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Everything posted by jv_coach

  1. I heard a guy say that Virginia is important to look at because for some reason it makes a good sample slice of what America is thinking and what direction she is leaning politically.
  2. thanks, I am glad it read well. I have grammar and spelling deficiencies that can hinder me. where does/did your dad preach? and you being a thinker and one who enjoys real journalism should get a subscription of WORLD MAGAZINE. [Hidden Content]
  3. My thought about the links....I was not able to read all of the CT article because I was not a subscriber. I differ with the CT's stance on immigration but I agree that Trump's moral failings are a concern. Personally I think the leaders we vote into office are a reflection of who we are as a nation/society. So with Obama and Trump we see a reflection of who we are as a nation and God could very well be judging us by giving us the leaders we deserve. I enjoyed reading the second article and it brought up some good points and some I have brought up at church, I think the author is more of a social gospel adherent and that is his angle he approaches the article with. The author/interviewee left the SBC because the SBC abandoned the Jimmy Carter liberalism of the 70's and started going back to "this is what the Bible says" A lil FYI the Southern Baptist Convention is the only major denomination that went liberal (both in its theology and politics) only to return back to a more conservative approach to both. the third article reminds me why I was a never Trumper ( until I Obama went openly homosexual with his bathroom mandates and since i have three daughters it is a big deal to me and the fact that Hillary is really just a female version of Obama) I really thought Pence was going to be a sellout politically, after his flip flop on the gay marriage stuff while he was governor of Indiana(?), but he seems to be the stabilizing force behind Trump. It is as if Trump listens to his kids ( both liberals) and Pence (the christian conservative). I really believe that Trump is a liberal, but he is a pragmatist economically which is why he leans more conservative on that end of the spectrum. He is also a salesman and knows how to make a sale and knows that to keep making sales he has to deliver the goods and to a large part haas been delivering the goods and that is how he is keeping us Evangelicals from jumping ship. If we are going to talk morality than we should probably leave the Young Turks or at least that guy on the u-tube video out of our conversations. I have seen enough of them to know they are lacking in the moral absolute department. I enjoyed reading what you posted Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) 17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.[a]
  4. Oct. 31, the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, was a public holiday this year in Berlin, which 75 years ago was a witch’s cauldron of Nazi-led hatred. Meanwhile, it was Halloween as usual in Washington, D.C., with Republicans on the verge of introducing a tax reform plan they called a treat and Democrats deemed a trick. The formal unveiling of the plan on Nov. 2 showed both descriptions to be partly right. Reduction of corporate tax rates may turn out to be a treat for the American economy and for those who are unemployed or underemployed. Movement conservatives were heavily promoting the plan, and they may be right. Movement liberals were attacking it, and they usually have been wrong. The plan certainly showed how far the GOP has moved in 20 years from the principles of “compassionate conservatism” that Gov. George W. Bush started talking about in 1997. He wanted government policies that promoted charitable giving and adoption. The plan also showed how quickly the GOP has distanced itself from decades of Republican rhetoric about budget deficits and national debt. The GOP plan as of Nov. 7 includes some tax bracket simplification that will make little difference to most taxpayers. The big change for individual taxpayers is elimination of personal exemptions of $4,050 each. The plan makes up for that takeaway by doubling the standard deduction from $12,000 to $24,000 per married couple, and by increasing the child tax credit from $1,000 to $1,600. While sitting in an airport early in November, I used my calculator app and saw how those changes may roughly balance out—but a plethora of nuances make precise Person A vs. Person B comparisons tricky. I did see how some changes could affect the behavior of four imaginary couples, each with an annual income of $100,000 and current deductions of $14,000 for property taxes and mortgage interest on their middle-class home: Mr. and Mrs. Watchtaxes have four children and donate $5,000 each year to churches and charities. By itemizing, they currently cut their tax bill by $750. Under the GOP plan they will start using the standard deduction and will contribute $500 less, since they won’t get any tax benefit by doing so—and their kids need new clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Kuyper have no children and donate $10,000 each year to churches and charities. They will also take the standard deduction but despite losing the tax benefit will continue to contribute that $10,000, and may even add to it since their tax bill will be a little lower and the economy is good. Mr. and Mrs. Selfish are big winners: They have no children and donate nothing. They will benefit more from the GOP plan than the Watchtaxes or Kuyper families, because the now-doubled standard deduction gives them the same tax status as those with bigger families or bigger hearts. Mr. and Mrs. Compassion are big losers. In 2014 they used their savings to adopt a child—and received a $4,800 adoption