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Everything posted by pngfan66

  1. Sorry to say this but......... No masters degree, then prob no LONG !!! He could end up at LCM. All depends on how they post their job for HC. Besides like the old saying goes, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"
  2. Thanks Coop Finally got it to work !!!!!!! GO BRONCO"S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pull it together at half and come out and take it to em !!!!!!!
  3. Cant get the feed of the game to come up !!!! Is there another site that may be broadcasting it ?
  4. Sorry Jags, looks like his knee was down before the ball came out. I know it sucks, but dang you guys went very deep in the playoffs !!! I was backing you all the way in ya'lls playoff run. What you guys have done is bring some excitement back into our district in the playoffs. I think you guys did what you could. I know it seemed like you were playing against the refs as well, I listened to the game. Use this and build on it for next year. Good luck ! Keep your heads up and be proud of what you have accomplished !!!
  5. Awsome !!!!!!! Go Bronco's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I'm not impressed with their running back much. Dayton should win ! Elgin O line looks slow. Daytons speed on D should hurt them espically if Dayton's D gets in the back field. Elgin O telegraphs their play with their pulling linemen. A good D coordinator will have his entire D keyed on that with a running attack O. Go Dayton the Tribe is pulling for you men as well as Ned and Central !!!
  7. My dad is a squid. He served back in the 60's on a sub. A old diesel sub at that with 44 other men. His sub was part of the Cuban blockade. He is heading back to Virginia in Dec for a reunion. Lost a uncle in Vietnam. Had a brother serve in the first Gulf War. Me I served 8 years in the Secret Service. I would like to say how much I appreciate all the veterans who have served and defended our country. We could not have what we have today without your sacrafices !!! Thank you all !!!!!!!
  8. OKAY so whom ever knows the story is not willing to spill the beans ? How about leaking the story out like they do in the political arena !!! Or you could put out the story (news) using an alias.... Kinda like in the Watergate story. You just cant use deepthroat its already been used !!!
  9. First off, PNG had the same O line this year as they did last year, minus Cortez. So why was PNG unable to perform ? Secondly, I think that MB let the OC run the Offensive side of the ball completely without accountability. I think in reality that by him letting that happen, he allowed the season to go down in flames. Yes I agree that MB should have put his size 12 on the OC's @#$ and told him to turn in his headphone !!! With the talent PNG had this year there is no excuse what so ever for the way this season happened to go. My thought is that come next year MB will be there and we will more than likely have a new OC. Yes I would love to see Long back coaching the the RES ! but I dont see it happening unless he is declared the head coach.
  10. If you sit back and look at this years mess and put some brain cells to use, most anyone can see that the root of the problem for PNG varsity is not MB, the blame should rest on the OC !!! His play calling is pathetic at best !!! Did not utilize the talent we did have available. I think the OC may have been hoping to foil this season with hopes of the higher aspiration as the new head coach !!! How's that for a conspiracy theory !!! :-X
  11. I do agree I think the boys on Varsity are not executing as they should. Look at the team this year, most of the boys on the offense were starting last year that are starting this year. I think that we had numerous talented boys this year. I think that some may have spent more time on sidelines than on the field. It is a coaches responsibility to discover and utilize that talent that I think any athlete can have if its not obvious yet. OK so once the talent is shown then the coaches need to utilize that talent in plays and play calling that will benefit the team. If a coach is astute enough he should realize that running the ball every down and not getting anywhere is not working. Hey change it up and mix it up some more. PNG has talent on the offensive side of the ball this year, I just think it wasn't used the way it could have been. Tatum throwing to DeRon more. DeRon is tall and has decent hands. I also noticed that the Tightends were not utilized very much this year. How many times have we (PNG FANS) sat in the stands and seen 2-3 open receivers on the field, but Tatum had to throw to the X receiver the play was designed for even though he was completely covered. What about the old days of the trick plays that PNG use to throw at everyone. I think I've seen one reverse play this year. I just feel that the offense should be adjusted to the talent that is available and that is on the field. The coaches should have let Tatum throw to who was the most open receiver. (like they let Long do ). I think Burnett is fine, I just think alot of the problems this year is on the hands of OC. Some on the players as well. Good thing is, is that this year is almost over for PNG. I hope there is some serious soul searching and possible changes that will benefit the players for next season and not benefit the coaches.
