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Posts posted by EnlightenedMessiah

  1. You don't have to smoke an entire joint though.. Or by yourself. Plenty of people take one or two hits and go outside and live fully functional lives.

    Marijuana is definitely easier to get than beer for underage kids. Your kid might be able to grab a few days out your fridge but will you buy him 2 18 packs for some party? His friend since 4th grade just so happens to sell weed.. And will drop off a couple grams with a simple text message.

    Personally, I wouldn't want my kid smoking weed while in grade school. College I don't care, just keep your grades up. im fine with drinking at long as he doesn't drive

    You both basically asked me the same question, so here it goes.....
    In my experience, you can drink a beer and not be drunk.....you smoke a joint, you are stoned.
    People, including me for a couple years in my younger days tend to smoke daily or a few times a week.....it made me lazy and unproductive.......
    Beer is something I do typically on a weekend.....or with a meal.
    So, in my experience, I would rather my Son drink a few beers with me on a fishing trip, or by a campfire than smoke a joint with his friends.....and even though I don't consider it a horrible drug, even legal I would NEVER smoke a joint with my Son.....

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