tax credit, the average amount that year. They were thankful for that credit, one of the few lasting results of the GOP’s partial 1995-2001 compassion push. They had planned to adopt another child in 2018 but are surprised that the new GOP plan eliminates the adoption tax credit. Analysts say the GOP plan, if enacted, will probably reduce the percentage of itemizers from 33 percent to 5 percent. One study predicted a 5 percent decline in contributions to religious organizations, but only God knows what will happen. The Universal Charitable Giving Act of 2017 is still up for congressional consideration: It would expand the charitable deduction to all Americans rather than knock it out for all but a few. Meanwhile, GOP concern about federal deficits and debt seems mostly dead. In 2012 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, now blithely pushing to add $1.5 trillion to our national ball-and-chain, called debt “the nation’s most serious long-term problem.” Early last year the Republican National Committee blamed Barack Obama for burying the United States under a “mountain of debt.” We are buried, and Debt Hill has become the Big Rock Candy Mountain, to bipartisan praise. Congress is singing the 1928 song by that name: “In the Big Rock Candy Mountain / There’s a land that’s fair and bright / Where the handouts grow on bushes / And you sleep out every night.” Few Christian leaders are speaking out about our new cross of gold. During the Obama administration, the National Association of Evangelicals called for “the President and Congress to demonstrate moral leadership and fiscal integrity in addressing the national debt. This will require extraordinary political courage, bipartisan cooperation and shared sacrifice.” This year, with a Republican in the White House, I’m not hearing many evangelical admonitions like that about federal debt. Maybe hoped-for economic growth will pull an elephant out of a hat, but political courage, cooperation, and sacrifice now seem as rare as a Halloween trick-or-treater in the costume of an angel. Marvin Olasky Marvin is editor in chief of WORLD News Group and the author of more than 20 books, including The Tragedy of American Compassion. Follow Marvin on Twitter @MarvinOlasky.
  5. So we here of all these leftist liberal hollywood folks getting caught doing this and then all of the sudden the leftist liberal politicians accuse the conservative christian of such things. I read a couple of books on how the Nazi's came to power in Germany prior to WWII and one of their favorite tactics was to accuse there political opponents of what they did. ie many of the opponents of the Nazi's were accused of homosexuality while they themselves wear homosexuals. So since history repeats itself and since like the Nazi's the liberal and the leftist want a totalitarian government it makes since that they would use the same tactics, because like the NAZI's America's liberals and leftist hate Jesus also. The name of the books was
  6. Witchcraft's selling point is that you can be your own god, and Satan knows it worked with Eve (Genesis 3:5 you can be like God) so why change the play, just like in coaching football we run the same play from a different formations and the opposing team will have a hard time trying to stop it.. We pray that our kids would never fall for this, but let me peel back the veil and show you how in our modern evangelical bible believing homes we can be deceived by the same ole play ran from a different formation. Now Genesis 3:4-5 says Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” In the article the lady said "being a witch is worshiping yourself as your own god" same play different formation. But our kids would never fall for that (I pray that is right), but the devil has been watching film on us humans for thousands of years and his ultimate goal is to kill steal and destroy (John 10:10) of course we know that Jesus came to give us life and give it more abundantly and that is why we take our kids to church, read scripture with them and do our best to point them to Christ. We also know that the Bible says that the satan can dress up like an Angel of Light (2 CORINTHIANS 11:14) and that if not for the grace of God that satan would deceive even born again Christians into following him.( Stephens paraphrase of Matthew 24:24) So satan after watching our film has a new formation that is priming the pump that leads the young people into the occult and into witchcraft. Of course as Christians we don't get into our playbook (The Bible) near as often as we should and because of that we are not as discerning as we should be. So the old pay that satan is running at us, we see as very innocent, maybe even healthy and this old play is just repackaged Paganism. Back in the day there was a song that said "Errbody in the club getting tipsy" and we all know that, that way of living leaves us with no peace, so we try to find peace, and the New Age Spirituality ( which is just old fashioned paganism) says that if we quiet ourselves and focus inwards we can find our Divine Spark or are god Consciousness and they may even throw in some Bible terms and say they are finding their Christ Consciousness. These New Agers which are the same as the occultist and witches use meditation ( another Bible term used but redefined. So biblical meditation is not the emptying the brain of all thought and silencing the noise, but Biblical Meditation is the reading scripture and chewing on what the Scripture says and how one should apply it) New Age Spirituality says one must meditate in order to worship the god inside them or in the tree's or earth or in the dog ( now remember what the original article said "a witch is a women who worships herself as god is her own creator so whether it is PANTHEISM or PANENTHEISM it