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  1. Haha
    CardinalBacker reacted to Unwoke in Trump Running in 2024   
    Awe…dat hurt my feelings. 😂
    I am not going to vote anymore. 🤣
  2. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Trump Running in 2024   
    That’s the difference between you and me… I don’t need someone to tell me what I saw with my own eyes… Trump and Rudy riling up the crowd, then marching down to the Capitol on Trump’s instruction…. Then all hell broke loose. I saw thousands of photos of damage sustained at the Capitol, watched insurrectionists storm the chambers of congress, doors and windows broken, policeman beaten… even one of the marauders was killed trying to break into one of the chambers. I don’t need some Trump apologist to make excuses for what I saw. 
    You, on the other hand, believe a fairy tale about “election fraud” without even a single photo, video, arrest, or even substantiated allegation that it ever happened. You believe in things unseen, and lie to yourself that things you actually saw weren’t real. 
    That’s what weak men do. 
  3. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Trump Running in 2024   
    But I am morally obligated if I decide that, in light of Trump’s repugnant behavior since I last voted for him, I can no longer vote for him.
    I don’t know if any of you all are ex-military (I seriously doubt it, because military men typically don’t whine as badly as y’all) but you would actually be in violation of your oath to defend the Constitution if you voted for someone who has tried to usurp the constitution and hang onto power after losing the election in 2020. 
    A literal traitor. 
  4. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Unwoke in Trump Running in 2024   
    Can you do one that says “picture of Unwoke every time I tell him to put his money where his mouth is?”
    The fact that this board is almost entirely hardcore trumpsters and people who lack the character to stand up against what they know is wrong, it’s remarkable that every single one of you know he’s going to lose again in 2024. If you believed that he was going to win, you’d put up your $$$$.  Your silence just confirms that you know deep down in your hearts that  CB is right…. Trump is about to get done to him what he did to Jean Carroll. 
  5. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Unwoke in Trump Running in 2024   
    He’s run twice and ended up losing the popular vote. If the plan is to elect a guy that over half of the country can’t stand, it’s not going to work very many times and the whole thing will fall over on itself. 
    Instead of finding somebody that will appeal to more than just the hardcore ideologists, we keep a guy that most people can’t stand and won’t vote for.  It’s insane. 
    Donald Trump should t get any Republican votes after the way he treats other republicans. 
    But old white dudes who wish they could walk around and act like trump won’t have it any other way, and it’s not only cost us in the last three cycles, it’s setting us up to suffer for years to come. 
    The idea that “dems are bad so we need somebody more hateful than them” is just stupid.  Literally all you need to win is someone more likable than Biden. But we’d rather nominate trump and lose. 
  6. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Trump Running in 2024   
    He’s run twice and ended up losing the popular vote. If the plan is to elect a guy that over half of the country can’t stand, it’s not going to work very many times and the whole thing will fall over on itself. 
    Instead of finding somebody that will appeal to more than just the hardcore ideologists, we keep a guy that most people can’t stand and won’t vote for.  It’s insane. 
    Donald Trump should t get any Republican votes after the way he treats other republicans. 
    But old white dudes who wish they could walk around and act like trump won’t have it any other way, and it’s not only cost us in the last three cycles, it’s setting us up to suffer for years to come. 
    The idea that “dems are bad so we need somebody more hateful than them” is just stupid.  Literally all you need to win is someone more likable than Biden. But we’d rather nominate trump and lose. 
  7. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Unwoke in Trump Running in 2024   
    Oh, it’s not about support… it’s about me disagreeing with the sheeple but being right… even if I’m alone. I’m wagering on whether or not I’m right when I say “Trump will not be inaugurated in January of 2025” and other people saying “oh, yes he will!” And if you already know trump can’t win, why are they still pushing for him? That’s just straight loser mentality.  
  8. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Biden Crime Family Panics: DoJ Trying to ARREST and SILENCE Devon Archer Before Bombshell Testimony!   
    As always, “The Biden Crime Family” as the title implies consists of exactly three charges against Hunter Biden… two for tax evasion and one for toting a firearm. 
    On the other hand, you’ve got the twice-impeached, three-time (fourth pending) indicted, 0-200 in civil cases, beat down in three consecutive election cycles, often bankrupted RAPIST named Donald J. Trump.
    Yeah, y’all are backing the wrong horse again. 
  9. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Biden Crime Family Panics: DoJ Trying to ARREST and SILENCE Devon Archer Before Bombshell Testimony!   
    THERE WERE NUCLEAR SECRETS.  Find new sources. 
