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Everything posted by westend1

  1. No, but with Republicans in charge of everything, I thought he might follow through with his promises. It's not even in the budget. The fact that you don't acknowledge that is funny
  2. And, i can show plenty of evidence that lowering taxes doesn;t reduce the debt. Especially a deal that mostly benefits the top 10%
  3. So, does that mean you agree with Trump here?
  4. He thinks it would be "an honor" to meet NK's dictator. He's a smart "cookie". I remember all the apology tour critics. Where have they gone?
  5. So let's elect a king. Benevolent rulers have proved to be the most effective
  6. Apparently, he is pre med and likes to quote bible scripture. Maybe he has mental issues. We shall see.
  7. hahahahaha. You got fooled by the con man.
  8. You don't care because you are would rather China screw us than admit that trump lied about it. Cool
  9. yet he refused to do to China what he promised. Explain that please
  10. Did he, or did he not say the he would declare them money manipulators from day1? If you deny it, you are a sad little man
  11. Yes he did. "Please , I didn't mean it. You are not money manipulators. Please help us with NK>" What a crock
  12. Like the one he did to China?
  13. These guys don't believe in religion. I don't believe that they give a crap about allah. They want power and money.
  14. It's certainly not gun control laws, as was suggested in this thread
  15. Any idea how many cities have worse gun violence per capita?
  16. Golf, the wall, jail Hillary, repeal Obamacare, wiretapping, declare China money manipulators, and the weakest growth in three years. This could have something to do with it
  17. uhhhh...that's not why Trump is so unpopular
  18. If Cruz thinks(which he admits he doesn't) that we can forfeit assets out of Mexico, then he is sadly mistaken. Did he say we would get 14 billion, or did he say IF we got them, we could apply it to the wall? There is a distinction, you must know
  19. This is all you are aware of? hmm
  20. LOL Name calling''''video from Fox news...name calling Good job
  21. The stock market loves deficit spending. Ask Nash
  22. Quit deflecting. You said the wall would be paid for out of El Chapo's assets. i pointed out how crazy that was and asked you to tell me how that would work. crickets
  23. What female dog? Are you losing it over this?
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