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Everything posted by td

  1. Congrats Zach. Texas State is getting a good player and a good kid.
  2. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1021126" timestamp="1309288875"] [quote author=bballgod link=topic=85264.msg1021119#msg1021119 date=1309287020] Did this even get posted on the coach's website?  Less than a week since Bennett resigned. [/quote] Actually, something that I learned is that there is no provision in either the Texas Education Code or any codes or regulations set out by the TEA requiring a job opening to be posted.....it was a huge surprise to me. [/quote] Not sure if it's law or more standard practice but it seems as if a school hires from within they don't normally post the job.
  3. Just lost a player due to injury. We play our World Series in Gulf Shores, AL July 6-10. We need a player that can also pitch. If interested please call Stephen Patterson at 409-670-5474 or Tony Dallas at 882-1943.
  4. [quote name="queenb77630" post="1014402" timestamp="1306446200"] [quote author=td link=topic=84400.msg1013528#msg1013528 date=1306161258] [quote author=queenb77630 link=topic=84400.msg1012604#msg1012604 date=1305841296] well I guess my son won't be playing next year because I think Landry is a smart butt.  Anyone who calls the kids "f(*&ing punks" and doesn't care that he says it in front of a parent deserves and gets no respect from me! [/quote] Well I can tell you he coaches the 11U team For Gulf Coast Baseball and I have never heard him speak like that with them or with the high school boys. You must have him confused. I can't say he didn't say that but those words are not the kind of words Coach Landry uses. He is very well respected by parents and players. He demands the kids respect of him and the game. I'm very excited for WOS baseball. If this is what you heard him say then your son shouldn't play. If someone told you this story I recommend you get your own opinion. I for one am very excited about having Coach Landry and realize that he has a marathon to run and not a sprint. It will be an uphill battle. False rumors will not help him get kids out to play. Congrats Coach we are very excited to have you. Tony Dallas [/quote] Tony: you know me, I don't go by "hear say".  I heard it!  He may have been having a bad day that time.  He may have been having problems that is none of anyone's business; however, he needs to conduct himself in a proper manner in front of the young people.  He may be a good man; however, on this particular day and time, he showed something other then that to me. [/quote] I would hate to have my lifes work judged by one statement. You said you would not allow your son to play because he was a smart butt. You have condemned the man based on one statement. I stand by statement that he is not that kind of man or coach. I think your statement is very unfair. I can promise you I have made mistakes in my life that absolutely include getting caught up in the moment and saying some things I probably shouldn't have and I only coach youth sports. My guess is that most coaches would tell you the same thing. If he is the only coach you have ever heard use that language then you haven't been listening to high school sports. I stand by Coach Landry and what he stands for and the kind of coach and man that he is. He will be good for our kids and I would have my boys play for him any day. Again I think you getting on here and making the statement that you made is very unfair to him but that is just my opinion.
  5. Good luck Coach. Once a Mustang always a Mustang. I know you know that.
  6. Congratulations to both young men. Anthony definately sets an example for catchers and how to play the position, especially young catchers. I have used him as an example on more than one occasion. Congrats to the Babino's and good luck to both boys as they move to the next level.
  7. [quote name="Pitch Count" post="1013635" timestamp="1306187493"] [quote author=77 link=topic=84400.msg1012887#msg1012887 date=1305917075] [quote author=queenb77630 link=topic=84400.msg1012876#msg1012876 date=1305916006] So you men/women think its okay for a coach/teacher to say such things in front of parents and young children?  [color=blue]I don't![/color]  If they feel the need to say such things to their players, then say it where no one but them can hear it! I don't expect them (the coaches) to be all surgery sweet to the players; however, when they (the coaches) are in the presence of the parents (aka: supporters) and young children, WATCH YOUR MOUTH! For whoever said my son deserved it: you are a real piece of work.  Just for the record my son did not play that game; he was sick.  I was still there though, supporting the kids.  Working the concession stand.  Buying the sodas.  Ordering the shirts to support the team.  As a matter of fact, it was the same day that I turned in the sponsorship money that I had collected for the baseball program.  [b][color=blue]Don't talk about what you don't know![/color][/b]I know Coach Rojas would get onto the players; however, I don't recall ever hearing him curse like that in public.  Practices yes, NOT in public for everyone to hear. As far as Coach T; I loved him when he was my PE coach in high school and I would have been furious had he not been appointed as AD.  I think he will do a wonderful job.  He has the knowledge, expertise, and personality that just makes him such a wonderful man.  I'm sad to see Coach Hooks go; but couldn't ask for a better replacement. [/quote]I dont think that kind of language should be used on the field ever but it happens and keeping your son off the team will only hurt one person and its not the coach. [/quote] Don't stand too close to the dugout . . . You may be surprised what kind of language your kid is hearing from his peers . . . don't think it starts in High School either . . . Pull your head from the sand and teach him to rise above, not run from what he hears around him.  If you've done [b]your[/b] job and set the proper example he should realize what is "right" and act accordingly. [/quote] That may be the best post on this thread including mine.  ;D
  8. [quote name="smitty" post="1012382" timestamp="1305772864"] There is not a narrow definition of education.  You know what's important and I know what's important.  And it's NOT a game!!  It's good if you can but it's still a GAME!!!!! [quote author=PN-G bandkid link=topic=84302.msg1012372#msg1012372 date=1305771953] [quote author=smitty link=topic=84302.msg1012310#msg1012310 date=1305758319] I have pretty well answered these questions in the past.  Here goes again:  You keep repairing when something happens.  So my question, as before, why were not the repairs kept up with??  No new taxes.  No new bonds until all questions are answered.  And all effort is put into getting the BEST EDUCATION while efficiently taking care of the tax payers dollars.  And if that means cutting extra-curricular activities, then so be it.  Threats of people moving to other school districts does not phase me.  If there are those that are just there to do extra-curricular activities, then we don't need them!!  I say give me your child, you'll have a safe LEARNING environment. We'll see to it that your child will get the best education around.  Plus we won't rape you as a tax payer!! [/quote] That depends on your definition of education; obviously, yours is very narrow. Academia, of course, is the primary focus of any school district. However, that is not all there is to education. Extracurricular activities do something that pure academics cannot. While academic knowledge is incredibly useful, what cannot be taught in the traditional classroom setting in any serious manner are values. Core values and skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, work ethic, leadership, social behaviors, and other things of that sort simply cannot be imparted to a generation through a pen, paper, and textbook. Those are things that come to students through activities and groups such as the band, drill team, various sports teams, FCCLA, FFA, and National Honors Society. In order to round out and complete an education, those things must be involved. All the knowledge in the world will not help a group of students if they don't know how to act, work together, or accomplish a goal. [/quote] [/quote] Many a life lessons have been learned from playing those games.
