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Everything posted by westend1

  1. Any evidence she gave it to Russia?, Of course not. Tell me. Who saw any of it?
  2. Uh, no. If the universe is 14 billion years old, there is no reason to believe that advanced life could form and find us by now. I think there is likely life out there, based on the mathematics , but finding us is almost impossible.
  3. LOL Hillary had 8 classified emails on a private server. They werent classified when she put them on there, but ok. No evidence anybody saw them but the chant is "put her in jail". Now, Trump turns over classified info to Russia. The response seems to be, so what?
  4. One of the dumbest posts ever. Some conservative feel free to disagree. What are you even trying to say?
  5. the Democrat party has been taken over by looney Liberals. What has taken over the Republican party?
  6. Do you think John McCain would be president if he had run as a Democrat instead of Hillary? I would have voted for him.
  7. You aren't that obtuse. The article is sad
  8. Nobody can say that the Russian release of emailed cost her the election. But, since it was pretty close, nobody can say it didn't
  9. Lol. Rosenstein had apparently threatened to quit after being blamed for this fiasco
  10. If you guys truly believe that comey was fired because is his comments about Hillary then you are worse off than I thought
  11. Lol. No, Nixon just fired the ag, the deputy ag, and the special prosecutor. Still known as the Saturday night massacre.
  12. Do you trust whoever trump picks now? His spokeswoman said the investigation has gone on too long. I doubt there is much of a connection between trump and Russia, but haven't you seen enough to cause some concern? Having sessions, who lied to congress about his own Russian connections, make this decision, should be cause for concern
  13. So someone explain why a guy who recused himself from this issue after lying to congress should be making any recommendations
  14. Lol. A deputy made this call? You are kidding, right?
  15. Isn't this the same guy who was recused from the investigation?
  16. Is a preexisting condition a life decision? I went to school for 7 years. Still doesn't bother me to try to get everyone covered. Btw. You will still pay for their health coverage. Nobody goes without
  17. Republican legislators liked this policy well enough to offer it in a new amendment. They do not, however, seem to like it enough to have it apply to themselves and their staff. A spokesperson for Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ), who authored this amendment, confirmed this was the case: Members of Congress and their staff would get the guarantee of keeping these Obamacare regulations. Health law expert Tim Jost flagged this particular issue to me.
  18. Obamacare didn;t help you. It helped those who couldn't afford insurance or those who had pre existing conditions. I don't care about Obamacare. I was just asking if this new bill is what you were expecting.
  19. Is this what you voted for? Do you like it?
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