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A BUC 77

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    A BUC 77 reacted to KF89 in Dayton (45) @ Nederland (0) - FINAL   
    Let me know when you decide to start going to NISD school board meetings to express the issue that Nederland varsity football is being coached by a junior high level head coach, I would like to witness who & how many don't respect his varsity head coaching abilities. If the Anti Monte Barrow people do not come together, get out in public to spread this mess. to the community there will never be pressure on ole Kieschnick or the school board to make a change you think is needed to better Nederland football. 
  2. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from 1motime in Nederland at Santa fe oct 7   
    It will mean a lot if the Dogs pull it off.  It's hard to say what's going to happen.  It will depend on if they have a good week of practice.  We will see if these kids bounce back.  Big Ned squeeks by with a win.
  3. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from jayhawk in Dayton (45) @ Nederland (0) - FINAL   
    Nederland definitely regressed this week.  Dayton came prepared and executed.  They looked like a varsity verses a JV.  In many ways that’s true.  But that’s the way it’s going to be this season.  The dogs will have spurts here and there, but it will be a long year.  Great game Dayton.  You look like the Dayton of old.  
  4. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to STiger85 in Van Wade- It's time for West Orange-Stark fans to rise up for Mustang student athletes   
    You mean The Tigermustangs!!! This so like when Silsbee hired Coach Smith. People wanted a coach and the school board hired another coach, an outsider. How dare they. People griped and complained all season, sat up in the stands and yelled and hollered at the new coaches. Coach Smith brought in almost all new coach, a new offense and a new defense, you had to have more discipline to run. Only a couple of returning starters coming back. After we lost in the playoffs to Carthage on a last second hail mary pass people sat up in the stands yelling for coach to go back to Houston and take his coaches with him. But, the next year we won district, went three rounds in the playoffs, losing to Carthage again. The complainers were less quiet. Then, the third year BAM, a state simi final game and the next year another state simi final game. I don't hear any complainers now. Change is difficult at first, hard to get ahold of. But, most of the time change brings on the same ways as before, Expecially if the whole community is behind it. If the sky is falling, be one of the ones that holds up the clouds so people don't get lost in the daze. I'm one of the ones that think WOS will be just fine. They have the athletes and talent to overcome change, does the whole football program have the community to help with the change. 
  5. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from NHSBulldogs2 in Nederland (38) @ Fort Bend Willowridge (14) - FINAL   
    Big game for the Dogs.  A lot of mistakes still, but they overcame a little adversity in the first half.  That's what I liked.  Willowridge made some big mistakes as well.  It wasn't all that pretty of a game.  Having a strong running game will help that light passing game develop.  Work needs to done on the secondary.  The guys in the trenches (on both sides) looked good.  They should be prepared for Dayton.  
  6. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to gary-us-bonds in Todd Dodge- The Best To Ever Do It?   
    Ok now...
    He won state championships 4 out of 5 years with one loss in a one point game i the state championship in the other year. A near 5 year winning streak at SLC.
    Takes a Westlake team with five losses and a second round drubbing at the hands of A&M Consolidated the year before he shows up and five years later he goes on to win three straight state championships with one one point loss sandwiched between 45 victories over those three years.
    Westlake and SLC were and are consistently great programs. He turned them into two of the greatest dynasties Texas HS football has ever seen.
  7. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from GoPro in Nederland vs Willowridge Thusday   
    New season starts Thursday.  Geaux Dawgs
  8. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from NDNWarrior in Port Neches-Groves (27) @ West Orange-Stark (6) - FINAL   
    I wouldn’t worry at all about WOS players.  Coaching staff has some issues.   PNG played a great game and the Stangs stumbled.  Big Deal!  A&M looses to Appalachian St. longhorns almost beat Alabama.  On any given day…
  9. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to bullets13 in What's wrong with Vidor and Nederland?   
    Just a reminder, anyone who feels the need to criticize individual players will receive warnings, and depending your your history with the site, possibly a ban.  We have many players and family members of players who get on this site, and nobody should have to see some grown man hiding behind a screen name criticizing their son.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
  10. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from Bigdog in What's wrong with Vidor and Nederland?   
    Let's reevaluate Nederland after the Silsbee game.  I think the dogs will continue to get better. 
  11. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from PABorn in Silsbee vs. Nederland   
    Sophomores are chomping at the bit.  They played no game against WOS.  They played a half a game against PAM.  They will play (I hope) a full game against SHS.  Soph's win first game.  
  12. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from ThaGhost in Nederland (21) @ Port Arthur Memorial (42) FINAL   
    I was actually fine with the game last night.  7 INT'S,  not sure about that.  I don't know what Monty sees in this kid (QB).  Looks like a QB, throws good.  He sees something in this kid.  Tough Memorial team we played.  The Silsbee game will be another test. 
    Go Sophomores.  
