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new tobie

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Posts posted by new tobie

  1. What an idiotic response. Makes absolutely no sense. It's just a hater's remark, or a sympathizer's. Hopefully not the latter.

    Bush would go after these animals. It would resemble the Iraqis leaving Kuwait. Remember that highway strewn with military vehicles? I loved every picture of that event. Thoroughly loved it. There are several breeds of dogs that I rank higher than those terrorists. I lose no sleep over their demise or seeing them blown to smithereens.

    Bush would definitely ruin their day. Let's see if Obama can make me happy and do the same.



    What an idiotic response. Makes absolutely no sense. It's just a hater's remark, or a sympathizer's. Hopefully not the latter.

    Bush would go after these animals. It would resemble the Iraqis leaving Kuwait. Remember that highway strewn with military vehicles? I loved every picture of that event. Thoroughly loved it. There are several breeds of dogs that I rank higher than those terrorists. I lose no sleep over their demise or seeing them blown to smithereens.

    Bush would definitely ruin their day. Let's see if Obama can make me happy and do the same.

    Halliburton made 17.2 billion dollars from 2003 to 2006 Iraq and Afgan wars alone. What prominent political figure had close ties with Halliburton? Follow the freakin money!

  2. but dont be confused he received alot of heat from the right and this board. This just proves on so many different levels. Nobody cares just when the other side is doing it. If this was obama charged with this very few would be siding with him like they are with perry. ALL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT NOW IS DO THE POLITICIAN HAVE A D OR R IN FRONT HIS NAME.

    Right On

  3. That is the Democrats mantra over the years. It is over, the Dems have control and the Republicans are finished as a party (or any individual).


    I have been hearing of Rick Perry's demise every election. Even some Republicans claim "this is the year" we get another candidate. The latest was in 2010 when popular Kay Bailey Hutchison retired from the Senate to announce her candidacy for governor. On some forums that I read she was already crowned the new queen of Texas. Oops..... Hutchison was long gone at the end and was beaten by the "unpopular" Perry by 31% in the primary. So much for the queen. 


    Perry won his first election in 2002 with just under 58% of the popular vote. In 2006 with four candidates on the November ballot, he won a with only 39% as the votes were split over four people with Republican Carole Rylander/Strayhorn running as an independent when she lost the primary. She pulled almost 20% from Perry and he still outdistanced his closest challenger, a Democrat, by 10%. 


    In 2010 with the typical one Democratic challenger, Perry popped right back to 55% and a 13% margin over his challenger, the claimed savior of the Democrat Party in Texas, Bill White. 


    Perry was the longest serving governor in TX history and could probably been serving as long as he wanted. He lost almost no support (less than 3%) from his first win and his last. 


    It is the same when the Dems took full control over the US Congress with Obama's first term win. The same calls continued then and even today in this forum that the Republicans are dead as a party. Well that dead party took back the House in a fairly historic change of seats two years into Obama's presidency and will continue to hold it for the last 6 years of the Obama administration. The Dems are really worried that they may be about to lose the Senate also in November. 


    But the chorus is still the same, Perry/Republicans are all but dead. Maybe it is to try to convince people not to show up at the voting booth. You can bet that the national Democrats and the Texas Democrats don't think the GOP is all but dead and had Perry decided to run, it would not change. The best thing that has helped Texas Democrats is Perry stepping away after 14 years in office as at least now they can cling to a hope of a victory, slim that it is. 

    People outside of TEXAS think that Perry is an Idiot and everything is bigger in TEXAS even Idiots.

  4. It's really going to be interesting to see how this plays out.  My gut feeling is that Slick will not only come out unscathed but will end up being portrayed and seen as the victim while giving him a platform to push the "I stand for what is right" diatribe thus propelling his popularity with voters.  I am not a Perry fan but I do believe that this indictment was politically driven and done so by the same hounds that exposed Palin and Christie and under the circumstances may end up backfiring! 

    Did it backfire on Palin and Christie? And Christie is a petty decent guy, but Palin is disgusting.

  5. Nothing open minded about me. I am one of those "not so enlightened" who is still ignorant enough to believe that fewer taxes, fewer regulations, and smaller government can be more productive. I could never win an election because I just wouldn't be able to tell all the voters what freebies they can expect. But you are right- I should be more open minded- 6 years is not enough time to make a judgment on whether or not more taxes, more regulations, and more government in general, works. And, to make things work, I have this stupid belief that is ok for me to offer than opinion. Don't be concerned, some day I will get over it.

    Steve did any of those things get accomplished the last 8yrs that your boys held office

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