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Posts posted by bullets13

  1. See Bullets we can agree LOL I agree I will dreed all the new post after we win Friday!!!!! Good Luck to your Dogs Fri night!!!1

    no dogs for me, i'm a hawk at heart, and no amount of luck could possibly help them against WOS :).  I'm really just a fan of your guyses district in general... it's been very entertaining this year.

  2. First of all look back at the threads from day one NOT MANY PEOPLE WERE PULLING FOR LUMBERTON. So dont say we were pulling for yall and then yall won 5 in a row so now we dont like yall, most never liked us and thats ok. It is their choice.

    SECOND---Most of the threads about Lumberton are not started by Lumberton people but people trying to start stuff. I agree the really dumb ones should be removed but I think the Mods know it brings alot of chat on here (Its good for business).   If Lumberton beats Central they will be 3-0 in District thats all it means.

    this makes sense... but i can honestly say i was rooting for lumberton for like 4 1/2 weeks, and now i'm not.  i think most of ya'll have come to the realization that at this point, if someone doesn't like you, then screw it, who cares.  ya'll pull for your team, everyone else will root against you, and if ya'll win, you can start 40 new threads at 11 p.m. friday night.  if ya'll lose, you can bet that all of the things that many lumberton fans have said will be shoved back into their faces.  at this point, i'm kind of sick of it, but at the same time i'm more excited about this game that i've been about any other game all year.  i think you're right, obnoxious or not, these threads are good for business.

  3. HJ- I like the EC game, even though they in a lower classification, they are a great team, and the game last year was awesome.  dropping anahuac and cleveland, let's play splendora and coldspring or liberty.  a couple of games that will prepare us for the lower level teams in our district that we can actually compete with.  i don't think scheduling games against supertough teams would do us much good.  nobody learns much from a 50 point loss (except maybe humility)

  4. i know ya'll are 3-0 against weak 3a teams, 1-0 against a quality team, and 1-0 against the 4a team that is arguably the worst team in your district (although they've played a tough schedule).  I'm not saying lumberton is bad, and they might indeed be very good,  but you're trying to make a jump that nederland would struggle to make, and they're successful in 4a year after year.

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