  13. Thanks
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from PBP.Aa.ron in Hampshire fannett at east chambers sept 2   
    At Winnie, I'll have to give the home team the very small edge.
  14. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to navydawg31 in Week-2 Nederland at Port Arthur Memorial Predictions   
    @spidersal You do realize Nederland has been 3-0 numerous times going into district and not make the playoffs, we also been 1-2 and won district. Imo this is a gauntlet of a non district to prepare us for district when it matters the most… do not freak out yet, let’s get a weeks in some actual district games in before start deciding everything. WOS is in the conversation to win state this year just like every year, PA won their district last year they look extremely tough this year and very well could challenge for a regional championship this year, Silsbee will be tough and could very easily meet WOS deep in the playoffs. Nederland beat WOS and Silsbee last year we didn’t make the playoffs. We could lose both those games this year and make the playoffs.. overall wait it out, let the sophomores get used to varsity speed of the game, get adjusted and play. Nothing will get them better ready than this non district schedule. If we get better than what we did last week that’s win. 
  15. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to KF89 in Week-2 Nederland at Port Arthur Memorial Predictions   
    Got some tough draws in 2nd\3rd rd. those years.  All 3 playoff losses were to very strong teams, that had more talent, size & depth. The Manvel('17 Lost in state title game) & Marshall('18) games Ned hung the 1st half, but the 2nd half those teams just beat us down because they were better. No matter who the coaching staff was, Ned was not advancing. But I'm positive all 3 of those years the experts had Nederland forecasted to be average, not be in the mix for district titles & win as many games as they did, so the coaching staff\players amazingly over-achieved great success from what most expected.    
  16. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to Razor in 2022 Nederland Bulldogs   
    I guess it's natural for naysayers to always point to coaching first when things don't go as they want...teams and talent change from year to year...it has always amazed how closely a coaches success is tied to the quality of his talent pool...there seems to be a pretty close relationship there...to me, this is the same coaching staff that tremendously overachieved just season before last by making round 3 with a team that not many felt could go that far...things didn't go the way fans liked last year, so now "we ain't happy"...the coaches are the same, and for my money, I will take Nederland's staff any day of the week...to me, they have proven to get the most out of what they have and more importantly, do a good job of developing young men (isn't that their most important job?)
    I don't know too much about this year's team...sounds like they might be young and I know they have had some losses that have, from what little I know, have very little to do with football or the football program...brings me back to a young Nederland team in 2010 that started and played a bunch of sophomores due to injuries, etc...that team improved as the year went on, rode some senior leadership along with those youngsters and managed a decent, playoff season...in 2011 and 2012, that group was dominant and won back to back district titles without losing a district game and going 3 and 4 rounds deep respectively, with the 2012 team ranked in the Top 10 most of the season and beating #1 ranked Pearland Dawson...let's let this young group develop and improve this year, see what they can do, and then hope for bigger and better things as they gain experience and confidence...I have all the faith in the world that this coaching staff will get every ounce they can out of them, this year and beyond
  17. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to KF89 in 2022 team previews?   
    Possibly true, I can’t confirm until enrollment is finalized in August. I do not think the OLineman was a starter last year. But if so I am sure those players are thinking they are doing what is best for them. Nothing wrong with that. Might be best for Nederland Program also, if you don’t have all players 100% committed to your philosophy & believing in your program you won’t be very successful 
  18. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to AggiesAreWe in Best High School Coaches to ever Live and the Smartest Posters there ever was!!!!   
    With the school board looking to change the name again at the stadium, why not transfer the name at the stadium on campus at West Brook to the new stadium?
    Can't think of a more deserving man to have his name on that stadium.
  19. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to PN-G bamatex in PNG Apparel   
    If you look hard enough, you can find something offensive about every human mascot. Pirates and Buccaneers were swashbuckling murderers and rapists. The Raider archetype draws on age-old bands of thieves and bandits that robbed stagecoaches and murdered travelers on the coachroads. The Minnesota Vikings appropriate Scandinavian history and culture. The Notre Dame Fightin’ Irish and the ULL Ragin’ Cajuns elevate stereotypically drunk, stubborn and aggressive depictions of Cajun and Irish Americans.
    Do we let that take the fun out of everything? And more to the point, when did culture become property? This country spent fifty years believing that the hallmark of diversity was cultural exchange. That was supposed to make our country stronger. Now, seemingly overnight, any person who’s not a product of a particular culture adopting customs or practices of that culture is stealing it? What happened to imitation being the highest form of flattery?
    The bottom line with PN-G is, we adopted the Indian mascot because Attakapa and Karankawa Indians were the original inhabitants of Port Neches. Generations of local residents have found Indian artifacts in their backyards, and the presence of Indian burial mounds in Port Neches is well documented. Most of Southeast Texas would have no earthly idea Indians ever lived here were it not for the constant reminder that PN-G is.
