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new tobie

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Posts posted by new tobie

  1. My party affiliation isn't a secret. You're just too stubborn to see that there can be a middle ground.

    It's called being a "moderate". You mix in a little bit of both parties.

    I am fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

    Groundbreaking revelation right?

    I'm glad I can be of assistance to the small town folk here today. Stay tuned and I'll try to educate you commoners more often.


    The audacity of someone to be a little liberal and a little conservative. Conservative is the only way on this board brother!

  2. The debt didn't triple during Reagan's presidency, the deficit did.


    Reagan may have raised taxes eight times, but the cumulative hike in those taxes still never came anywhere near the tax rates at the beginning of his presidency. The net cut that was a result of his presidency was still substantial.


    The day Bush left office, the national debt stood at approximately $10.63 Trillion. Today, it stands at approximately $17.55 Trillion. $6.92 Trillion of the total national debt, or 39.4% of the total debt accumulated in the entire history of the United States, has been borrowed during the five and a half year tenure of Obama. By comparison, Bush added $4.9 Trillion in his eight years, or 27.9% of the total debt.


    Since we were talking numbers....

    When Bill Clinton left office on Jan 20,2001 the debt was 5.278 trillion. When George W left office Jan 20, 2009 10.627 trillion with two wars in progress.

  3. And why shouldn't they be? 


    Wow, the Republicans would be against anyone that is against Obama. Stunning right?


    But you make the point very well. It is politics that drives the masses, not race. What Dr. Carson would do if he supported Obama would give the Democrats another chance to scream that race is driving the disagreements..... but as we have seen, that is not the case. You use the term "any blacks" like the Republicans only support anti-Obama people if they are a dark skin color. It is a simple truth that the Republicans have a strong dislike for Obama but they even impeached Clinton. Does that strong dislike count or only when it is a different race? 


    You might not have noticed it but the Republicans aren't very fond of white people that support Obama either. It doesn't matter how much melanin is in their skin but where they stand politically. 

    Clinton may have been impeached and disliked, but no racist remarks like the ones that Obama contends with......you guys know exactly what i am talking about......Denial is.....http://aattp.org/20-of-the-most-racist-teapublican-political-signs/

  4. I said this time after time he's a hypocrite he's seems to believe that he's above or better than. Charles Barkley Steven A Smith keeps it real but they show action Carson just rant and rant about how's he's a conservative how he think different how awesome he is. How he's not a plantation thinker. He had a chance to really help alot of people instead choose to belittle them. I can go on and on. Ben been a successful Dr how long. Why is it he's a hero now.....because he's black and he's against Obama. If Carson would have come out and praised Obama and told everyone welfare can work would he still be a hero.

    If Ben Carson was for and not against Obama, the Republicans would group him with Al Sharpton. Look at how they dropped Colin Powell like a hot potato!

    they promote any black that is against Obama, paster James David Manning was the opposite of rev wright and they loved manning rants. Any black that wants to win office can run on obama hatred and win!!!

  5. I was thinking that breaking into someones home, regardless of intent, is a big no-no and deserves a punishment sufficient to prevent an instant replay.  But that's just me.  I know how important it is to show compassion for those folks.

    I know how important it is to show compassion for those folks........

  6. Political Correctness is code word for Persecution and harrassment of Conservatives and Christians!!  Of course, our radical liberal friends will vehemently deny that!!!

    What makes you guys believe that every conservative is a christian? Like the two go together, I have heard some of the things that come out of the mouths of some conservatives and it's not christianity. (Liberals also, but they don't use the words liberal and christans together quite often).   http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Christian

  7. Dove, sounds like you are making a case FOR Fox news.  They do the exact same thing.  They mention things that your crowd plus 99% of the media wont.  If it hadnt been for Fox, we wouldnt know anything about Benghazi and the IRS Scandal and the VA deaths would have been unknown as well.

    I must agree with you Steve, Fox serves up news that can't be found anywhere else!

  8. No worse than you would feel if the called them the Houston _______ .  Note the political correctness.  Isnt it interesting that you can use a racially derogatory term and it is seemingly alright but if I had filled in the blanks, I would be crucified, fired from my job and sent to "sensitivity training"

    If fired from your job, would you still attend sensitivity training?

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