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Posts posted by CardinalBacker

  1. The locals have almost finished firing the first ever Speaker of the House from Southeast Texas upon direct order of Trump and his minions.  

    It's a sad day... Locals have decided that being represented by the most powerful man in the House didn't mean anything.... they'd rather a political novice to represent this part of SETX.  And why is that?  He wasn't MAGA enough for them.  Who cares that it will hurt locally... What Trump says, goes.  


    Just yesterday I saw Trump on television demanding that we fire Phelan... How he's a RINO, weak on the border, etc... why?  Because he wouldn't overlook the criminal actions done by Ken Paxton, one of Trump's key supporters in the effort to overturn the 2020 Election and allow Trump to remain in office despite the will of the voters.   Trump never even mentioned Covey's name, and I doubt he would recognize Covey if Covey walked up with a cup of coffee.  Who cares that it's bad for SETX?  Not the R voters from SETX!


    Then I saw Covey's preacher on a different ad tell a bald face lie.  Why should Phelan be fired?  "He put Democrats in positions of power in the House."  Really?  That's been the position of BOTH parties for as long as anybody can remember.  They ALWAYS give the minority party committee chairmanships.  But in 2022 the Rs decided that the practice should stop.  Democrat voters should not be allowed a voice in the crafting of legislation if there is a single majority Republican seat in the House, according to the Rs.  Representative Government?  Never heard of it, huh?

    Never did I believe that we'd have an abortion ban, constitutional carry, huge cuts for school property taxes, and Texas law enforcement being greenlit to enforce immigration law.  But it all happened while Phelan was speaker.  Without a doubt, the most conservative Speaker, ever.  But still a dirty RINO for not being MAGA enough.  It would be funny if it weren't true.


    I've been following politics long enough to remember when Rs couldn't get elected in Texas... I'm confident that we're headed back that direction.  I mean, it's obvious that with population shifts we'll be turning blue eventually.  I think that the behavior of the leadership of the Republican Party is going to cause that shift sooner than expected.  I won't be surprised to see Democrat Senators and possibly even a governor elected within 12 years.  Maybe less.  The Rs will be a party apparatus without a voting base behind them.

  2. To clarify… Rs like wars.  It’s undeniable.

    1. George HW Bush- Persian Gulf War 

    2.  Bill Clinton-no wars

    3. George W Bush- War on Terror (Afghanistan) and the Iraq War

    4. Barack Obama-no wars

    5.  Donald Trump- attack on Capitol Hill-failed insurrection 

    6.  Joe Biden-no wars. 

    But y’all are scared Biden is gonna get us in a war - was he putting that off until his second term? lol. 

    Seriously, though… the Trump thing was a joke. He’s more Dem than Republican anyways. We all know that. 

  3. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    What are you talking about?  No wars!!!  The world is the brink right now, because of the dumbass in Washington!  Yet you, and all D’s, think he is doing a good job.  TDS is alive and well!  Those of you that have it, are about as demented as poor old erectionist joe.  At least there is a little pill to help the erectionist out.

    How many American soldiers have we lost in the two wars we’re currently fighting? 

    Because to the voting public, it’s not a war until they start covering caskets with the red, white & blue. 

    You might not have noticed, but Rs are the party of wars… we always seem to end up in them when Rs are in the White House. Gotta pay back those defense contractors somehow, right?

  4. 5 hours ago, Big girl said:

    What made you change your mind against Trump.

    I didn’t care for him in ‘16 but I always vote Republican. He was the only choice in 20, but I almost didn’t vote for him… after everything that happened regarding the handling of the pandemic and his constant attacking of everyone, regardless of party affiliation… I didn’t feel like he deserved my vote, but I eventually did. 

    After all of his lies about election interference, his attempt to overthrow the peaceful transfer of power, mishandling of classified docs, and continued petulant behavior, I’m just never going to vote for him. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    So what’s the writing on the wall, Trump’s huge crowds, polls showing him leading, maybe you’re referring to the dismal job this administration is doing but no one will care.

    No, you’re writing on the wall is 2020 and you can’t seem to comprehend that folks may be tired of what this administration is putting them through.

    But we do know you’re a guy that can’t seem to deal with the current state of affairs and stays in perennial armchair quarterback mode.

    What is Biden putting them through? 401ks are rocking. Everybody that wants a job has one. Wages are up. No wars. 

    And a POTUS they don’t hate. 

    Trump does a great job of motivating his base. But he does an even better job of motivating THE OTHER GUY’S base. There aren’t going to be millions of people saying “you know, I voted Biden last time because I was sick of trump…. And since Trump left, everything has gotten better. I think I’ll vote for Trump next time. He doesn’t bother me as badly as he used to.” I fact, I doubt that there are any. 

