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Everything posted by highsky

  1. That is from the other teams who have a MaxPreps account. When they record a win/loss, it is reflected in the other team's profile as well. Most years, the MaxPreps is very inconsistent in records. Hardin does not have a MaxPreps account that is officially kept up by Hardin staff. They are currently 4-5 at the moment, but improving every day. If someone were to go back over the past years, one would see that the majority of the losses for Hardin seasons occurred in the early part of the season. The question of the day: Are Kenny Powers and Jim Adler the same person?
  2. Not there, but I did hear Tatum beat Hardin. Tatum is usually pretty good and a program that has been on the rise for a couple of years. However, they did lose to Nederland last year which is historically no competition for Hardin. Further evidence this team (Hardin) is a far cry from what it has been for the last 24 years. Score was Tatum 25-14, 25-11 Was also told Hardin lost to Lorena today, but that was expected. When was the last time Hardin started the season 0-3 ? You guessed it........never in volleyball Just FYI…Hardin has never played Nederland.
  3. The point I was making is that there won’t be rumors or “I heard this” threads started here when she does retire. Stop with the exaggeration and the over the top stuff, like you saying Regina didn’t have to work for a living. That’s pretty far from the truth.
  4. I see that some of y’all like to stir the pot I work with Regina and she has shown up to summer workouts for the girls program. Also, someone on here is acting like they really know Regina and her family as they put details that seem to suggest that. Never mind that a detail or two are completely wrong. Trust me, when Regina does retire, everyone will know.
  5. I have heard Rusk may possibly be in the conversation, but beyond that, I don't know.
  6. Looking at that information, it's interesting to to see 2 former MLB players as assistant coaches. Mark Petkovsek and Andy Pettite (for Second Baptist). Both were pitchers in the Show.
  7. I never said he was a 140 lb QB. He might have been 140-150 (maybe pushing 160) in 8th grade but he's got the frame to be a good sized QB. Though even as a freshman, 187 lbs might be stretching it. Don't you know football game programs make their players bigger & heavier? Even the NCAA teams do it... He's definitely closer to 187 now that he would have been when he left Hardin.
  8. I saw him recently too and he's got to be at the very least 6'1"-6'2" and about 170lbs or more. He looked as heavy as I am and I'm 5'9, 180. If he keeps growing, I can see him being 6"3-4" and 190-200. He will be a sophomore for Nederland. I got to know Brady at Hardin and he is a good kid who is just athletic as all get out. He knows what he can do and maximizes his ability. He just soaks in football and it's thanks to his dad. Ned was a pretty good QB back in his day.
  9. Hardin vs Boling time has moved up to 6 pm.
  10. I know next to nothing about Orangefield football but I'm taking Anahuac by 14 because I saw them play Hardin.
  11. To be fair, I never said that it was Hardin mismanaging funds…just that it’s happened. Now this statement is more like what should be said, instead of the sarcastic comments you were saying in your other posts. Being civil is the way to go. Yes, Hardin has not had great luck with head coaches lately and I agree that it could be a springboard job to a better job for a young coach right now unless that coach has success for the first couple years then maybe it is parlay into a consistent role for Hardin (see Haynes).
  12. And that in turn can lead to major abuses in how the athletics money is being spent. I can tell you that has absolutely happened. The HFC/AD can take more than their equal share to spend on football and not other sports. He would then justify it with what you just said, "football is the majority moneymaker/spender within athletics." With a separate AD, that doesn't happen. By the way, you stated that "I already know there aren't any others in SeTx", I countered with Splendora which is SETX. I didn't know I had to put a whole dang list. I'm sorry 3 isn't enough for you. It sounds like you have an axe to grind against Hardin. I was not trying to "justify the fact" as you put it about the separate AD and HFC positions. Matter of fact, since you bring up justification, if you go to the Hardin ISD page, and click on "Athletics", then "Football", you will see a subheading of "Hardin Hornets Coaching History." If you read that, then you will see that with the exception of Haynes, the majority of coaches lasted 2-4 years and that is a lot of turnover at the AD/HFC position. As I said before, the separation of AD & HFC was to create a sense of consistency in the athletic program as a whole. If you don't like it, tough. Go whine somewhere else about how "Hardin is going to scare away coaches" because you're not going to convert me.
  13. I don't know about statewide but in SETX, Splendora has a separate AD and HFC. They are 4A. I should have stated that it's more common in the larger districts (5A/6A) but the idea is trickling down to the lower ranks.
  14. Sure, but in case you haven't noticed, schools these days are gravitating away from the HFC/AD combination and separating it between two people. The days of HFC/AD are quickly fading into the past. I know Kountze's AD is not the HFC so Hardin is not alone in the area when it comes to that. Like I said, there's a bit more to the story.
  15. I'm very aware of all what you just stated. However, in a lot of cases, a teacher that is not certified to teach a specific field can only teach one class in that field because it can cause problems to the district if the uncertified teacher was to teach more than that one class. There's more reasons here than what I am willing to say, but while it is true that usually the whispers on the coaching grapevine are true, it's also true that not all the information is out there to be shared. So the story can be partially true but a lot is left out.
  16. Yes, I agree with you to a point. This is true for elective classes. Not so much when it’s a core class like math (not just everyone can teach math) or a specific field like special education. There were only so many teaching field available for a coach.
  17. I'm not trying to stir anything up but some of the info is just not correct. For example, it's true that he was just the HFC and not HFC/AD. Before Barrier came, the AD position was given to someone else who has been associated with the school and within the athletic program for over 20 years and this was done to create some consistency with the athletic programs as the HFCs tend to only last 3-4 years, if that, at Hardin. That said, the salary was very good for Hardin for just being HFC. It wasn't the "needed more assistants" that was a problem...it was the impossibility of hiring more, due to a lack of candidates that met the criteria. This is not a problem with just Hardin, but everywhere else too. I think I read somewhere that at the THSCA coaching school that there were a ton of job postings but not enough candidates to fill those jobs. Hardin tried to keep Barrier. People may not believe it, but it's true.
  18. I don't know how I'm just now seeing this considering Anahuac just beat Hardin last week, but this....you know nothing. The only thing I agree with is that Coach Barrier is a good coach and the small town politics stuff (you find that everywhere...even at Anahuac).
  19. Hardin won in 4 (25-11, 20-25, 25-21, 25-11).
  20. There are 2 non-district games left... Beaumont Monsignor Kelly today at 4:30 (varsity only) and Huntsville next Tuesday.
  21. Hardin sweeps Dayton 2-0 ( 25-11, 25-18) to close the day out. Bracket play begins tomorrow.
  22. They switched up the bracket. Hardin/BC happened at 10 am with Hardin winning 2-0 (25-16, 25-21). Hardin will now play Dayton at 1pm.
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