  12. Well Texans your sarcasm is only funny at best !!! By the way I played college ball and I do have a Degree !!! You never know PNG may win state in a few years. I never mentioned anything regarding speed, I was speaking about the size of several of the 8th grade boys ! Heck I think they could possibly win the 4 X 100 in track as well as a state title !!! Oh and by the way I would go and coach a middle school team for free !!! Why ? because of the Love of the game !!! My point was that at the Middle School level there needs to be taught the fundamentals of football and not settle or accept a minimal standard. With that being said, Burnett should be coaching and teaching and explaining to the Middle School coaches what he expects of them and what he wants those kids to learn !!! It will only increase the learning curve of the boys before they get into High School ! and at the Freshman and JV level it will only require fine tuning. One of the big problems that I have scene at PNG is the Offensive play calling !!! Same play after same play after same play. The opposing team knows what we are going to do and they stop us. Maybe we need a new OC and not a new Head Coach.
  13. HMMM..... I've had 1 son go thru the GMS football program, when Arneau was there, and he was on last years playoff team. I have one son in 8th grade now at GMS and I can only tell you that I am seriously disappointed in the coaching at GMS. No fundamental teaching, (blocking, tackling etc). I have had to take it upon myself to help teach my son at GMS how to block properly and keep his feet moving and how to properly tackle someone. I asked him why are you guys not blocking and moving your feet or going to where the defensive player is going to be in the play. He told me he was informed to just go straight up. As far as tackling I don't think they know how to tackle. Most of the time it looked like the D was dancing with the O !!! In my opinion the coaching at GMS really needs alot of help. No fundamental coaching etc.... GMS has some very large boys playing, some of them are 6 foot and over 190lbs already. I think there are several that are within the 5'9" range and around 180lbs. With 8th graders this size there is no reason what so ever that the offense can't score or move the ball. Why not ? the coaching !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think PNG will reload over the next 4-5 years and make the playoffs probably 3-5 times out of that. We have alot of size and tremendous talent coming up to the HS ! With the proper coaching these boys are going to be very dangerous !!!!
  14. Any word on J. Wright's injured leg ? Is it broken ?
  15. Well, I was at the game with my wife and two daughters, both younger than 11 and my 13 year old son. After the game we were walking back to our vehicle in the parking lot, and I struck up a conversation with a Lumberton fan. We were doing great talking about the game and I was wishing him good luck in the playoffs and hoped they go deep. When several lumberton fans walked by and started talking crap and saying profanities towards me and calling this lumberton fan a traitor for talking with a PNG fan. I told my wife to get into the Tahoe with the girls. I approached these unruly fans and told them that they needed to be more respectful of all the other people around and to stop the cussing. They told me f @#* off. Then they told me to shut the hell up or they would kick my AS@ ! like the football team kicked PNG's. Now I'm 6'2" and about 250. I just looked at them and laughed and told them to grow up and be real men ! The lumberton fan began to immediately apologize for them. I told him not to worry that I know some fans are truly terrible and that I know lumberton has a great fan following. As far as the game. PNG was doing well in the first half with its passing game. Come the second half we throw the ball, what 3 or 4 times. I think the problem is not Burnett overall, but the OC for PNG. Why run the ball up the middle when its stopped everytime. DeRon and Segura were open alot all night. With DeRon's height they could have lobbed a pass to him all night and I bet he would have come up with 75% of them. I don't know, I think the OC is just ridiculous. The PNG D did a great job, they were prepared more for this game than any other game so far this year. Great job PNG D !!! Good Job Lumberton, I will be pulling for you in the playoffs. Made the LaMarque game last year and I plan on trying to attend as many local teams playoff games as possible. I may not wear you teams shirt(s) but I do wear a PNG shirt just so you will see the area support for all the local teams. I think our district has a very good shot at going very deep this year !!!
