well.
  10. I am in no way saying it was Lumberton. I just wouldnt see ya'll doing something like that. The incident at your field house is the first I've heard of it. Like I said before every school has some bad apples. Its just unfortunate that this crap happens. Hopefully those responsible on both sides will be found !!! and dealt with like they should be !!!!!!!!!!! By the way Lumberton your fans are outstanding !!!!!!! I spoke with several after the game. Nothing but respect from both sides. Sorry that your Field house was vandalized as well.
  11. I personally wouldn't see Lumberton folks doing that. They are a class act school with very polite and great fans. Of course there are always the bad apples. No one knows who did it, and in no way am I stating that anyone from Lumberton did it. Who knows who did it. It will be cleaned up today I'm sure. Just disappointing to see something like that occur.
  12. After the game. I have a kid in band. They saw it this moring.
  13. Several students have reported that the band hall doors at PNG high school were spray painted with "here comes the O-Train, or L-Train, hard to read, >: and something referring to Dayton" Unbelievable that people are this immature. ITs not known who actually did it and of course there are tons of speculations regarding it as well. Just thought folks might be interested in knowing about the incident. > > > > > > > > >
  14. Yes the game is almost sold out as far as reserve seating goes. There are still a few left. As far as general admission I'm not sure. GO INDIANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This will be another epic battle in this district. Lumberton has a great chance of winning this one at PNG's rez. PNG showed me alot in their victory over Nederland. For Lumberton to win they have to contain PNG's running game, and PNG has to contain Lumbertons. PNG needs alot of meat on their O line because of Lumbertons D line. Same for Lumberton. Comes down to special teams and mistakes. My prediction. PNG by 3 in a low scoring game. (home field advantage)
  16. now now !!! dont go saying you have this game in the bag ! you dont. Just because of this conversation of a slight of disagreement dosent mean you win. They have been playing as a team and they will continue to play as a solid force team. Any changes made are to the advantage of the team making the changes. Nederland lost a great QB and now they have a Soph starting. Has Nederland lost a game with the Soph QB in ? No they havent. It was a change. The more I think about this game the more I see PNG winning. WHY ? Because BOJO (Clown) is to big headed. PNG has been humble all season. They have worked on what they need to and have made the adjustments and changes as they see fit to be made. My thought, bring onto the field tonight and the team most prepared and the team wanting the W will win !!! (Irregardless of who plays and who dosent)
  17. TO: Indian28 & wrcom wrcom I can see what your saying about changing out centers. I also went and rewatched the video of the game against Ozen. You were right, the center was moving into what appeared to be a linebacker who happened to be free and was moving towards Tezeno. Tezeno ran into the center. The center wasent standing there either. I dont think it was either players faults. Also I believe it was the first TD of the game, they ran behind the center, who helped blow open a hole, Tezeno ran in for the TD. Yes wrcom he is a big ol boy with alot of talent. He can run block very well and is good at pass blocking as well. In my opinion I wouldnt give up on the trible. Remember alot can change in a game and in practice. I'm sure if the new center gets his butt handed to him a few times or the middle backer runs over him they will put the big center in to stop that. Indian28 As a fan of PNG for along time now, I wanted to say thank you for your efforts on the field and off the field. I just encourage you to keep your opinions of your TEAMMATES TO THE LOCKER ROOM !!! You should never post on here any problems your team may be having. Keep it to yourselves. You are part of a team. I'm sure you wouldnt appreciate someone on here smearing your name and making you look like a terrible player. Thats not good for anyone, espically the whole team. I'm sure the coaches made this decision based upon who you are playing, thats fine. If it works they are going to be commended by everyone, but if it dosent work then hey you know what happens then. Indian28 I have a question. I know in the past PNG goes about half speed in practice alot so as not to increase the chances of injuries. I know they did a few years back when my son played. I feel that maybe this might be the cause of criticism. Dont know, I'm not there at the practices. Just remember, every player has their own strengths anD weaknesses. I'm sure there are things you need to work on as well. Kinda like they say, remove to speck from your own eye before you remove anothers. Good luck tonight Indian28. If they call upon the big center then give him some good high fives and encouragement. If you guys play as a team you guys will win as a team !!!!!!!!!!! GO INDIANS !!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Your kidding me they took out the big center ? I tell you what I would take size and strength over speed in a game like this. You have to have someone who can move a pile and push when its needed. He seemed to make some hugh holes on the O line for the running game. Did they put the guy in who played against Crosby ?
