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Everything posted by PAMFAM10

  1. Wow we just agreed... Cardinalbacker is a undercover lib paid off by soros ... 😂 jk
  2. God bless you and your family baddog.
  3. Whatever gets you through the day
  4. I just think it’s hilarious that we’re having a debate or that I have to defend black organizations from existing. When they only exist because they wasn’t included. White ppl do attend hbcu. Don’t be mad at facts hbcus bet pageants was founded so we can have a lane in which we were not represented. I can say We when I’m discussing the black community because I’m black so I am we. We do not mean we think the same. this is no longer a debate it’s pointless arguing.
  5. We might think about it once America rid itself of racism. Let’s both not hold our breath
  6. Like I said it’s no reason for me and you to continue to debate. Did you think you just educated me on anything? It’s you that loves bringing up race.
  7. I tell you this all the time you need to step away from talking points and stop trying to group people into groups what is a person like me? You don’t understand me so you try to put me in a box where you can just throw pointless statements and talking points. Nothing new of thought or origin just talking points.
  8. Could blacks participate in America pageant at the time they created black America pageant? Where black being allowed in colleges before hbcu. They were excluded so they created there own.
  9. Why do you think there are black colleges? Bet? Black magazines etc etc your mad at a people who wasn’t allowed so created there own. How is that racist. If this country wasn’t so racist. It would be no need for HBCU BET NAACP etc etc. Education is free
  10. You need help . You just don’t see it. At first I thought you was trolling but I see this is true thought. We are two far apart so no point and beating a dead horse. I agree to disagree.
  11. I promise you me and you live in two different realities. It’s like talking to a tree you love to tell me how I feel on situations rather than just asking you love to group me in groups etc etc. no matter what you spin what I said are facts. founding fathers where murdering slave owning colonists who surely have been burning in hell.
  12. You like to say I said things that I never said. I never said I was angry at America in anyway. I’m saying the men who wrote the constitution were aware that a decent size of the population were not going to receive the freedoms they boldly and proudly spoke on and written down. You can spin that fact however you please. They knew all men were not created equal in America. Give me liberty or give me death (unless your black) the preamble the constitution the star spangled banner. It’s all lies misleading false. Facts have to remain facts.
  13. Well I’m telling you I love America. And care less for the constitution and the men who wrote it.
  14. Were they not aware of the millions they had not receiving this freedom?? Did they free slaves after this meeting?? Sounds like a bunch of lies on a paper to me.
  15. I’m so thankful the majority of Americans do not think like this.
  16. I am preaching the truth. The constitution the star spangled banner I don’t care for none of it. It’s hypocritical all of it. Truth is truth like how could someone write the preamble in a slave driven society. How can that be possible. The constitution? the founders didn’t even Take it serious obviously. I’m American I love America. But the truth will remain the truth.
  17. Saying it’s for all Americans when the song was written during slavery is insulting
  18. No learned that in US history by a white woman facts will remain facts
  19. No they are not. The star spangled banner was written in 1814 (land of the free make it make sense) it wasn’t written for people who look like me. So I care less about the hypocrisy.
  20. Respect to your dad but I’m tired of this argument. Do you know if any of kap family served in the military. Any of mine’s. It’s military personal that stands with kap protest. It was recommended by a soldier after all.
  21. Carolina is looking to sell and anybody can be brought. There are black billionaires with desires of ownership in nba and nfl. Let’s see what happens. But what’s the excuse for coaches and gms
  22. I’m saying whites are the majority of the population so I have no problems with more whites getting this or that because it’s just common sense. But if you honest look at the makeup of the nfl owners gms and coaches. It’s no defending that. You’ll have to believe that blacks are simply unqualified for these position.
  23. Bottom line food for thought. Sports have been one of the Few things Americans can come Together and just be Americans. A lot of stuff is getting politically on both sides . It’s gone take reasonable people on both sides to come up with reasonable solutions. If we wish to have our sports be about sports again.
  24. I mean Owens said it so it must be true. No such thing.
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