all sounds like the same play from a different formation. So what technique is it that the New Age witch, the millennial looking for inner peace, the middle age person that has become responsible while realizing Da club gave them no peace are being deceived by? The peace they think they have found comes from a word that means to be yoked with or to become one with,and the Bible clearly states that we should not be be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) see when people do Yoga all those poses are really positions to meditate, to center oneself, or to become yoked with and come in contact with the god inside them through that pose or to light the god spark that is inside them. Spiritual warfare is real, and Yoga is the new formation that satan is using to deceive many. So, yes your wife, daughters, yourself and your kids may be doing it as "just stretching" and if that is the case ok just stretch and call it such, but to call it Yoga and to do Yoga is to give credence to the old belief system of the occult, and the devil is more than willing to play the long game to kill, steal and destroy. Did the afore mention article not say that the lady( witch) introduced her sorcery at schools? Is the devil so dumb that even though he is wanting to steal, kill and destroy souls of our children, that he will not put a delightful pose to his defiance to The Lord God, is he not like a wise hunter who mask his scent so that his prey will not know he is there? So let us not ignore the warnings the young folk are turning to spirituality, but away from the God of the bible. Let us remember God has put us where we are at so to be a sanctifying light for Christ. We need to be men of courage who like the sons of Issachar, men who knew the times and knew what they should do. (1 Chronicles 12:32) so acting on our divine responsibility to be shepherds of our own home from the wolves that look to destroy our little flock is what we should do. And to help us do that we need to lean heavy on God and in our hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame." 1 Peter 3:15-16 Read 2 Timothy 3
  7. “When thinking about what it means to me, a witch is a woman who worships herself as her own god. She is the creator of her own life, the healer of herself,” says Maura Dillon from Chicago, who brings meditation practice into schools. She had a tarot-card reading four years ago and fell hard for the powerful message of the occult. “We live in this time where social structures, institutions, and organized religion is failing us massively. That’s why I was drawn to it initially, because I didn’t feel like I was drawn to any of those mainstream ideologies.” Witches today are essentially picking up where the Baby Boomers left off. The resurgence of witchcraft began in the late 1960s and 1970s, on the eve of second-wave feminism and sexual liberation. It has ebbed and flowed since then, but now that feminism has become mainstream again [Hidden Content]
  8. I think your onto something about demonic possession and the dangers in dabbling with the occult ( BTW New Agers use Yoga, it is all about finding your inner god spark) It all starts innocent, but gets crazy quick, and as always there will be those who profit of off people getting hooked in the new spirituality. [Hidden Content]
  9. The shooter at the Sutherland Springs Church was in the government at one point and time.....the government trained and taught and trained the shooter... we can go on, but for now this will do.So imagine of only the government had the "bad and scary guns" what would have stopped this shooting? Nobody, know imagine the guy you despise politically having power and all the guns? Scary aint it?
  10. You may or may not have heard of the "Burning Man" Pagan Celebration in Nevada. [Hidden Content] You can find a lot of web-sights that glorify the Burning Man but God is not [Hidden Content]
  11. This is from an article in 2008 [Hidden Content] n Colorado, Pew estimated the percentage of Wiccans, pagans, Unitarians and those espousing other New Age faiths to be about twice the national figure, which could mean a statewide neopagan figure in the tens of thousands. Brennan, a credentialed Wiccan minister with the Denver-based Alexandria Temple & Academy, sees a strong local trend in people self-identifying as generic pagan. Brennan said neopagans generally prefer to experience spirituality firsthand rather than adhere to authoritarian dogma. She describes a typical neopagan as having reverence for nature, seeing it as a manifestation of the divine. Many neopagans are polytheistic, worshiping gods and goddesses. They generally believe worship of God as father without worship of Goddess as mother is a serious imbalance in the natural order of things. Yet generalizing can be dangerous, even within sects. “You’ll get no agreement on how Wiccans see God — or Goddess,” Brennan said. “In Wicca, there is no ‘you have to’ and ‘you can’t.’ There is no orthodoxy.”
  12. Everybody has a sin or two we all wish to move on past, liberals embrace sin, and liberals will whip up outrage to get a knee jerk mob mentality reaction
  13. In order to help the poorest, consider the impact free-market capitalism has had in the last 200 years in alleviating extreme poverty. The Industrial Revolution turned the once-impoverished western countries into abundant societies. The new age of globalization, which started around 1980, saw the developing world enter the global economy and resulted in the largest escape from poverty ever recorded. [Hidden Content]
  14. Keep repeating your mantra of four legs good two legs bad you simple sheep
  15. All you do is stand around and scratch and spit. BTW I have seen some salty baseball teams that lifted on game day.
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