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Everything posted by SETEXFan

  1. It is amazing that parents would pay someone $200 for a strength and conditioning camp when the school can provide this service for free. I know that Dayton athletes are put through hell and it costs them nothing to get better. How dedicated are you coaches to your kids? Just a question.
  2. Here is the funny part, both linemen from LC-M were as fast or faster than the Receiver from Lumberton. You have got to be kidding me.
  3. In the first 3 games of the season Cody played maybe 6 series. None against WOS.
  4. Oracle, you are correct if they would have done that. But once again you are lying. Not one of them held their medals out to gloat, they should have after dealing with the people from Barbers Hill saying the things they were, especially the skinny little runner that ran his mouth, that would have run behind a Patton if things would have broke loose. Oracle, you are wrong for the things you said then and now, you have done nothing but gloat in the defeat of the Dayton runners and as an adult you should be ashamed of yourself as well as some of the adults that were with you all that day at Huntsville. I would like to thank these four young men for paying the price to be champions. It was a terrible break but one that happens even at the highest level. Joe and PJ, good luck in your futures at the Univ. of Houston and UTSA. Ford and KJ, get you butt back to work and in the weight room and get ready for another run at a championship.
  5. Very good. Getting a little nervous there. We like to consider ourself a part of the Trinagle, at least for another year, thanks to the UIL. We may be the step-child but we like it down there.
  6. I am trying to figure out who is the biggest patsy between Bart Swallow and Crosseyed, but they are running to close a race.
  7. And we knew that your character would continue to come shining through. Thanks for the confirmation. AGAIN.
  8. Here is the best way I can describe Barbers Hill. with money that expects everyoe to bow down to what they want because they have alittle bit of money. People with real money expect their kids to do well and not make excuses. These would include Southlake, Highland Park, and Clear Lake. Those families have wealth that has been earned in the business world and not making 70$ an hour watching a gauge and coming home smelling like propane. Dayton kids expect nothing to be given to them. Sure they would like it but they have to fight for every bit of respect that they get and it is earned, they do not believe that it is their right. Ask Central about Dayton and they will tell you who they respect more, Dayton or Barbers Hill. Ask West Orange, or Crosby who they respect more. Dayton got DQ'ed, ok, bad deal, it happens. It happens in the olympics as well. Bad things happen to good people all of the time. The true character comes out in a person when those things happen. You either cry, and moan or you accept it and work to get better. Well I guess there is another difference in Dayton and Barber's Hill. Oh and I can't wait for the intelligent come back that Dayton families work for those bosses in the plant. If that is the best that you can come up with please save your typing skills.
  9. PJ cleared 6'10" to win the state championship. Congratulations on a great year!!!!
  10. Here is a surprise, Dayton and Barber's Hill differing in opinion.
  11. That proved what point? Thank you for that video. Joe had not even cut down when Todd hit the baton on Joe's left foot. Joe is still in lane 2, ok lane 1 and a half. That was exciting to watch all over again. Where is the rest of the video? Where Barber's Hill blames everyone else for an incidental happening. I know it will make no difference to you all but now we have video evidence to a non-malicios act that you people tried to butcher Joe for. Nice run Joe.
  12. They thought that being the pretty boy of SE Texas and having the "influence" they have that when they gripped they would get their way. Just did not work out for them this time.
  13. That is the problem w/ BH, they think money can buy everything.....including state track meet tickets...
  14. Easy there 64 before you go into a roid rage....
  15. Nice try "Bronco07", and "brons07" but when you use a computer from Barber's Hill isd their isp shows up if you know how to look. But that is ok we understand that you may not have gotten that far in computer class yet. Keep on trying though, southeast texas is getting a good laugh at you...
  16. yada..yada...yada.... ok,ok...we get it..you feel cheated...you wanted to go to state and everyone understands that, but don't say that Joe cheated when he is the last one that would cheat. We are sorry that you did not make it to state last year in 3A and your hopes were on this year because the kids were srs. ..Everyone understands that. It did not happen, and you cannot say for sure that it would have happened if he would not have dropped the stick on Saturday. Did he have a chance, you better believe it, he is a great runner, but bad things happen.
  17. And if you were smart Mr. Runner you would realiZe there is a Z in the word realize and not an S. I admitted that BH has beaten Dayton head to head, did you miss that. Now can you admit that according to times, which track is based on, that have been run in the last month that Dayton is better than BH now? Four of the last 5 races, Dayton has been faster, it is not a hard concept to understand.
  18. Oh and one other thing about the video. People have been studying the video of JFK being shot for 4 decades and there is still debate over that terrible incident. Your opinion is he fouled, good stick with that, keep looking at the video and saying that. The opinion of the officials is that he did not.
  19. Ok, huddle, you prove my point about Barber's Hill people being dilusional. You say that the Dayton runner would not have run a faster split time, then you say that the Dayton runner could not pass the BH runner. Well if he could not pass him then how in the world did he move down in front of him. He is not a ghost, he has to be in front of him in order to move down whether there is room or not. Ok you say the Patton boy has run a 48.2 split, great the Dayton young man has already run a 47 split this year twice. You say that Dayton has not beaten BH in two years head to head, you would be correct, but when do they normally run against each other? Usually early in the season when the BH boys have been running since December and Dayton's are just getting out of basketball and are not in the shape the boys from BH are in. Not an excuse just the truth. You know the internet is a great tool. I looked back at the latest races for both Dayton and Barber's Hill and this is what I found. District Track meets: Dayton 3:20.66.................BH 3:22.72...Dayton wins TEXAS Relays both teams went.. Dayton 3:23.29...BH 3:23.98 Close but Dayton wins Regional Prelims...Dayton 3:18.96...BH 3:19.18...Dayton wins Regional qualifiers Barber's Hill ran a faster time by 2 seconds so good for them, congratulations. But 4 out of the last 5 meets ran, including the regional finals Dayton has beaten Barber's Hill time in the 4x400, so I guess your assesment about Dayton not being able to beat Barber's Hill would be wrong. Both teams are great but you get a little presumptious when you state that just because Barber's Hill has beaten Dayton early in the season that they should do it again at the region track meet.
  20. The Dayton and BH coaches were not called down. BH went down to protest which is fine and the Dayton coaches went down to make sure that their boys did not get screwed. Ok, ok, so Barbers Hill may have have gotten fourth behind huntsville or Crosby, but the fact would still be the same they are going to have to buy a ticket to watch the state track meet. I can look at your video and come up with a different version than you. It is still up to the opinion of the track official.
  21. Sportsmanship is not blaming someone else for your shortcomings, you had a 10 meter lead when the stick was handed off. It was a good race, and something bad happened. It was not Joe's fault that the baton was hit on his heel. He passed and he believed that he was in front enough, and he was, and that is the end. Joe is a great young man full of character and high moral, and there is not a malisious bone in his body. He did nothing wrong to cause this and you showed your true character by trying to call him out on this website. Thanks for once again showing what Barber's Hill is all about. WE CAN WE WILL... WE'RE CRYBABY HILL.....
  22. BBallFan24 - you may be the epitome of an idiot. (did not say you are an idiot, said you may be. Don't misconstrue that) I never said how Dewey compares to pitchers in this district in the past 5 years. I did say he was the best pitcher in this district THIS YEAR. Which is an opinion, and it is mine, you do not have to agree but please stop showing your a**. Go grab a beer and cut your mullet, it is getting a little long over the ears....
  23. No Texans it is not a man crush, he really does care. About what we don't know but he does care, just ask him, he will tell you.
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