    Biden won’t drive people to the polls to vote Biden. He’s a horrible candidate. But Trump motivates MILLIONS to get out and vote “anybody but Trump.”  That’s just facts, and no amount of mean tweets is gonna fix that for Trump.

  6. 16 hours ago, Englebert said:

    I'm all MAGA. You called MAGA voters idiots and losers. Any idiot loser can deduce that your loser, idiots comments were pointed directly at me. I guess you can't expect an idiot loser to make that connection. If you are well aware, quit doing it. At least you admit it without owning up to it.

    And it didn't sting, it made me laugh. You need to work on your analytical skills. You are severely lacking in them. I bet that stings (because it's true).

    So your proposing that anyone who has used RINO, Demoncrat, Libtard, Dims, etc, should be permanently banned?

  7. 56 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    You just called me an idiot, a loser, and more. I should report you, but I would rather your post stay up so that everyone has the opportunity to see what an "idiot" and "loser" you are. Your kindergarten mentally brought on by severe TDS is just comical. So let this post stay up. It's your history of shame.

    Negative, sir.  I haven’t called anyone on here a name. 

    Im well aware of how easily posters toss out insults, then cry to mods when one gets sent back. 

    From this point forward, I don’t insult anyone personally. 

    Remember… it only stings if it’s true. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    It’s Trump and biden in November, deal with it.

    Yep, that’s who it’s going to be in November because idiots nominated trump again which guaranteed a Biden win. 

    Rs had tons of choices… they picked the only one that has proven unable to beat Biden before.  So when Biden rolls again in 2024… “just deal with it.” Because stupid Dems didn’t give us Biden… Trump and his supporters gave us four years of Biden, and they’re about to give us four more years of Biden, and eventually Harris. Becuse they can’t get over the fact that their idol Trump got lucky in ‘16 and has lost every contest and trial since then. 

    Y’all will all be here in November crying “oh my!! Everybody else is so stupid! The guy who lost last time just lost again…. Because y’all are so stupid!”

    My only hope is that Trump gets beaten 70-30 so that the influence of the red-hatted morons finally disappears. 

    They’re just a bunch of losers. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Total garbage. What else is new?

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing has changed since 2016 when Biden/Harris clapped Trump’s cheeks. Except the pandemic ended, stock market is at all time highs, unemployment is at all time lows, and Trump keeps getting indicted. 

    Oh, and a couple hundred thousand elderly trump voters died and a few million “anybody but trump” voters turned 18. 

    Nothing at all. 


    But everybody else is dumb. 

  10. 43 minutes ago, baddog said:

     I voted for Trump, you voted for Trump. I’m tired of being called stupid because I like Trump, by someone who voted for the same man twice. It’s gotten very old. 

    The first time (2016) I voted for Cruz in the primary, then the Republican (Trump) in the primary. There was no choice in the 2020 primary because Trump was the incumbent. 

    He should not be on the ballot in 2024, but he is… and the only people to blame for that fact is the ones who supported Trump in the 2024 primary KNOWING that he can’t win. 

    Trumpskins would rather vote for Trump and lose than have a conservative win. That’s just the facts, brother. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, baddog said:

    We want what’s better for our country, but we’re stupid. The other half, Trump lives in their head every day. Which one is the dumb one again. I’m tired of hearing the same old garbage. 

    We all knew going in that Trump lost last time because people hated him.  Nothing has happened that would change a single voter’s disgust with Trump. 

    So the “smart” voters say “let’s nominate Trump again! It’ll be different this time!”

    But then say the only reason that Biden will get re-elected is because everybody else is stupid. That’s a genuine lack of self awareness on the part of weak men. 

  12. 56 minutes ago, 5GallonBucket said:

    I guess if your hatred for trump trumps the state of the country then there are some serious issues with one s mental capacity in making a decision on what’s better.  

    Get over your feelings already.  

    And if one’s love for Trump gets Biden elected, those people are equally stupid. 

    There are HUNDREDS of conservatives with better credentials who would beat Biden like a drum. Trump supporters won’t allow that to happen. THEY decided to put Biden back in office. 

  13. 1 hour ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Nope, biden vs Trump, no brainer for who is best for the country.  Take responsibility for your own vote, you know, like a grown up.

    I’m tired of folks blaming others for their bad choices.


    But that’s exactly what you’re all doing! Saying “well, I think Trump is the best, so everybody else must be stupid for voting Biden,” when it’s obvious that most people will vote for anybody BUT Trump. 

