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Posts posted by baddog

  1. Does anyone think Kamala swayed any votes? I mean her only requirements were a black female…. Nothing else. Biden supposedly won. 

    If we are trying to show a strong Republican Party, I think Noem fits that mold pretty well. But what do I know, I’m a MAGA turd. 

  2. 44 minutes ago, BS Wildcats said:

    So, you want ppl hired based on skin color and not their merits?  More proof of just how racist you really are!

    You mean there would be competition in the workplace based on merits? What could be better? The young people hired where I work think they’re entitled, think they already know everything, but don’t know squat. Congrats to Florida. Need a domino effect.

  3. 8 hours ago, Big girl said:

    Shut up then. I have to pick up your FEMA tab. Why didn't your home insurance pay for those items? Why didn't you pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, if it wasn't covered?

    How rude. I’ve never told you to shut up. I think I explained it well enough for most people. LRF has the correct angle ^^^^

  4. I have excellent home insurance. They paid for everything else. FEMA offered a package with Big Girl’s name on it, so thank you. I’ve been paying home insurance all my life and FEMA “forgave” me. Been paying government taxes all my life and still have to pick up the tab of a freeloader. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Big girl said:

     Nice try. My husband was layed off, and I was working as a teacher, I taught Health Science. My income alone qualified. Once he started working again iit was all good. I had community health choice for 3 Mos and I was paying a premium.

    Maybe you could send Trump a check helping him get out of debt just like everyone helped you.

  6. 2 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Y’all might not know this about me, but I can’t stand Donald Trump. But I can honestly say that my opinion is that this particular case is a miscarriage of Justice by every stretch. 

    No crime was committed, no injured party came forth. To get hung with a 450 million dollar judgment like this is just wrong. 

    He’s done plenty of bad things and is probably guilty of some of the charges he’s facing- this particular one is trash, though. 

    You’re not going to get a Big Girl “LIKE” with a post like this. Not only is the judgement wrong, it’s illegal. Big Girl should have picked up on that. 

  7. 4 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Simple question, for which you don't have to answer.  Are you on Medicare or Medicaid?  I'm going to guess "yes," because the situation as it currently is benefits you.  

    My coworker purchases insurance through our company for her and her entire family.  The premium that she pays is roughly $1000/month.  In the last two months both her and her husband have had an annual wellness visit (free) and the provider wanted bloodwork which is fairly routine with an annual wellness visit.  The provider billed THOUSANDS for each of their visit(s), then the insurance company scored the bills down to a "manageable" $400 for him and $500 for her... the entire $900 of which came out of her pocket.  

    When one of her kids needed tubes in his ears last year, it was out of pocket close to $4k.... after an insurance company markdown of the provider pricing.  The birth of her last kid cost however much her annual deductible is... something like $6k, after markdowns and contribution by the insurance company.  

    Comparing socialized medicine to communism doesn't change the fact that the current system is broken.  But some people like yourself don't care, so long as it works to your benefit.  IF you made an average of $50k per year for 45 years and contributed 3.3% towards Medicare, there would have been $74,500 paid in by you and your employers over your lifetime to cover your healthcare after you turned 65.  The average cost of a knee replacement is $30k, btw.  Every single retiree is receiving more benefits (Medicare) than what they ever paid in.  What do you call it when every single old dude takes in more than he ever contributed?  I'll give you a hint... it's socialized medicine, lol.  You're just happy to be enjoying the benefits of others' labors and the capitalist in you doesn't want to share.  When somebody says "I don't care!  I paid for it!  It's MINE!" what they are really saying is "I'm a socialist, I just don't want to admit it."

    I can’t say you don’t make a good point. At least big girl agrees with you. 
    I find this interesting…..


    This is the hidden content, please

  8. My post should have read one who is “not” programmed, but most of you can read between the lines and know what was meant. 

    39 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    You're not wrong... but some of their ideas aren't as dumb as I used to believe that they were.  Single payer insurance, for instance.  For years I worked jobs I didn't like and made the choices to NOT start a business, partly because I needed health insurance for my family.  Now they tell me that everybody has right to the healthcare for which I've sacrificed?  I disagree.  Or disagreed.  When my company bills me a thousand dollars per month for health insurance, then the providers ask for tests to be run, then my insurance says "well, those will count towards your $5000 deductible" and at the end of the day I'm getting stuck paying for premiums, just so that I can over pay for services out of pocket... the system is broken and maybe we SHOULD be looking for a system that will put the health insurance companies and providers that over-bill them out of business.  Obamacare brought us a provision that said that you could no longer deny health insurance coverage for a pre-existing condition.  The insurance companies HATE that, but it's been a pretty good deal for anybody from any party that is trying to get health insurance coverage.  Every person that I know who buys insurance privately is doing so through the exchange, too... People in private practice like therapists, lawyers, etc...  My guess is that you are on Medicare and your beliefs are more like mine used to be.


    The point that I'm trying to make is that if you, a conservative, disagree with any single part of the party line... you're out.  Don't think Trump is the best choice for President? Be gone.  Maybe you have a gay kid and don't understand why he can't marry the guy of his dreams?  Be gone.  Maybe you agree with every single thing in the platform, except maybe people shouldn't be able to buy a 30 round mag for their AR out of a bin at Academy for less than ten bucks, considering how they're usually the weapon of choice whenever somebody shoots up a school?  RINO!  Be gone!


    They want Dade Phelan gone.... he committed two cardinal sins.  First, the didn't sideline anyone with a "D" next to their name.  You know, who cares about their ideas, skills, experience, expertise, or whatever.  They should be silenced in the legislative process.  The second thing that Dade did wrong was that he refused to overlook "Our General's" criminal activities... not because he didn't do anything criminal, but because he's our guy and agrees with us, so he should get a pass.  


    The Republican party is under the control of radicals.  And people who call themselves conservatives don't understand what that word means, or they wouldn't vote for a guy who cut taxes without the corresponding spending cuts thereby exploding our debt, and handed out trillions in PPP loans with little to no supervision.  People complain about being forced to take a vaccine while simultaneously re-nominating the guy who shoved it down out throats via "Operation Warp Speed."  The problem is that the voting public is enamored with big personalities who tell good jokes or insult people like we wish we could do in real life.  There's no difference between somebody saying "Obama was the best president we've ever had" and somebody else saying "Trump is the best president we've ever had."  None.  Neither were the best, they were just your favorite.  Find some principles and stick to them. 

    i appreciate your four paragraph response, but what I said is how I feel. 
    Look at one of the first communist policies….. it’s socialized medicine. Once they have you under that umbrella, you’re toast. Call me crazy, stupid, an idiot…. Doesn’t matter. There is not one Democratic policy that I agree with. It’s totally the reason their campaigns don’t run on them. All it is is smear, or in this case arrest, your opponent because you can’t even sell yourself or your beliefs/policies to the people. 

  9. 3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Representative government is a means of negotiating our differences and finding solutions that we can all live with

    How noble. I stopped putting a D or R in front of everything. I say conservative vs. COMMUNISM. For me, there is no common ground. Parties are such polar opposites that I find it difficult to believe sometimes. Nothing the communists say makes any sense to a sane person or one who is programmed. Hundreds of thousands have died fighting communism taking over other countries, now they have rights in this one. How absurd is that?

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