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new tobie

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Posts posted by new tobie

  1. America has pushed out prayer and the ten commandments in our public schools, court rooms, etc- claiming the separation of church and state but, in the next breath, declares that religious institutions and even businesses( Hobby Lobby) must buy a health care plan whose coverage must include the cost of abortions- a clear infringement of the separation that they insisted on when it is to their advantage.  Why is this?

    Why do republicans claim to be so religious, but have so much hate for others.

    All Blacks are not on section 8 and running around with free phones. All poor people dont get handouts. All poor people are not Democrats. Republican poor get free stuff also. All bad things in government didn't start in 2008. Why don't you guys just come out and say it.............and you know exactly what Im talking about!

  2. It is both sides......They are all stubborn


    That is why you need a President that can talk to both sides.....


    Bill Clinton and Bush are two prime examples of Presidents getting things done using BOTH partys

    Bill Clinton was a much better President than any bush. Bush couldn't even campaign for the Republicans during the last election because it would have hurt Romneys chances. Bill Clinton campaigned for Obama.

  3. I guess every one of us can say that somebody else on this board is a joke.  Just a matter of your perception, my perception, and that of everyone else.  From my view, as earlier stated, there is nothing funnier than someone believing that the President is doing a decent job of heading up our economic affairs.  But, then again, one shouldn't expect a law degree plus community organizational experience and studying Saul Alinsky to be an adequate background for being the CEO of a country.

    8yrs in the white house and retirement pay for life! not to bad for a community organizer.

  4. I agree.  Don't talk to me.  Just soak in all the wisdom that Big Girl has to offer.  I am out of her league.  Besides that, I have no community organizing background which renders me even more unworthy.

    If you had a community organizing background, could you win two presidential terms?

    I will answer for you.......NO WAY!

  5. just looked at the list of new manufacting coming back to the U.s. 13 projects have been announved for 2014 by the following ompanies: ATIC, General Motors, Voestalpine AG, Ford, Mars Chocolate, Fuyao Glass,Mondelez,Eberspaecher, GE Aviation, Lumber Liquidators, Denso, and Beretta. Investment sizes range from 45 millioin to 410 billion. Of those 13 projects, two will locate in states that have a Democrat governor. Hmmm I wonder if there is any sigificance to that?

    I wonder if their is any signficance to this?  http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=2012+election+map&id=50C5172895E4A3A7EEFBDE9433E37533367022C4&FORM=IQFRBA#view=detail&id=50C5172895E4A3A7EEFBDE9433E37533367022C4&selectedIndex=0

  6. Try making a case that defends his policies when they are criticized...you are obviously a fan of the President.


    Show us why you think the things he does makes sense and are good for the country.

    Do you remember the shape this country was in in 2007?

    Because that's the only reason Mr Obama exist as POTUS!

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