    Democrats can nominate a house plant and beat Trump… so the morons are the ones who refused to nominate anybody (and I mean ANYBODY else) who would easily take down Biden. And before the clowns all say, in unison, “there are only two choices, so it’s gotta be Trump or y’all are all stupid,” the ones who MADE those the only two options are the idiots. 

    When Trump announced that he was running, it was over. Too many people hate him. Blaming other people because YOU nominated an unelectable candidate doesn’t make you smart or “America First.”

  14. 15 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    But it's Trump's fault that anyone would vote for this mess.

    No, it's on you if you vote for the guy.

    Nope, it’s the Rs fault for not fielding an alternative that’s more appealing than Biden. 

  15. 7 hours ago, baddog said:

    Still, not about OJ or Trump. It’s about Cohen and the glove….. you know, symbolism. 

    Oh, I agree… the prosecution’s star witness just pooped the bed. 

    The problem is this. OJ Simpson was a Heisman Trophy winner from USC, and the Avis commercials, Naked Gun movies, and every Sunday on the sidelines at NFL games. A very likable guy…. The glove gave the jurors the opportunity to do what they wanted-free the Juice. 

    On the other hand, NYC jurors HATE Trump, as evidenced by the previous trial (although that one was decided by a judge) in which trump got hammered.  I’ve got a bad feeling that these jurors won’t care about whether not Cohen lied, but be more concerned with the fact that “being fed to the lions” isn’t within the range of punishment that they can impose. 

    I’m not saying it’s right or that I agree, it’s just what I expect.  

  16. 7 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

    Better tell them they will likely get what they wished for then, but also tell them the polls look pretty brutal for the Dims and crooked Joe right now. Better dust off plan B. Just a few months left. The Dims election interference attempt is failing.   

    No, they’ve already done what they set out to do. Trump will 99.9% certain be on the ballot this fall.  

  17. 2 hours ago, baddog said:

    Cohen is OJ’s glove. 

    I would agree with one huge exception. 

    OJ was a SoCal darling, widely beloved. The jury pool loved him. NYC HATES Trump. I  believe that OJ likability allowed him to beat a solid case, and I think that the great dislike for Trump will allow him to be tripped up by a weak case. 

    I think we’ll find out in a week or two. 

  18. 3 hours ago, Separation Scientist said:

    It would scream to ANYONE who is even remotly reasonable and honest, but to this Kangaroo Court, all bets are off. 

    Justice and presumption of innocence were never a goal here, using a court system to destroy a political rival is the Dems only goal here. Venesuela and Russia are so proud.    

    Yes, but no… the Dems are no doubt using the court system, but not like you think. They WANTED Trump in the race.  Every time they indicted him, more Rs got behind him. They are well aware that ANY  Republican candidate would walk right over Biden… except Trump. This hasn’t been about destroying Trump, it’s about solidifying his support, eventual nomination, and inevitable defeat in November. 

    FWIW, it also strengthens the resolve of the “anybody but Trump” voters to vote democrat.  

  19. 2 hours ago, Reagan said:

    @CardinalBacker     Hummmm!!


    lol… no fraud. 

    “Zapata served as deputy director at the Milwaukee Election Commission in October 2022 when she used her work-issued laptop to obtain three military absentee ballots using fake names and Social Security numbers, according to 

    This is the hidden content, please
    She sent the ballots to Republican state Rep. Janel Brandtjen, an election conspiracy theorist, two weeks before the state’s gubernatorial and legislative elections.

    After officials learned of her actions, she was fired from her job with the city.

    Active military personnel do not have to register to vote or provide photo identification to obtain absentee ballots in Wisconsin. Zapata told investigators that she was stressed over death threats commission staff had been receiving from election conspiracy theorists and she wanted to shift their attention to real flaws in the system.

    Milwaukee, home to the largest number of Democrats in Wisconsin, has been a target for complaints from 

    This is the hidden content, please
     and his supporters, who made unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud to attack Biden’s 2020 victory.”

    It happened in 2022 and she sent them to a Republican… no votes were cast. Reading Comprehension is key, Amigo. 

  20. 4 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    I have sat in the jury room on three trials.

    The rationale that juries can come up with after listening to testimony from the witness stand, is at times amazing.

    I don’t care how good of a case I could make in defense and how much the evidence was on my side, I would never want my fate in front of a jury.


    Yeah… I was on a jury for a custody modification where the dad was accused of being inappropriate with the child by mom. Law enforcement wasn’t involved. The first thing one of the jurors said when we began deliberating was “I’m sorry… but they (the dad’s counsel) didn’t prove that he didn’t do it.”  Were you even listening to the instructions?

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