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Everything posted by bullets13

  1. Our boys from 22-4A made easy work of crosby, smiley, and galena park... how many teams will be left from 22-4A after the next round? Here are the matchups... PNG vs. Lamar Consolidated (defeated Dickinson 39-14) Dayton vs. Texas City (defeated Bay City 28-16) Lumberton vs. La Marque/El Campo So who moves on?
  2. yup, 22-4a put a hurtin' on them... now the question is who will be left after next week.
  3. Congrats lumberton! more history in the making... now you get a real test next week.
  4. I don't know anything about CC... was this expected?
  5. I'm not a huge bonds fan, but really? There is no way to estimate how many players used steroids or other performance enhancers over the past ten years, but i would say that 25% is a VERY safe estimate. I'm not sure why everyone has such a hard-on for getting Barry. I realize he's set the alltime record, and maybe that's upset some old white congressmen somewhere (even though it was already held by an African American), but who really cares? He is undoubtedly the best steroid-using player in the steroid era. Let it go and move on. I just can't believe that a player is going to be charged for a crime when he wasn't telling the truth about using products that probably weren't even banned yet when he used them.
  6. this would be really helpful if he'd go ahead and resign with the yanks... that way i could go on hating both and not have to worry about whether strayrod is going to end up at a club i like or not.
  7. My buddy got us tickets (or preregistered or something)!!! I can't wait!
  8. It wouldn't be very practical. The way they are set up now, they have the ability to field strong athletic teams while not being governed by typical transfer and zoning rules. They are having a great year this year, with a legit chance of going all the way. If Kelly were to go public, they'd get slaughtered. Think of all the players they'd lose to zoning and tranfser rules. They'd also probably be playing against 4a competition, which i feel would be a little too much for them this year, much less the year after they're depleted by going public. I think that Kelly is in the best place they can be right now. Why mess with a good thing? On a side note, i would like to see kelly play some of the big names in the lower classifications in the years to come (WOS, EC, maybe even a lumberton or nederland). That would be a lot of fun to watch.
  9. i definitely agree with both of the points highlighted in red. another plan that would work would be to suspend the player for the next four quarters after the hit. this way if someone pulls a cheap hit late in a game they're losing, they'll miss most of the next game as well, instead of just missing a few meaningless mop-up minutes. if they have a cheap shot in the first quarter, they'll miss the rest of the game plus the 1st quarter of their next game. I think if you are going to start ejecting for cheap and late hits, they should be reviewed on video by the officials. This will give them the opportunity to confirm the intent of the hit, and keep questionable calls from getting a player kicked out. This should be automatically reviewed upstairs without stopping the game, and if they player needs to be reinstated, they can do it after the next play. As for enforcing these rules in HS, i think it's very important to instill good values and clean play into our kids. The only thing i'd worry about would be a couple of hometown refs serving up home cooking and having the power to throw kids out on questionable late hits .
  10. Kenyon Spears was pretty salty back in the day at HJ. i was pretty young when i watched him play, but he was the real deal.
  11. Ohio State @ Michigan Kentucky @ Georgia West Virginia @ Cincinnati Boston College @ Clemson Oklahoma @ Texas Tech Mississippi St @ Arkansas Louisville @ South Florida Maryland @ Florida State
  12. i've been tempted to start reffing again, but i don't really like running much anymore
  13. the best team always wins most of the time . but no, the best team does not always win, although the team that plays the best usually does. this is kind of a tough issue to tackle. for instance, take when the cowboys played the bills awhile back. the cowboys are clearly the best team, but the bills were the best team that night, yet the cowboys still won. the best overall team won the game, but the best overall team for that night lost. anything can happen. just ask the michigan football team.
  14. this was crap... it's not indicative of most of the dayton fans...
  15. I pull for both of these teams when they aren't playing each other. I kind of hope Houston wins, and I kinda think NE might win. I'm going to be pretty happy no matter what happens.
  16. i'm not sure what was worse... your argument or your grammar. great game hawks!
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