  9. [quote name="adminbaberuth" post="1012610" timestamp="1305842570"] Might be a record, promoted at lunch and before the bell rang calling for his head.I could be wrong on the bell, I'm 2 hour difference in time zones today. [/quote] We will not let one persons opinion do harm and or slow down any momentum Coach Landry can get. Trust me on this one.
  10. [quote name="queenb77630" post="1012604" timestamp="1305841296"] well I guess my son won't be playing next year because I think Landry is a smart butt.  Anyone who calls the kids "f(*&ing punks" and doesn't care that he says it in front of a parent deserves and gets no respect from me! [/quote] Well I can tell you he coaches the 11U team For Gulf Coast Baseball and I have never heard him speak like that with them or with the high school boys. You must have him confused. I can't say he didn't say that but those words are not the kind of words Coach Landry uses. He is very well respected by parents and players. He demands the kids respect of him and the game. I'm very excited for WOS baseball. If this is what you heard him say then your son shouldn't play. If someone told you this story I recommend you get your own opinion. I for one am very excited about having Coach Landry and realize that he has a marathon to run and not a sprint. It will be an uphill battle. False rumors will not help him get kids out to play. Congrats Coach we are very excited to have you. Tony Dallas
  11. [quote name="venom33" post="1012312" timestamp="1305759043"] I heard Riojas is out as head coach as of today... if thats correct I say Fackler throws his hat in the ring!   ;) [/quote] I would bet alot of money that won't happen.
  12. [quote name="BCgrad05" post="1012316" timestamp="1305759642"] WOS chances to do anything were last yr & this yr..I pull for em but it's gonna be tough from here on out..next yr y'all should contend but after that I'm not sure. [/quote] We have a few kids coming in that will be freshmen and then not sure about the class after that but the ones after that have several players also. We will definately have some work to do. Tough to put too much pressure on freshmen. Hopefully they will work hard and continue to get better.
  13. [quote name="piratefan" post="1012217" timestamp="1305731090"] [quote author=td link=topic=84347.msg1012213#msg1012213 date=1305730308] Seriously?? Really? Is that where you want to go? What kind of "hit" was it? Please tell us. If only we could ask his dad. [/quote]from what i hear it was one of the hardest hit balls of the day...lol   ;D ;D ;D but I wouldnt know hot to get in touch with the "dad". [/quote] More like one of the hardest hit balls that kid has ever hit in his life. Now that is more accurate. Just don't tell his dad I said so. lol  ;D
  14. Seriously?? Really? Is that where you want to go? What kind of "hit" was it? Please tell us. If only we could ask his dad.
  15. [quote name="scapegoat" post="1011686" timestamp="1305602185"] You would definitely need to have the middle school location at Central because it has the stadium there for Track and Football.Is a interesting idea though. [/quote] You have me befuddled. If that's a word. I looked it up and the definition of befuddled is  ???
  16. Tony Dallas- Drafted MLB Detroit Tigers Not true. Only played at Panola before ending playing days with shoulder injury. Unless of course someone knows something I don't lol.
  17. [quote name="Castor27" post="1011644" timestamp="1305595228"] Congrats. Heard the championship game was a good one. [/quote] It was  a great game against a good team. They killed the ball all game long. They are one of those teams that you enjoy playing because you know its going to be a very competitive but friendly game.
  18. [quote name="BBDad" post="1011603" timestamp="1305581747"] Congrats guys.  Nothing like winning one in the bottom half of the inning.  Those are fun games to be in...especially if you win. ...Chad [/quote] Those are tough games to forget when you lose them but if you play enough it happens to all of us. Very fun to win. Actually had to score 6 with 2 outs to win but it happened. It did bring back memories when it happened to us and we lost last year.
  19. Not sure about a 4 peet but they will have a track to practice on. thanks to the community for getting out and voting for this bond for the kids. Big ups to the track team for another title and new records. Mustangs we need to keep the momentum going. Let's right this ship.
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