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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. I mean Owens said it so it must be true. No such thing.
  2. Sorry I don’t understand the question I believe
  3. Nfl owners follow the green. They have a track record of employing murders rapist etc etc. I think owners welcome headaches if it’s followed by green.
  4. I’ve never said any of that. So? I’m just making a point times are changing.. You can debate on if it’s good or bad. But times are changing. I believe ownership and coaches should reflect its current body. I said earlier I don’t think kap bless the nfl with his return and if so he already showed it will be on his terms completely so only selling out I see is from Goodell and the NFL.
  5. Freedom before kap you couldn’t take a knee now the nfl will allow it. There going after Washington. They’re forcing the nfl to change it’s white only brotherhood of coaches and owners. It got other athletes from nba to nascar to college sports to step up and demand changes also. Kap single peaceful protest sparked a revolution now everyone’s a activist athlete.( he woke guys up to power they didn’t believe they had).
  6. Y Yes really week 3 of preseason. After kneeling the following two weeks without any press. But for the sake of argument let’s say he personally called press and had whole camera crews record it. What difference do it make. It was a peaceful protest that had absolutely nothing to do with the military (I’ve been mistakenly saying flag). It’s a free country he has every right to freedom of speech. The nfl had right to discipline which they would. He had several chances to come back sensored and choose not to. Kap protest is as American as it gets.
  7. He probably won’t give the NFL that favor of returning. But the NFL wants him back .... for reasons. Socks were distasteful.
  8. Facts are facts did it two weeks with no press until asked about it 3rd week didn’t blow up until the 6th week. His idea was to just remain sitting during anthem. Was convinced to take knee instead by us soldier Boyer.
  9. Kap been doing this before the press got to it. Kap did not ask for press.
  10. Is it not what there doing. Trying to appease the black community. Am I to believe the NFL suddenly care about race. A spade will always be a spade.
  11. Yes but kap has said many of times it was never about the flag and he got the idea to take a knee from a soldier. I honestly think the fans and politicians made the issue way bigger than it was. A peaceful protest.
  12. That’s where all this stems from . Before kap what athlete was demanding change on race relations. The NFL took a hard Stand and said no to kap. Now they will foolishly break they back to change the narrative. That’s why they will play black national anthem. PR.(look Nike bud light any other big company... no need to start pulling away money Wes gon play the black anthem.
  13. Kap took a knee to protest what he believes in. Rather you agree or disagree it was a peaceful protest that harmed no one. If we just had let kap be. Nobody will still be talking about kap 3 years later. This most likely would be a dead issue but we didn’t now this is our new reality.
  14. I love high school football, absolutely look forward to it every year. The reality is better organization ( meaning more money to throw at problem) NCAA NFL seasons or in jeopardy. I just have lil faith in Uil To be able to draw something up. I see football in spring or no football at all.
  15. I can’t see schools opening anytime soon. We’re talking about 1500 to 2500 kids per high school how can anyone self distance properly in a classroom with 30+ individuals. IMO open school late real late no earlier than after Halloween late. Schools in this area was force to play multiple games a week after Harvey it can be done again. I rather a late start with little to no hiccups. Than to start in August and have to shut it down due to cases.
  16. Hard to touch what the hive had but MHS do have a state title to its resume.
  17. Blacks are grouped and jammed packed most violence come from gangs . I say this to anyone drop any race in situations where blacks are force to live and let’s see how it plays out. I will accept that blacks have a lot of self intervening to do. I will not accept that blacks or the most violent race. I mean it’s detailed history of how violent the white man can be. No race is dumb stupid or choose wrong. It’s Lack of financial opportunities. It’s a lot of innocent kids who or in bad situations they can’t control . We do nothing to help theses youth. No parks ymca nothing go to a black neighborhood and wonder what it is for a teen to do out there. Don’t talk to me about the black community if you know absolutely nothing about the black community.
  18. It’s 100% BS So blacks are the racist in this country? Whites are not racist? Complain blacks use a few bad white apples to push a agenda But type a whole paragraph grouping all blacks as violent destructive murder loving people looking for hand outs . (Which is far from the truth) I’m black myself so I know this is BS setx logic.
  19. I see it’s no reason to try to have a reasonable discussion with you.
  20. This just shows your ignorance... Africa has 20 billionaires. All Africa is not undeveloped. Africa has malls suburbs a wealth class but I wouldn’t expect you to be knowledgeable on this. Every single African I’ve encountered in the US were better off financially than me... but continue spreading lies. But just for entertainment let’s say all that you said was truth. How do that change anything. Oh we kidnapped rape tortured treated you like cattle but. You better off today. (Is this what’s left)
  21. Yes and by just being black on this site . I’ve had to constantly remind people that blacks or not monolithic. And that I am not a spokesman for blacks. It’s a thread on here folks posting blacks folks committing assault. And the narrative is blacks or ok with it . So yeah I deal with that crap everyday.
  22. The bulk off all slaves were brought or kidnapped by European nations. With Portugal being ring leader. Yes almost everyone had there hand in it. Slaves brought to the US were stripped from there cultural language name etc. etc. when did the truth become hate speech.
  23. Nobody yet has still pointed out what she said that was racist or what made it hate speech.
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