    When the first generation of the original Port Neches High School’s students made that decision in recognition of the town’s history back in 1925, it was, ironically enough, arguably a progressive decision, by the standards of the day. This happened in an era when most of America was reviled by anything Indian. Most white people were actively trying to stamp out evidence the Indians ever inhabited America, but the people in Port Neches weren’t. At roughly the same time PNHS adopted the Indian mascot, my quarter-Cherokee great grandfather was losing the family blacksmithing practice he’d inherited from his white father because the people of Wood County, Texas, didn’t want to do business with an Indian blacksmith. My three-times great grandmother, a full blooded Cherokee woman who died a few years earlier, spent the last decade or so of her life terrified the government was going to take the family farm, round her up and send her to Indian Territory, all because my white three-times great grandfather died before she did and wasn’t around to stop them anymore. Based on the documentation we have, the probable inference is that my four- and/or five-times great grandparents walked the Trail of Tears. My eighth-Cherokee grandfather, who could pass for white, never spoke a word of his heritage publicly after he moved to Orange County, for fear of suffering the same employment troubles his father did.
    The hardest thing for me to reconcile in elementary school was why my grandparents were so quiet about our Cherokee lineage, when my peers thought it was pretty cool. Looking back today, I know my experience was different than theirs because anything Indian was cool at PN-G, in an era when it wasn’t anywhere else in America. Now, that striking contrast between cultural attitudes at PN-G and in the country at large, which has been inculcated for generations and was so progressive for its day, is suddenly racist? We’re supposed to give up that legacy because political winds shifted and social media makes it easy for internet low-lifes who’ve never stepped foot in Mid-County to harass elementary, middle and high school kids on Twitter? I don’t think so.
    In so many ways, this community has emulated exactly what the world knows American Indians to be: proud people, who produced strong warriors, that fought for decades to preserve their homes, their families and their way of life, against hopelessly overwhelming odds. I have watched this town demonstrate that same enduring spirit time and time again. Through hurricanes, explosions, cyber attacks, and national crusades against the cross in our park, we have always stood firm. This time is no different. We have never given in to all those things before, and we’re damn sure not about to give in to naked attempts to humiliate and intimidate our children now.
    I ran a poll in the Port Neches neighborhood watch group, which has thousands of current Mid-County residents in it, last weekend. Hundreds of responses poured in. The vast majority - 87% - said PN-G should keep all of its traditions exactly as they are. The community is as united about this as it’s ever been about anything. The Beaumont Enterprise falsely claimed the community protested the mascot in a headline because 17 people, many of whom don’t even live in PN-G, put on a protest outside a training for school board members. The reality is that the community demonstrates its actual sentiment when 8,000 purple-clad PN-G fans show up in the stadium five times a year.
    The best way that we can honor the Indian spirit we have revered and emulated for so many generations, is to stand up for our beliefs, our values, our traditions, our home and our kids, the same way they fought valiantly to do for nearly all of the nineteenth century. I can think of no better way to honor my own ancestors, and nothing else they’d prefer that I do. We know our history, we respect our history, and we live our history - if we didn’t, we never would have been the PN-G Indians to begin with. This community is no stranger to great challenges. Every time, it has met them with perspicacious, persevering pride, and firm, fervent faith. And every time, this community has emerged victorious. It’s who we are, and what we speak to every time we say, we are PN-G. This time will be no different.
    Always be Faithful.
  20. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to AledoAlumni in Sulphur Springs…/Faircloth hired   
    And thats your choice. Cool. Good for yall. I dont care you'd rather have your kids at Martin lol. Personally I wish people stayed at their original school and help build those programs but people move. It is what it is. 
  21. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from ladybug33 in West Orange Stark job open/HICKMAN APPROVED   
    Congratulations Coach Hickman.  If Coach T likes this guy, then its a no brainer.  We'll look back in a couple of years and laugh at some of these remarks.  The path he (coach H.) has to take has already been laid many times.  Don't change much at first and then make your tweeks.
  22. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from ScubaSteve in Crosby vs Liberty Hill - Predictions   
    Looks like to me, All Crosbie needs to do is stay with a game plan.  Eye on the prize (ball).  Let LH make the mistakes.  Geaux Cougs.
  23. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from Cougar14.2 in Crosby vs Liberty Hill - Predictions   
    Looks like to me, All Crosbie needs to do is stay with a game plan.  Eye on the prize (ball).  Let LH make the mistakes.  Geaux Cougs.
  24. Like
    A BUC 77 got a reaction from #COUGAR08 in Crosby vs Liberty Hill - Predictions   
    Looks like to me, All Crosbie needs to do is stay with a game plan.  Eye on the prize (ball).  Let LH make the mistakes.  Geaux Cougs.
  25. Like
    A BUC 77 reacted to NDNation in PNG Coaching Change?   
    The fact that it isn't on the All Things Nederland Facebook group makes me skeptical..lol 
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