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Everything posted by CardinalBacker

  1. I promise, I'm not lying. I was on the square in downtown Newton one afternoon about five years ago when the fire whistle went off. Normally you'd expect to see the VFD guys come screaming through town their personal vehicles towards the fire station so they can jump in the firetruck and go save somebody's slab and possibly their chimney. There's this big commotion down the street, and this guy is coming down the street in a wagon with car tires and bucket seats being pulled by two horses, and he is giving those horses HELL on the way to the fire station. I was just shaking my head... i couldn't believe what my eyes had just seen. Only in Newton.
  2. Bad. But not as bad as living in a town in the middle of nowhere right after the only restaurant in town burns down.
  3. Here we go.... I've told you over and over. Somebody is going to win the NCAA Division II Championship and they'll claim to be "national champs." It's okay, but we all know about Division I. Newton's JV, errrrr 2A title runs are great, but it's just so hard for Eagle fan to realize that they can't compete with the big boys. Come playoff time, the rest of SETX will start playing tough competition from schools of their same size, and Newton will dust off a handful of small schools I've never heard of in the loser's bracket... Then crow about it. Newton fan is like that guy that believes the dirt track car out behind his barn makes him on the same level as Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and the rest of Nascar. How does it feel to know that you can't even seem to beat middle of the road bigger schools like Orangefield and Bridge City anymore?
  4. I give all of the credit to the Newton Housing Authority... They built their units and sucked all of the talent out of Burkeville. Just kidding! I'm just warming up for our matchup in a few weeks. It's dedication and a tradition of doing the hard work that leads to that kind of success. It's kids going through years of tough offseason programs. It's parents that accept the type of coaching necessary to win at the highest levels. It's families who have athletic genes that have stayed in the area for generations to raise their families. I can't stand Newton fans, but I admire what they do up there.
  5. I don't know who will win, but I expect Silsbee to draw more flags for personal fouls....
  6. I feel bad for you. The people who "taught" you actually failed you. Just victims raising more victims, spewing hate and operating with a closed mind. You should consider dropping off the board again. There are other places for people to vent their insecurities online. People "of my ilk" are actually here to talk high school sports, not try to compete for the "biggest victim" award.
  7. The true racist can find perceived slights and imagined insults in any conversation. When words and symbols suddenly develop new, "racist" meanings, it's not progress... Would you expect a football team to be successful if the team mentality was all about complaining about how outmatched they are by all of their opponents? If the coach and all of the players and parents spent all of their energy moaning about how the other team have better athletes, facilities, coaches, past accomplishments, etc... That team wouldn't be very successful. The same thing is true of groups of people who devote all of their energy to complaining about the cards dealt to them instead of focusing on fixing their multitude of self-inflicted wounds. I mean.... Discipline is now dog-whistle racism?
  8. That was my ballot. No mistake. I'd also like to protest Kirbyville being tied with BC for 10th. I think they should be off of the list since we did them up last night.
  9. No lie. They never won a district game in two years of 4A D1.... Then got bumped up to 5A. Gonna be another long year for Splendora. Or, you could be LCM and drop from 5A to 4A D1 and still miss the playoffs. How are y'all looking this year, LCM17?
  10. I'm sure Dennis wanted to take the field after the way it went for him in the game against us last year. It's great to see him healthy and playing at speed.
  11. Good scrimmage. Kirbyvilles defense did a great job of jamming the middle of the field. Their 8 has wheels. I don't know what was going on with our handling of the snap. We put the snap on thenground over and over. we were able to move the ball, but didn't always score. Defense looks improved. Last year we squeaked a win over kville in our first game under Dubois. I felt like we needed to outclass the wildcats if we wanted to prove how much better we've gotten. That's not exactly what happened, and we've got plenty to work on. im ready for actual games, and I think the cards are ready, too
  12. How did they convince that brother to take part?
  13. They'll go as far as Silsbee to get a receiver.
  14. It was a good scrimmage. Right where we want to be this early in the season. Plenty of room for improvement, but lots of positive things going on, too. We're scrimmaging Kirbyville this week, and it'll be interesting to see how we play against them.
  15. It's not so much about Mackey transferring, as much as a giant LOL at Silsbee fan. First off, how many people have gotten tired of hearing about the "best receiving corp in Southeast Texas?" I been saying since Coach Smith was hired that their receivers had better start practicing their backpedals for a switch to playing secondary. More importantly, this indicates that all of the "our kids LOVE the new coaches and are buying into the new system" posts are exaggerated. Things aren't all sunshine and up-downs in Tigre-land. Any time you have a leader like Mackey bolt, you can be sure that others are wishing they could do the same. Lastly, for my friend Silsbee92.... Smash BC? You guys abandoned your offensive style and hired a coach that will hopefully teach y'all our running styles attack. I'll take that as a compliment.
  16. Somebody needs to go find that post so we can see which Silsbee Honk it was that claimed Mackey was the best WR in SETX and possibly the best WR from our area ever.... I'd like to hear his opinion on the Mackey transfer. I'd also like to mention that I correctly predicted this move way back in the Spring.
  17. I'm suddenly happy that's our bye week.
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