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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Have you tried JB's in Orange? Brisket is fantastic there.
  2. Definitely on my list. Always in the top 5.
  3. Depends on what other moves they make.  If they sign Lebron or Melo, he has to go.  His price tag will be too high for a role-playing 3 ball shooter. 
  4.   I gotta try that brisket omelet.  You need to do Franklin's at least once.  It is absolutely worth the wait.  I had the sausage at City Market and remember it being excellent.  Been a few years though.  Have you tried Mickelwaith's?  I have not but I heard they make a different kind each day fresh and they are all outstanding.
  5. Maybe if you'd finished in the top 4....
  6. Shouldn't they have a ferocious collie on the side?
  7. It is a little better than tied for 7th in conference, no?
  8. My son showed me a YouTube video of him dunking. Very impressive to say the least.
  9. Augie wants an extension. Good for him. You should get spanked a little when you put the greatest manager in the history of college baseball on the proverbial hot seat.
  10.   Actually, I have seen prosecutors try cases (in Jefferson County), when the person blew under a .08.  There is an either/or scenario in the statute:  You have a BAC of .08 or higher; or, you do not have normal use of your faculties (paraphrasing but that's close).  IMO, it's BS - why even have a .08 limit if you aren't going to abide by it either way.  Most juries will recognize this and "walk" the person if they are under the legal limit with no allegations of other substances (e.g., pills).  And you guys are correct, if you aren't of the legal age to drink, you are a minor and any detectable amount of alcohol in your system is an offense.   Here's another element that has never made sense to me:  On a first offense, if you are under 21 and give a breath specimen, the DL suspension is for 60 days.  If you are over 21 and give a breath specimen, it's over 90 days.  I guess the motivation is that any amount is an offense if you are under 21, so encourage them to blow.  However, it seems to me it ought to be more penal in you aren't even old enough to drink in the first place.
  11. Not impressed with the buck-20 he batted this year?
  12.   On a first offense, yes it would.  Only difference is mandatory interlock on 1st offense if BAC is .15 or higher...
  13. 2 yrs is steep on a class B. 1 yr is pretty standard. Have seen 2 yrs though in cases involving an extremely high blood alcohol content or an accident.
  14. Runner beat the tag. Gotta love the unwritten rules of baseball (or hate them).
  15. Most likely 1 year probation. $300-500 fine. $60 month probation fees. $1500 assessment from dps on license. A DWI education class and Victim Impact Panel (depending on county could be called something different but basically the same classes). Both are basically 1 day classes, usually on Saturday. Rules are don't get arrested, don't drink or do drugs, don't go in bars or similar places, and frequently a curfew is imposed unless you are working nights.
  16. I gotta say, I was "okay" with the Strong hire and and am cautiously optimistic. But the fact that Augie was on the hot seat going into this season really gives me pause with Patterson as the AD. Win or lose this game, the guy is a legend and I have always loved the way his teams play (at UT and CSF). Always gritty and you can just tell they go into every single game believing they will win.
  17. Dang, forgot about Gurley. Beast.
  18. Gordon - Wisc Collins - Ark TJ Yeldon tough to beat too. I hear great things about Malcolm Brown coming out of the spring too. Mike Davis from South Carolina is a good one.
  19. I would LOVE to see him with Dwight. Harden is going to have to give up shots and play some defense but I could definitely see this working. After enduring Kobe for a season, I think playing with Lebron may be just the thing to bring out the best in Howard. Love him or hate him, LBJ is the kind of player that makes his teammates better.
  20.   Says the guy whose team finished tied for 7th in their conference?
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