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About a week ago

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Everything posted by About a week ago

  1. East Chambers will also join Anahuac with a soccer team next season. Our new turf field will also be a soccer field!
  2. Add EC to that list, turf field should be started within the next month or so.
  3. I'm talking about travel, their drives will be from 80-180 miles roughly.
  4. We could have the nightmare that Navasota has...
  5. We will only have to play in Hempstead one time in the next two years, and that's not even a bad drive. The other two are pretty easy drives, and it gives us some new teams we haven't got a chance to play.
  6. East Chambers Wk 1 - Beaumont Kelly Wk 2 - TBA Wk 3 - TBA Wk 4 - Shelbyville Wk 5 - Newton I will edit this post as I find out games. Still trying to fill Wk 2 and 3.
  7. EC will be young, but I still think will compete just fine in this district. We won district last year at the JV and 8th grade level, so I don't know what you mean by "don't have anything coming up"... This will be more of a reloading year, this groups coming up might be the brightest we have ever seen. They will have their bumps just like every young team, but I think will compete in district play. This district has a lot of question marks, but only time will tell.
  8. Welcome LaMarque, Hempstead, and Hitchcock!
  9. Sure would like to see Kirbyville, or Buna! Maybe both
  10. Is it only me, or are all of yall only hearing music?? Was hoping to catch what Sutherland was saying
  11. Alot of Dallas schools move to 4A, could make a difference come state tournament time...
  12. I'm sorry I meant to say more impressive, if you read my prior post I was wondering why Davis was on a list and Foster was not!
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