  19. I hope PNG dosent start changing people around on the team. I think they just need to adjust to a shorter passing attack. I have to say as of now for me this game could go either way. It all depends on who will be playing for PNG. I heard thru the grapevine that PNG made some switches on the O line. Dont know who but that concerns me big time. Game ends in tie !!!!
  20. I would say PNG's O line is holding their own. They have gotten alot better and will continue to click together as long as the same 5 stay on the line. They have a big, quick center, a very fast, quick guard, and their tackles are both great size. I noticed when they run the ball up behind their center and guards the backs pick up great yardage. They do provide Tatum with quiet abit of time to set up and pass. I'm not saying they are the best in the area, but they are very good and only getting better. I have been very impressed with Riley, the center and Cortez the quick guard. Like I said above if they keep the same O linemen on the field they will do alot of good things. When my son played at PNG they were not very big O linemen but very strong and fast. This years team reminds me of them.
  21. I have to agree with the majority of the post so far. PNG has a decent chance if their offense gets in gear and starts a regular and SUCCESSFUL passing attack. I have to admit I was very concerned about PNG's O line, but so far they have proven themselves against some very strong defenses. They are providing Tatum ample time to throw the ball, they have been opening up some big holes for the backs. TO me it just seems like the missing link is the passing game. You get that going for PNG and you have a very very good team. If the coaches from PNG are even looking on here, read these post and listen !!!! We see it and we know you see it especally on Saturdays and Sundays when you all sit there and watch the tapes !!! You know what will work and what wont !!! So please stop doing what isnt working and start doing what you know will !!! Over the middle, slants etc... Not the bombs !!! Maybe now and then but not every pass play. Oh and why not let some of the boys try other positions. If one of them wants to try out as a tightend let him !!! or a reciever, let him. You never know, they could be a missing piece to the puzzle. Also wright seems to be able to run well and appears to like the physical contact on the field. You should utilize him more as well. (This post is assuming that maybe, just maybe a PNG coach will read this and all the other ones on this thread)
  22. IM not even touching this one either. IF PNG can get their passing game going then it will make it even more interesting. The only things I can think of that are in PNG's corner: At the RESERVATION, and PNG'S Defense.
  23. How do you think PNG's O line is doing as well. I know at the beginning of the season they were very questionable. They did pretty good defending on the pass and were opening up some big holes for the backs, but Ozens D is very fast and closed the distance very quickly. Thoughts on this as well.
  24. In your honest opinion what do you think PNG needs to do to get their Offense moving and scoring. They have alot of talent on the field but for some reason it just dosent seem to want to click ! Your thoughts ?
  25. oh man what a game. I think a pop warner team could have played more better. Dont know what PNG's problem is on offense. They couldn't throw or connect on hardle anything. I dont know if its the play calling or just a lack of confidence. I sat there and watched the middle of the field stay wide open most all night and the ball, to my memory wasent thrown there once. PNG would probably be more successful throwing short passes and not the long ones. The running game was decent. I spoke with several of the O linemen after the game from PNG. They said Ozens defense was very aggressive and was better than laMarques. It looked like Tatum had ample time to throw, (Good job O line on the pass blocking). Dont know what else to say !!! I agree with others, very sloppy game and somewhat pathetic. But I will take a W over a L !!!!!!!!!
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