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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Yet he will help get his wife elected to the most powerful position in our government in a couple of years... And then you guys can spend the next 8 years turning your obsessions from President Obama to her. I look forward to the entertainment...
  2. I think you are correct. Or if he isn't, he had to have gotten out recently.
  3. As for the relevant part of the election, I think the voters made the right choice. Good kid that I think (and hope) will do a good job in that position.
  4. To be clear, first Republican "County Judge" to be elected... Not really breaking news since every district judge and county court at law judge in Orange County was already "Republican" before this election. It just happened that the current county judge is a 4 termer who is a democrat. There was not even a democratic primary in this race. Orange County swung republican several years ago...
  5. I think I would rather spend a night in Afghanistan than Detroit. That city is a train wreck and is really sad. Who was the guy who spoke at the DNC (in '04 maybe?) who was the mayor of Detroit? Robbed that city blind.
  6. Big girl doing work ITT. Careful girl, you might bruise your knuckles ;)
  7. For what it's worth, I heard from someone very close to Art that if he had his druthers, he would have stayed at Baylor anyway.  He really does love it there.  The reason he would likely have taken the Texas job, if offered as discussed above, was for his assistants.  Some of them, have been with him since his Stephenville days and, of course, his son Kendall is also on his staff.  For them, the job would have meant tripling or quadrupling (in some cases even more) their current salaries. 
  8. As far as my claim it is the best job in the country, I am stating it is at the top of almost any such list you can find. It's harder to find one where it isn't listed as #1.
  9. Art wanted an offer without interviewing or announcing interest. He wanted to have the job offered to him without going through the process. In other words, he was not going to clamor for the job and not get it. Patterson came in and was not going to let others make the decision. He was going to do it his way and make the hire. Hopefully he made the right one. And Mack held out just long enough to ensure that he didn't make the one he was terrified of. Don't get me started on the whole head coaching search. It was handled poorly the whole way through. Love him or hate him, Deloss would have let the billionaire boys club take the reins and it would have looked a lot different. Hopefully the basket Patterson put all his eggs in pans out. Otherwise he will wish he stayed in Arizona.
  10.   Ketch is an idiot.  Doesn't change the fact that UT is THE head coaching job in college football.  Which of course necessarily makes it the top job in the State as well...
  11.   Simple.  He is coached by Bo Pellini.  He will find a way to screw it up ;)
  12.   Preach.   IMO, the reason why the cellar dweller NBA franchises have trouble turning things around like NFL teams do is this reason exactly.  You have the "lottery" teams constantly drafting kids that are 3-5 year projects and by the time they are actually good, it's free agency time and they jump to a contender.  If they adopted the same rule as the NFL, it would improve this situation tremendously.  As for the overseas players, I also couldn't agree more.  The second round is nothing but teams trying to find the next great Euro player.  The number of quality players who don't even get drafted now out of college seems to increase every year.
  13. At lunch today, a buddy told me the same thing about West Texas BBQ. He's from lumberton and ate there a few weeks ago and they microwaved the brisket. Big no no. He's the biggest BBQ hound I know. Said JB's in orange is hands down best Q is SE TX.
  14.   Best I have had for sure.  By the way, they make a hell of a sandwich there too.
  15.   Some as in most everyone.  If you look up the top college coaching gigs in the country, not many lists don't have UT #1.  Heard Cowherd one day put it above a lot of NFL jobs. 
  16. Like the Young pick.  We needed a shooter for sure.  I wanted them to take Randle with the 6th pick if we are dealing Rondo.  Randle is an immediate impact player, IMO, and will be better by season's end than Bass, Sullinger or Olynyk.  Just my opinion.  Hopefully Brooklyn will stink it up this year and we will get a top 3 lotto pick next year.  I would love to see us get a legit big like Jahil Okafor or Myles Turner.
  17. Have you tried JB's in Orange? Brisket is fantastic there.
  18. Definitely on my list. Always in the top 5.
  19. Depends on what other moves they make.  If they sign Lebron or Melo, he has to go.  His price tag will be too high for a role-playing 3 ball shooter. 
  20.   I gotta try that brisket omelet.  You need to do Franklin's at least once.  It is absolutely worth the wait.  I had the sausage at City Market and remember it being excellent.  Been a few years though.  Have you tried Mickelwaith's?  I have not but I heard they make a different kind each day fresh and they are all outstanding.
  21. Maybe if you'd finished in the top 4....
  22. Shouldn't they have a ferocious collie on the side?
  23. It is a little better than tied for 7th in conference, no?
  24. My son showed me a YouTube video of him dunking. Very impressive to say the least.
  25. Augie wants an extension. Good for him. You should get spanked a little when you put the greatest manager in the history of college baseball on the proverbial hot seat.
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