  16. WELL !!! I am a big PNG supporter. However I can see the towel being thrown in for this season. I will be there whether winning or loosing !!! I wouldn't be a Indian supporter if I didn't cheer on the boys no matter what !!! I just find it strange that we had what 9 returners on the offense and I think only 2-3 on the defense. I just feel that our offense should be scoring a heck of alot more points than they have with so many returners. I know that with PNG's offense the QB currently has to throw to the X receiver for that particular pass play. (I could be wrong). I just noticed that on several passing plays that there have been several receivers open which would have led to TD's and maybe a different outcome on some of these losses. (just my opinion) We do have one heck of a QB ! and 2 very talented running backs and several agile receivers. Why can't they make it all come together and really do what this offense is capable of ? I have to say the play calling this year is worse than last years. The OC to me is really making some terrible offense calls. Its like he panics or something and goes away from what is working to what isn't working. I know last years group of Seniors were all very strong, enthusiastic leaders and wouldn't let a loss or being behind get them down. They just seemed to stay focused. Not to sure about this years Seniors. On the defense I think they should be putting some serious size on the D line. I see several boys on the sidelines who look very big and they stay on the sideline no matter what is happening. I have noticed that our D line is getting blown off the line. You can't win games with that happening. There are some big boys on the JV team that may help to make some bit of a change if they bring them up. The OC needs to let Tatum loose and let him throw to the most open receiver on the field instead of the X receiver. I know that Dustin Long threw to who was the most open and look how well that went. As far as tradition, you don't want to say you have a winning tradition when you only make the playoffs every 3-4 years. Look at Nederland, Dayton, WOS. They all seem to reload with great players year end and year out. I Don't say its necessarily the players as much as its the coaches ability to pull that talent and intensity out of their boys. I think we may be lacking that at PNG on several levels. I know that alot of the philosophy at PNG is that Seniors get the starting spot, but if you have Juniors or even Sophomores who are better then they need to play. The most talented players aren't always the starting players. I know I may get bashed from some of you on this post but I have stepped back and began to think after hearing from alot of the players from this year and years past. Yes I do believe that the winning tradition starts with the coaching staff looking seriously at who is the most talented and/or who has to the most potential to be great. just my two cents worth here.
  17. My thoughts... I've been to every PNG game so far this year. Daughter in the band !!! GO BAND !!!!!! Had a son play last year !!! and have had several family members play ball for PNG ! This years team in my opinion is very unorganized and seem to lack some serious motivation from within the team. I know there are some leaders on the team but I do feel they went into the season with a big head attitude thinking they were the team to beat and really didn't have much to prove. (just what I see). OKAY to reasoning here now. I'm not a coach, nor do I want to be a Monday Morning coach. My thought, wright is overrated and seems to fall way to easy when hit. Harmon seems to be the better back to me. Tatum has improved 100 fold over last season with his passing ability. I think the OC needs to let him throw to the open receivers instead of staying on course with the play that's called. In the game with Livingston the middle of the field was open all night. And after watching the video the one TD pass was over the middle. They need to throw to DeRon more and use his height to our advantage. Also more play action passing will open it up even more. The O line needs to settle down and get back to blocking and protecting our QB !!! Its almost the same OL as last year !!! Back when Long played he just went out and threw to the most open receiver. He checked off to the next and the next till someone got open and look how far we went that year. Our Defense really needs some serious changes in who is on the field. I've been to several practices and some of the guys who are riding the sideline in the games should be on the field. Also the JV team has some big kids with great speed they need to bring up and put in as well. I'm tired already of the predictability of the play calling. Every team knows what we are going to do and so far its killed us. Change it up even more than they have been trying to. If PNG can pull their heads out of the sand and focus and get some changes in place then they can prob win out the rest of the district schedule. If they play like they did against Nederland and Livingston then Vidor runs away with it Friday night. If PNG makes changes and works hard then PNG can walk away with a win. Either way this game will be alot closer than most would expect.
  18. HMMM ! not so confident as of yet regarding the Indian's. Especially after last night's game. I saw our Indians come out fired up but just fell apart within a few minutes. Our D really needs to have some serious work. Maybe they should try some of the other boys in different positions, maybe see what they have on the JV team. Ned shut down our running game pretty much. However, we did discover that we do have a decent passing game !!!!! I would like to see some play action pass attack game with some of the old Indian trick plays. I'm just not very confident in our Defense. Another note: Way to many penalties !!!! I agree that we need to mix up the Offense more, now that we have a passing ability. I could rant, but I think the way it went last night says enough about what needs to be done !!!
  19. I hate that our boys lost to LC. I have to say that I felt we had to not only play LC but the entire officiating crew as well. That was probably the worse officiating crew I have ever seen in a game in 10 years. PNG had numerous penalties that were called on them. But LC should have been flagged all night long for Offensive holding, pass interferrence, cheap shots etc.... It just seemed like the refs would let LC do what they wanted but if PNG looked crossed eyed they were flagged. I cant tell you how many times our players on defense were drug down to the ground by the jersery by the LC line and NO FLAG !!!. The BS flag on Tatum for intentional grounding was ridiculous !!! Hemmings was right there when he threw it. Johnson was mauled all night long as well as Doty and they only called I believe 1 interferrence call. Just a terribly officiated game by these REFS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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