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Everything posted by winwin

  1. Got ya. Theres always going to be some disagreement on rankings but those vype rankings are a disgrace to basketball. Where's Bmt Central???
  2. Baytown Christian Tournament Sabine Pass 24 The Village 53 Halftime
  3. LOL. I'm not talking about us. There are some very suspect teams in the top 10 and some of the teams to watch. Not mentioning any names of course.
  4. Nothing on Baytown Christian? I want to check out the Village vs Sabine Pass game. Any idea on the time for this game today?
  5. These rankings aren't too far off. Check out this joke LOL [Hidden Content]
  6. Most coaches would never go for it. They would probably end up facing a district opponent and they try to avoid that before District starts. But it would be fun
  7. Pretty close to what we discussed at Ozen last week. Too busy to open that can of worms right now. I know you've been looking for that thread LOL
  8. Kelly 75 Katy St John XXIII 42 Cannon Broussard 26 Dareiyus Richard 16 John Kraemer 12 Parrish Pierre 11 Rested starters the entire 4th period
  9. And I know where you were going...just poking a little
  10. Hard to facilitate when you travel 4 times though LOL
  11. I was surprised to see him struggle that way at the free throw line. A guy with that much skill but shooting free throws like Shaq
  12. That would be the only thing that would save him. He's going to have to do some legwork to. Those calves are skinnier than mine LOL
  13. Vanderbilt traveled FOUR times in our game. He is impressive to watch when no one is playing defense on him. But he tried to take over the game last night in the 4th quarter and couldnt. I think Flagg could have. JV has a long way to go imo. If he is 1 and done, I will be shocked. He will struggle at the next level when he goes major D1. Proof of that....he couldn't beat little Beaumont Kelly and struggled with PNG. When you see him in the summer, those teams aren't game planning for him or playing much defense. It's run and gun. What's going to happen when he faces Coach K at Duke? lol
  14. Flagg is a better player. Vanderbilts "handlers" have done a better job in the hype game imo and thus the reason for the higher ranking nationally. Vanderbilt is still a beast though.
  15. Kelly - Baker 22, Kraemer 18, Pierre 14, Richard 10 VP - Vanderbilt 35
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