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Posts posted by ladybug33

  1. I have not been on this sight for years like some poster have, however, name calling is sometimes the only way the some people know how to communicate. I have and never will become clairvoyance, condescending, or disrespectful to prove my point. Everyone has passion for their teams and I love the show of support for the young guys that we discuss in our area too. Grown people should be able to talk smack, be sarcastic, and express their feelings about football without being called names. I DON'T LIKE THAT!!

  2. Icewater


    Your post are spot on. The schedule has a disadvantage, for WOS because they have not had a bye week since the beginning of the season. What do you believe coach T will need to do to keep the team motivated. I must say in the past the Stangs did not need much pep to pump them up for games. This year they had a let down after the RF game and it resulted in a lost to Newton. " We Believe" 112% 

  3. Thank you  for your analogy. If I have an opinion it's my own :wub:  I have not seen your team play this year.  Not familiar with them for the 5th time I have said that! RF is a 5A team credit coach T from scheduling quality teams who will give us experience that will be beneficial in the future. OK. Now as far as setting the table for excuse, the refs in the Beaumont Chapter well.... point blank.. they have in the past, and they do TODAY Those of us from WOS know about their play calling. I will be more than grateful to give you guys a send off into the next venture for HJ, knowing that district is not WOS goal it getting to the 4th round and then on the Dallas.



  4. @ Ice

    Posted Today, 12:09 AM

    What's so funny is how much you HJ fans are trying so hard to make yourselves feel as if you have already won! This game is silly because I have heard all the antics the HJ staff has taken to keep the players minds focused on WOS! Yes your undefeated and yes you have improved, so does that mean we haven't? Get real? We're not downplaying what you have accomplished and I'm actually happy for your kids! Seasons before were complete embarrassment and you have turned it around! I think its so funny that once you stopped being the dang doorstep for the district that now your the king! You run that silly offense that's designed to help the most pitiful programs in the country and now you feel as if we should all just bow down and say that your the best! If you want it then come take it! We're not running away! If you win then it will be the greatest accomplishment your program will ever experience and I will respectfully say congratulations and good game but until then just play the game and relax! No ones wants to read your 89 reasons why you will win this or 89 reasons why you deserve respect just do it and if you do that's cool! If you don't then be respectful as well and say congrats and good luck in the playoffs! It's high school football and anything can happen and on Halloween it's go to be the game to see! My prediction is " Game of the week " Hahahahaha obviously right!!!! 
    Some are thinking that HJ is on the same level as Richmond Foster, that is really funny. Richmond Foster was a state ranked school when we played them. They have better talent as in player's than HJ does. My take on  is that WOS will play hard, really hard, the offense will need to stay focused, however, fans in WOS get ready, the ref.s will have their say. 
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