  10. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Reagan in Trump is Sexual Predator   
    I know you guys are all about victim shaming, but the rest of the country isn't.

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    That makes the score 
    Trump with one win and about 150 losses in the courtroom at this point.... if you count it as a "win" when Trump's lawyers got a judgment for their fees against Stormy Daniels (the porn star with which Trump cheated on his wife) for their fees only... trump didn't win a nickel.  
    Talk about a clown show. 
    1. Trump pays prostitute/porn star for extramarital sex.
    2.  Porn Star decides to sell her story to the media.
    3.  Trump Attorney Michael Cohen pays "hush money" to said porn star, err..... "adult actress."
    4.  The whole world finds out about the affair anyways
    5.  Trump Attorney goes to prison and gets disbarred for using campaign funds to pay said prostitute "but not for Trump, wink, wink..."
    6.  Trump gets indicted for the same thing in NYC in 2023.
    Trumpskins:  "he's the best president we've ever had!  MAGA 2024!!!!!
  11. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Unwoke in Biden Crime Family Panics: DoJ Trying to ARREST and SILENCE Devon Archer Before Bombshell Testimony!   
    Well, y'all aren't worried about national security in regards to Trump showing off top secret docs to anybody who wants a peek, "safekeeping" them in his shower and trying to hide them from their rightful curators.  If Trumpskins cared about national security, Trump wouldn't be leading in the polls right now.  
    Hypocrites.   All of you.  
  12. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to SmashMouth in Local Murders   
    Isn't that the damned truth...
  13. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Reagan in Local Murders   
    The sad thing is that the people who need that education the most are ones least capable of grasping the concepts. 
    I used to always say that a human life wasn’t worth as much in the Middle East or Africa… but now there are a lot of communities in the USA where a human life is worth no more than a parking spot, quarter ounce of weed, or some other perceived slight or insult. 
  14. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Big girl in It’s the craziest thing…   
    God forbid someone have a point of view that wasn’t mined off of some right wing echo chamber’s Twitter feed. 
  15. Thanks
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Big girl in It’s the craziest thing…   
    We agree, buddy… right up until the end. There are more choices than Democrat or Trump. That’s what has me fired up. 
    If you look at how much worse things got between 2015 and 2020. The first time anybody noticed Trump he was at the debates insulting the other candidates (Sleepy Jeb, Lying Ted, etc…). Move forward a few years and it turned into outright hatred between Trump/supporters and EVERYBODY. Democrats, media, the Justice department, other republicans, employees… literally… there’s not a single person, organization, or institution that Trump hasn’t had huge problems with.  You know that old saying “if everyone you meet is a hole, it’s not them that’s the hole?” Trump is the problem. 
    He’s literally turned on every person that he’s come in contact with.  Every cabinet member that left. He’s been crappy to every person that you can think of, and his followers try to follow his lead in real life and it’s repulsive… and it’s led to defeats in the last three election cycles with more looming in the future. People overlook concrete evidence (phone calls to election officials trying to force them to “recalculate” votes and declare Trump the winner, sending fake electors to Washington to replace the ones who were actually sent there by their states, trying to force Pence to illegally hand the election to Trump in the Senate, outright lies about voting irregularities… actual proof of all of those things, and instead believe whole-heartedly in outright, confessed lies that were told with zero evidence.  Guys like one here who says “I don’t care what they say… I’ll go to my grave believing that the election was stolen.”  That’s a fool, plain and simple. 
    Trump isn’t the only option.  And if good people would have acknowledge who he is, instead of overlooking all of the flaws, misdeeds, and abjectly poor results of electing him in the first place, he wouldn’t be leading the other Rs right now.  He’d be hanging out with Bob Casey, Anthony Weiner, Tom DeLay, and the rest of the failed politicians who came before him. But he’s not, thanks to a bunch of numbskulls who claim to be patriotic/conservatives when in reality they’re just Trump fans, period.  
  16. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to WOSdrummer99 in West Orange-Stark 2023   
    Exactly. They also had their focus on us. Knowing it was their chance and took full advantage. Hope they keep the focus again. Don't think they're coming to DRH to face the '22 team again. We've got some seniors that still have that winning mentality that has been instilled in them since they were old enough to hold a football. Everyone's back and ready to roll. Kids were working hard this morning. Pushing each other just as much as the coaches were. Now we need to get our fan base back in the game and show em some love.
  17. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Unwoke in It’s the craziest thing…   
    We agree, buddy… right up until the end. There are more choices than Democrat or Trump. That’s what has me fired up. 
