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Posts posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. I think he was just using some of the dumb logic often spouted here by the conservidumbs

    Your question implies that I think we should be like Iran and North Korea in every aspect. Kinda like me saying a running back runs like Walter Peyton. The next question is, " Are you saying he is as good as Walter Peyton?"
    I don't think we have to be a communist rogue country like Korea, or whatever you call Iran to protect our borders. Why take it to the extreme? I don't want anyone trespassing on my property, why would I allow anyone to trespass on my country?

  2. I knew you were an undercover communist

    I'll say it! YES. No one is perfect in all areas, improvement should always be the goal....some very good people (countries) may have a bad quality or 2, whereas some very bad people (countries) may have some good qualities....
    in the secured border discussion - yes, we could learn a thing or 2 from North Korea and the likes!

  3. Now the believers here are playing the victim, lol

    Many atheists do...they also (the ones I've dealt with anyway) can't leave well enough alone and simply disagree, they try to belittle the beliefs of believers in an effort to make themselves feel better about their own beliefs / non-beliefs.

  4. Quick Google search -

    You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. (NKJ, Leviticus 18:22)

    If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)

    Can you show me in the Bible where God hates gay people?

  5. What does the Old Testament say about gay people?

    If the bible is the word of God then it's not open for interpretation. You can't twist and turn what's in it to fit your viewpoints.

    Either :

    1) God hates gays and being gay is a choice
    2) God hates gays but made gay people anyway (smart idea right?)
    3) The bible is stupid

    I respectfully point out that you appear to be judging all "religious people" without knowing them and judging the contents of the bible without reading it.
    Back to the original question; Does God love homosexuals?  YES

  6. I went to church and all that fun stuff when I was younger.

    Fortunately for me, I'm extremely intelligent and realized as I got older that the whole concept just sounds incredibly retarded.

    Muslims in Pakistan are using the exact same arguments Christians use to defend their religion. "Word of Muhammad!" = "word of Jesus". Seriously, just sit there and think about it for a minute.

    So you were raised by parents that brainwashed you to believe in no God...or are you somehow exempt from the brainwashing process but we aren't?

    My parents don't go to church anymore and I suspect they're not believers anymore either. Or they fall into the "want to beleive, but deep down know it's all bull" category.
  7. They were brainwashed since early age. Just like Santa and the tooth fairy.

    If they were born in Pakistan they'd be telling us how great Mohammed or whoever is.

    If they were born in ancient greece they'd be preaching about Zeus or Apollo

    If they were born to a native American tribe in the 1300s they'd be telling us about the sun god.

    They just don't get it..

    Here is a good question, were you born (insert your religion) ? Or were you taught to be (insert you religion)? Or did you choose to be (insert your religion)?

  8. I'm a compassionate person, sometimes. I must at least attempt to enlighten the low information voters with my wisdom.

    If your mental capacity is so superior and you are not a low info voter, why do you spend so much time having exchanges with the "unenlightened"?  Isn't there another board that has only Mensa members where you would be more comfortable and more intellectually challenged and where your peers would comprehend/ appreciate your perspective?

  9. BBC and Al Jazeera.

    Every outlet has it's biases, but at least those two aren't blatantly pro Obama / anti Obama like MSNBC and Fox, respectively. Also avoid the websites that smitty always gets his "news" from. Always listen to both sides argument and use your brain.

    Replaced by who or what?

  10. Because you and your buddies here are low information voters, duh!

    Those low information brains can only process what the lame stream media tells them.

    It would appear that nobody thinks your enlightened post and response to your own post are as "enlightened" as you believe.

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