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Everything posted by pngfan66

  1. OK here's a thought ! How about if we go get a voodoo doctor from New Orleans and bring back Tom Landry ? OK so a stupid thought, he prob doesn't have a masters degree anyway !!!!!!!! lol. OK so much talk going on about who they heard is appling for the job at PNG, but no one is brave enough to throw out any names from their sources. Do we know when or even if they will release the list of applicants ?
  2. Is the new stadium at the same location as the old stadium or did they build it at their new High School ?
  3. I personally hope that they choose a great coach that can build PNG's system from the middle schools up ! (If anyone applies) Heck even start before that. I have a son who played at Groves Middle School this year (8th) grade. I have to say the coaching there was terrible. There was no involvement from the high school as far as I could tell. GMS has some very good talent and size. My son is 5' 10" and weights 185, wears a size 12 shoe and those are getting to small. He started both ways most of the time. He has alot of friends who played with him and several of these boys are 6' - 6' 2", weighing in around 200 + !!! These kids are huge, not fat but thick ! I know they all seem to want to spend time at the house and eat everything that isn't nailed down ! I know Port Neches is loaded with talent and size as well. Any coach that is hired should really be in a great position to make some noise in the next 4-5 years. I truly believe PNG is on a up swing with talent and size. The JV had a great season and the Freshman team had one as well. We just need a coach who can see that talent and use it in the proper way and play the players who deserve to play and know how to play the game, who can pull the 110% from each and every kid. Not succumb to the pressures of a parent or school official or Board member. Play the players who can get the job done ! A coach who can adjust the offense and defense to the talent of the players. But to build a program to succeed year end and year out you have to start before the boys get into High School. Nederland for example has a rampted up program at both Middle Schools year end and year out, WHY ? because Neuman is involved at their level. PNG to the best of my knowledge isn't. I'm sure that most successful programs around the state have the High School HC and staff involved at the middle school level. This is just one example of what I felt PNG was lacking. I pray that the new HC/AD will be more involved with the boys in the middle schools. Some of you may disagree or agree, but this is just some of what I have observed over the last 10 years.
  4. Well the required aspect of it all to me is hogwash !!!!!!!!!!! I truly think that there are numerous very qualified coaches who would probably love to apply, butttttttttttt because its listed as "required" drops them automatically. Even if they were to say "hey, if I apply and get the job without a masters, but apply to get my masters will that work in order to get the job ?" Its sad to say that this simple little statement of "required" could very well "require" PNG to do another search in a very near future if no qualified candidates apply !!! Heck there are even college coaches that could apply from successful college programs, but wouldn't make it in the door because of a requirement. Sorry just ranting. I think the PNG board may be shooting themselves in the foot. Oh and the other rant, are they not going to allow a incoming HC to bring in his own people ?
  5. With the requirements that PNG has put forth, I think that we will shoot ourselves in the foot. A masters degree does hold alot of clout, but I truly don't think it is needed. That in itself shoots to many qualified candidates out of the water. Heck, most college and pro coaches don't even have a masters degree. The other thing is the time frame, along with all the other coaching positions available around the state. PNG is not the only high profile job opening. LCM or PAM may end up with a better coach than PNG. If that's the case then I am happy for them, they both deserve to bring their programs up from the bottom or near the bottom and to be more competitive in the districts. I am beginning to think that either PNG's Board wants to cause issues or that they already have a favorite in mind. I feel that the Masters requirement should be listed as "Preferred" not required. I can't wait to see how this plays out. If it goes in the wrong direction, then the next time around for voting, I truly think PNG will have alot of new board members. I've been to several Board meetings and I do get irritated at the arrogance from the board at times. Remember, board members are voted in and they can be voted out !!!!!!! Board members were voted in to their positions by the community to represent the community, the tax payers, etc, not to represent their own interest.
  6. Home with my Beautiful wife and kids !!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas to all and may all be blessed this coming New Year !!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Merry Christmas to all !!!! Santa came at 2 a.m and again at 4 a.m !!!!!!!! Six kids here !!!!!!! Yep had to break out the tools at 2 and had 2 cars delivered for my 2 teenage daughters at 4 ! So been up all night !!! Can't wait to take a nap after a big dinner today !!!!!! God Bless all and hope everyone has a safe and Happy Christmas !!!!!!!
  8. Ok so what is so impressive about Tatum's stadium ? PNG's is alot larger as far as seating capacity. All the home side concessions and restrooms are under the bleachers and if it starts raining you can go down there and stay dry. My only wish is that they would put some video monitors under the bleachers so that while your in line you can watch the game. I think the Res. will compete with about 80% of the stadiums in the state on usefullness and niceness !!! JMO.
  9. Great Job this year Bronco's !!!!! You did something no 4A team has done around here since 99 ! You have every right to have your heads up !!!
  10. Hope I'm wrong, but sounds like the Bronco's may be getting tired, or just can't contain SS offense.
  11. Dang Had to run to the store for my wife. Huge Christmas party tonight. Sounds like its a offensive game only so far. GO BRONCO's !!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Bronco's D has got to step it up !!! They should make some serious adjustments during halftime
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