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Everything posted by navydawg31

  1. PA is no slouch don’t sleep on those titans.
  2. I figured they weren’t because if they wanted too they would be doing something about it on the current bond proposal y’all are having right now... there was talks on this board about it in the past just didn’t know if it pushed any farther or anything.
  3. Question... GCISD still considering or in talks of making one mega school? Or going back down to two high schools??
  4. Wow that’s late into the season.... how long has he been the HC at GCM? Couldn’t have been but 3 or 4 football seasons
  5. So down you can’t get a win...
  6. I was told this from someone today at work. They also made a bold prediction in regards of the future and they are a WOS alumni...
  7. How can WOS fall off that bad? State championship tournament a few years ago to not even a district win? Wow.
  8. I guess that’s why he left it open and said Nederland as a whole,
  9. I was told the Keystone Pipeline has a tax cut right now but it will end and once does the taxes from that alone will do nederland wonders...
  10. Isn’t Sunoco, Lucite, Air Liquide on the NISD tax roll?
  11. We all hope it stays excellent... Educators will leave for a better work environment, Latest and greatest technology, and a city that cares and supports the educators and students as a whole by giving them a better quality to thrive in. Rather it passes or not I hope it doesn’t divide this city and set us back in whatever the people choose to do.
  12. Congrats Zach! Former Nederland Grad, has worked under some very succeful coaches and deep playoff runs in the 6A and 5A level. I look for the offense to light up the score board!
  13. Cheap skates. The stadium portion of the bond was what 33 cents a month?
  14. If not passed I’m sure some of your Nederland friends with children will be making a nice move over the tracks
  15. Former Nederland grad c/o 90 great family. RIP Chad
  16. NISD has amazing teachers and educators that care about the kids and their well being... if this bond passes or doesn’t pass they will continue to do the same I hope and teacher these kids well... but it’s hard to teach when my 3rd grader has a leaking roof in his classroom and has to go to the cafeteria on a hard rain. Or my 5th grader in a classroom of 33 students to 1 educator and sitting at a round table. That’s not right, something needs to be done.
  17. Okay thanks... curious... how did they utilize this 1m savings? What did they spend it on?
  18. Do you happen to know by how much? I’m curious as to where this money was spent and utilitized
  19. How often does new construction come in under budget..? I hope we are able to get everything we want and more I really do. But honestly I’m not holding my breath on us able to build one,
  20. Even though PNG lost boy wonder they should be favorite to win the district. Very strong team coming back, one of the better o lines in the greater Houston area.
  21. At first stadium bond was kinda dead.. as of late it’s picking up steam... from what I was told people are upset though that the big 17 mil athletic bond isn’t a option and would have a greater chance then just strictly bulldog stadium bond because it covers all sports. I am kinda baffled that they wouldn’t include the building new dressing room idea to the stadium bond... visitor team has to go the girls locker room. The dogs are cramped up inside central middle, can’t really call anything there own, outdated, old, pathetic.
  22. Don’t think so... I think that was a big fuss with the hire.
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