    If you look at how much worse things got between 2015 and 2020. The first time anybody noticed Trump he was at the debates insulting the other candidates (Sleepy Jeb, Lying Ted, etc…). Move forward a few years and it turned into outright hatred between Trump/supporters and EVERYBODY. Democrats, media, the Justice department, other republicans, employees… literally… there’s not a single person, organization, or institution that Trump hasn’t had huge problems with.  You know that old saying “if everyone you meet is a hole, it’s not them that’s the hole?” Trump is the problem. 
    He’s literally turned on every person that he’s come in contact with.  Every cabinet member that left. He’s been crappy to every person that you can think of, and his followers try to follow his lead in real life and it’s repulsive… and it’s led to defeats in the last three election cycles with more looming in the future. People overlook concrete evidence (phone calls to election officials trying to force them to “recalculate” votes and declare Trump the winner, sending fake electors to Washington to replace the ones who were actually sent there by their states, trying to force Pence to illegally hand the election to Trump in the Senate, outright lies about voting irregularities… actual proof of all of those things, and instead believe whole-heartedly in outright, confessed lies that were told with zero evidence.  Guys like one here who says “I don’t care what they say… I’ll go to my grave believing that the election was stolen.”  That’s a fool, plain and simple. 
    Trump isn’t the only option.  And if good people would have acknowledge who he is, instead of overlooking all of the flaws, misdeeds, and abjectly poor results of electing him in the first place, he wouldn’t be leading the other Rs right now.  He’d be hanging out with Bob Casey, Anthony Weiner, Tom DeLay, and the rest of the failed politicians who came before him. But he’s not, thanks to a bunch of numbskulls who claim to be patriotic/conservatives when in reality they’re just Trump fans, period.  
  18. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Unwoke in It’s the craziest thing…   
    Not policies… results of him being involved since 2016. We lost the house, senate and president between ‘18-20. Overall approval for Republican/conservatives is at all-time lows. So much damage was done to our political standing abroad. Just imagine that England suddenly had a foul-mouthed bully as their head of state who cheated on his nude model wife with pornstars, then tried to overturn an election through violence AFTER he demeaned our entire election process without a single shred of evidence. (But why did they stop counting instead of going non-stop for 96 hours? Cheating!) Even the most vocal election deniers such as Rudy have admitted that it was all a lie… but unwoken fools aren’t ready to give up their fantasy yet. 
    The man literally tried to steal a fair election and stop the peaceful transfer of power… but the “patriots” still have his back. 
    You have a rapist who a majority of ignorant people who claim to be “conservatives” support, even though it’s been proven he can’t win again. They’d literally rather vote trump and elect a democrat than win the actual election. 
    They’ll ignore the mountain of tangible evidence of criminal misdeeds by Trump and his co-conspirators and instead profess faith in thing unseen… like any evidence of election tampering. Only fools are still supporting Trump at this point. I said it… only fools.  
    Trump and MAGA have damaged our country in countless ways, but his supporters don’t care. 
  19. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from DP#1FAN in West Orange-Stark 2023   
    Lose more often?
  20. Like
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from KF89 in West Orange-Stark 2023   
    Lose more often?
  21. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to WOSdrummer99 in West Orange-Stark 2023   
    But this ain't last year. None of those excuses count now. Time to get it or get gone. 
    WOS 112% 🧢
  22. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from Big girl in It’s the craziest thing…   
    The leading Republican Candidate for President in 2024 gets indicted today for his actions in the attempt to overturn the last election (which he badly lost) and nobody even started a thread. 
    I guess y’all would rather focus on Hunter Biden’s laptop, lol. 
  23. Like
    CardinalBacker reacted to TheOutsider in BISD Memorial Stadium now will be.........   
    BISD isn’t top 2 anymore. In recent year Beaumont kids are flighty and if they ain’t winning they’re leaving and going somewhere else. 
  24. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Trump Running in 2024   
    Absolutely… and it’s working.  Every time there’s more bad news for Trump, his loyalists become even more entrenched. They WILL make sure he gets nominated just to show up “those dirty democrats.”
    The Dems know that Trump is an easy out in the general election. 
    Imagine this… a world in which the Dems are focusing all of their attention on Trump while Republicans are donating and nominating some other conservative who actually has a chance at winning in November of 2024. The Repubs are too dumb to do it, though. 
  25. Haha
    CardinalBacker got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in It’s the craziest thing…   
    The leading Republican Candidate for President in 2024 gets indicted today for his actions in the attempt to overturn the last election (which he badly lost) and nobody even started a thread. 
    I guess y’all would rather focus on Hunter Biden’s laptop, lol. 
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