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Posts posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. O'Reilly's character is hilarious, yelling over people he disagrees with, calling people pinheads, etc. I watch it for entertainment


    You were watching O'Reilly?   How can this be?  After all, you have stated that you don't pay attention to any biased networks( and we all know how biased you believe Fox is) and confine your viewing to the unbiased Al Jazeera and BBC.  What has happened?

  2. Funny you say this, I was watching O'Reilly last night and they were discussing how the GOP won't nominate him because he'll lose in the general.


    I can't think of any possible Republican candidate that makes liberals foam at the mouth and convulse like Ted Cruz does. Well, maybe Ted Nugent, but anyway...
    Ted Cruz is one of the only candidates I can think of that has done exactly what he promised. He campaigned on repealing Obamacare, and he hasn't let up since elected. I honestly believe that the mainstream press will do everything possible to discredit Ted Cruz. He knows this and chose to forge ahead anyway. May God bless Ted Cruz!

  3. That's not even close to the same thing.

    Questioning someone's ethnicity/religion/etc based off NOTHING is significantly different than blaming someone for events that happened.

    Bush was blamed for the levies breaking....blamed for the Iraq war....

    I'm not even an Obama fan. You guys acknowledge most black people blindly defend Obama because he's black but won't admit that he also gets extra hate because he's black? Come on mannnn
  4. Was Bush ever accused of being a Muslim from Kenya? And did he have to provide his birth certificate to the whole country? The "long form" birth certificate?

    Sad part.. Many people still beleive he's a Muslim from Kenya.

    I thought President Bush was white......but he MUST be black based on your logic.

  5. Do you low brain activity voters not understand fox has a monopoly on conservative slanted news?

    Also, who brags about being the most trusted? Conservadumbs for whatever reason think fox isn't part of the main stream media because of confirmation bias.

    I can't tell if you guys are trolls or seriously this naive.
  6. lol you're kidding right?

    Do you want scientists to not change their positions when new information and scientific breakthroughs come out?

    If the change was made because something was wrong, it indicates to me that science is far less than as exact than some portray it to be. The FDA had a position recommending baby aspirin for daily use for people at risk for heart attacks for a very long time.  They have now reversed that position.  Who is to say that it may not be reversed time and again?

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