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Posts posted by baddog

  1. 4 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    Yeah, I got that but talk about a stretch.

    It should seem obvious that Trump’s prosecution is purely political.

    If someone is going to do a whataboutism, at least make it similar.

     This is so ludicrous that it’s like comparing a ham sandwich to a wallet. 


    Of course Trump’s prosecution is political, but if paying hush money is illegal, then there is no difference. 
    I’d say it’s more like ham sandwich/turkey sandwich. 

  2. 2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Seniors already get a healthy break on their property tax bill (in addition to their homestead exemption) upon turning 65. They can also defer payment of their taxes… but the bills will still pile up with late fees, etc… they just don’t have to pay for now-it will get paid eventually, though. 

    The “I don’t even have kids in school” argument is a dumb one. How about the “I don’t live on a county road, I shouldn’t pay county road and bridge taxes?” Nobody says “I’ve never had a house fire… I shouldn’t have to pay for an emergency services district, either.”


    The average cost to educate a student in Texas is running about $10k per year. That amount should need some justification, but that’s a different argument.  BUT it would cost a family with three kids $30k a year for education if only the people with kids in school paid for education, and nobody can afford that. The latest round of tax relief focused heavily on property with homestead exemptions and ignored non-exempt properties (think second homes, rent houses, commercial property, etc…) that might win votes, but it hurts a lot of people and businesses. When the burden gets shifted from one group to another, there will be repercussions such as higher rental rates, etc. 

    If you want to affect change, attack spending at large… don’t focus on trying to get out of paying for yourself and shoving the responsibility of paying onto others is what I always preach. 

    Your analogies are always dumb at best, but we’re used to that. Everyone tries to get out of paying if possible. I do it so that maybe they can up yours. 

  3. That would be sweet. I don’t think anyone with kids who have graduated should pay school taxes. That’s just me. I’m a baby boomer and have paid dearly all my life and should get a break in my latter years. Why shouldn’t money be directed to people who have helped make the system work? Misuse of funds is why everything struggles. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Big girl said:

    Answer my question. You were bragging about all of the states that support Texas. How are they sognificant? Can't be for political purposes.

    Soldier may submit a 1-A-0 conscientious objector application when the Soldier is sincerely opposed because of religious or deeply held moral or ethical (not political, philosophical or sociological) beliefs to participating as a combatant (including training in tactics or weapons) in war in any form

    Duh. All the states supported Abbott’s handling of the border, against the THREATS of your commie boy Biden. What other answer do you want? People ask you questions and you disappear. I guess you will repeat your evasive answer.

  5. 1 hour ago, Big girl said:

    You were bragging about how many states were backing Texas. I merely asked a question

    I love Texas and its policies. Anyone who doesn’t should leave. I suggest I-10 but that’s just me.

    I love any state that follows Texas’ lead or vice versa.

  6. 2 hours ago, Big girl said:

    Answer my question. You were bragging about all of the states that support Texas. How are they sognificant? Can't be for political purposes.

    Soldier may submit a 1-A-0 conscientious objector application when the Soldier is sincerely opposed because of religious or deeply held moral or ethical (not political, philosophical or sociological) beliefs to participating as a combatant (including training in tactics or weapons) in war in any form

    Hello, that was my answer. You two-faced libs hate war, unless it is exacted on its own people. What a beautiful person you must really be. 

  7. 1 hour ago, tvc184 said:

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say……

    Blame might come down to, would it have happened had the state not acted as it did. Intent probably doesn’t matter.

    Having very little knowledge of the case except reading some court statements and legal websites, it seems that the state put up the concrete barriers with the intent for a to act like a dam and to keep the water on the south side of the highway. In other words, it worked as designed and flooded that land. In doing so however it protected the north side as an evacuation route.

    Of course, it might go to an arbitrator or a referee or I guess it could legally go to a trial but I’m not sure. The question that I come up with is, would it have flooded anyway? For example let’s say the guy got 4 feet of water on his land but meteorologists and other experts in flood plains might agree that he still would have gotten two feet of water without the barrier. 

    So did the state seize his land? Can the plaintiff show that had the barrier not been there, his land would not have flooded? If so he probably gets some kind of compensation.

    If not…….

    Whichever way this goes is up to the courts. If he wins…. Fine. If he loses…fine. I live on Hillebrandt Road and it’s in a low spot. If a bad enough storm comes to SETex, they close the levee gate on Hwy 365 and flood the few to save the masses. It’s setup that way so we have to live with it. That’s government control of flood waters so his gripe falls on my deaf ears. Like I said, either way is fine with me, but I just don’t see it. 
    As to whether he would have flooded anyway, I say yes with Harvey. It might have drained more quickly, however. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Reagan said:

    Dems loves these people!  This is the only way anyone would fall for an idiot like Joebama!

    That’s because Biden couldn’t answer them either. These kids graduated high school? In my day they would have been held back maybe more than once. 3 cubed is geometry……pitiful. 

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