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Everything posted by jv_coach

  1. I remember when some idiots from Woodville got on here and started bad mouthing the coaches for making them workout during the baseball season.
  2. What is the alt-right? What is its worldview? How big is it? Michael Knowles, bestselling author and host of The Michael Knowles Show, took a deep dive into alt-right culture. Here's what he learned.
  3. Because Socialism and Communism run on people’s sin nature. People are naturally lazy, excuse making, hateful, envious, and have a mob mentality. Marxism exploits those traits and as we become more immoral we become more acceptable to Marxist ideas
  4. Be a lot cooler if they did. [Hidden Content]
  5. Outkast told everybody to move to the back of the bus and Rosa Parks sued them. The problem with New Tobie ,like so many others is todays society, is they do not have a clue what they are talking about and can not use reason or logic to form an opinion, but only repeat what they are told.
  6. There is two great truths that we all have to understand, and at first they seem to be against each other, but in reality they work with each other. We all make choices and we have to live with them whether they are right or wrong and time and chance happen to us all.
  7. Goes to show the genius of our Founding Fathers. Note when I say "our" Tobie and Big Girl are not in that "our" because they are marxist pinko commie clowns and their foundation of government understanding is tyranny.
  8. This is what its like when the kids come from a divorced family "blended family" and all (so called )parents are fighting to be the cool parent. I feel sorry for my kids.
  9. Evadale is a safe school, your kids can get taught, and coached up. Other schools in the area will fail one or all three of those criteria.
  10. People been pointing this one out since our for a long time, but the rappers kept on rapping about it. So if it’s not the democrats fault could it be an overall low morality within the black community that is responsible for the breaking down of the family unit?
  11. I agree with what your saying, and also there has been more than a few POTUS during that time, so at the same time the POTUS has had little to do (though some and I agree that Obama hurt things) with the continued rise of the market from inception to today
  12. The DOW can drop just as quick as it rises, so while the POTUS has a small influence over the DOW, he has very little to do with the DOW.
  13. Obama is rallying the troops for November 4th..... [Hidden Content] I could not find the video, and the article mentions everything except the protestor proclaiming Nov 4th the day when the revolution starts.... [Hidden Content]
  14. I do not want to be a conspiracy theory guy on the Vegas shooting, but those involved are not helping me at all. No footage released, no security guard, a nice clean suicide, the official story/ timeline has been changed, not a single person on the floor in their room, besides the shooter...... But I really think the security guard was scared to do anything and that is why he ran away , because of the shame and guilt of doing nothing while others died...there is no footage because the cameras are all pointed at the gamblers, people wanted the security guard to be the hero, so they jumped to conclusions.
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