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Long Tall Texan

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    Long Tall Texan reacted to prepballfan in PN-G's Anthony Anniboli injured in automobile accident.   
    He is walking without a walker according to a post on the Indians website. SO blessed to be ok
  2. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to CougarCal in PN-G's Anthony Anniboli injured in automobile accident.   
    Got word he's out of the hospital and at home.  Pretty amazing!
  3. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to liltex in Ty Dennis turn heads wit 4.35 Friday at TCU camp   
    I remember listening to KLVI football broadcast for PNG/Jeff the Jet Bergeron could run
  4. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to NDNation in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    In the 16th-18th century Africans enslaved around 1.5 million White Europeans in The Barbary Slave Trade.

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up I know that no one today is responsible for that, so I don't hold a grudge. It was white people that ended slavery here in America. Slavery still goes on in Africa.
  5. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to bullets13 in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Yet a little over 40% of officers shot and killed in the line of duty are killed by black males.  which falls in line with the fact that while black males make up only 6% of the population, they commit crimes at a disproportionately higher rate than the rest of the population (the reason behind this is worth discussion, but not on this thread).  Common sense would dictate that if a certain sector commits violent crime at a disproportionate level to the rest of society, they will also have a disproportionate  amount of violent encounters with police officers.
  6. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to dBerrySports in Red Cross Apology for Racist Pool Poster   
    Listen man, I don't really care. But it was a drawing, not sure how any one drawing could have chosen another pool. Anyways, the people that drew and ultimately approved that poster made a mistake. Whether it was purposely racial or not, I don't know. But it was a mistake. A mistake that a place as big as the Red Cross can't make. And if you want to be childish about when you think your race is considered inferior, go right ahead, you won't be the first or last. I don't want to make it a competition, I wish the worst complaint we could have is an insurance commercial.
  7. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to baddog in Useless Rants   
    Yes, but it's what a lot of them think....."I had my blinker on!"
    In Houston, they signal after they cut you off, or not at all.
  8. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to Hagar in Useless Rants   
    I'll like it for 5 more years lol.   But I get it.  I saw a 90 year old on news last week who seemed to get around better than me.  All of us age differently, physically and mentally.  At some point there should be a periodic test.  
    And people that pull out in front of me - even if I have to slow a little, but they speed up & get on down the road, I can live with it.  But them turds that do it & then go slow irritate me to no end. 
  9. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to bullets13 in Useless Rants   
    elderly drivers who have no idea what's going on around them going 45mph in a 70 mph zone.  I've had them pull right out in front of me, and turn across right in front of me as well.  I've also been stuck behind them for miles upon miles, with no hope of passing due to the other dozen cars stuck behind them.  I know it's tough for them to give up their independence, but many of them are as dangerous as 16-year-olds with a brand new license.  I'd like to see mandatory driving tests for the elderly every few years starting at the age of 75.
  10. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to Hagar in Useless Rants   
    Oh, another one:   Do you have a turn signal?  Do you know how to use it?
    I'd guess, maybe 20% of drivers use turn signals correctly most of the time.  Taking a lot of 2 lane roads to the other small towns, one of my favorites is the person in front of me, traveling 5-10 mph under the limit.  I'm close to pass when able and then he/she hits brake and just before the road or drive turns on the turn signal.  I could only compare it to my disbelief of politicians actions lol
  11. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to baddog in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Me too. Hope it blew him to smithereens. Also hope he saw it coming.
  12. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to BS Wildcats in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Glad they killed this sorry no good POS.
  13. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to stevenash in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Would I have been scared when a 300 pound man with a criminal record approached me in a threatening fashion?  Absolutely.  And I would venture to guess that part of being a "trained peace officer" includes training that instructs you to, in certain circumstances,  terminate the threat.  Are you telling me that the officer should have permitted Mr. Brown to assault him?  Should the guy in Dallas last night have not been killed? We are ALL scared at one time or another, so it is futile for you to imply that I am somewhat less than you because I will admit to experiencing fear.  Have heard many officers tell me real life experiences that very much reflected fear.  And you are just going to have to understand that the officer that you and your wife encountered did not "know" that you had been walking all day or that you were tired. The only thing he knew is that he was in the middle of a contentious situation and had to deal with it in a certain manner.  The officer in Ferguson Missouri was completely exonerated and yet is still in hiding, likely for a very long time. His life is essentially ruined.  The investigation ( which included a myriad of feds doing their absolute best to find fault with the policeman) found him to have handled the situation appropriately.  By the way, I am somewhat educated in the economics area and would love to discuss business and the economy with you anytime.
  14. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to stevenash in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    I guess we all look at things differently.  My perspective would have dictated that I take no action to cause the officer to be nervous.  If I am inconvenienced some, so be it.  I prefer the inconvenience to the possibility of something worse.  You mentioned that your wife smarted off and then said a few more things.  I am going to guess that there was nothing cordial about her comments.  If I am wrong, feel free to correct my assumption.  Once again, from my perspective, that was not something that was needed in that type of incident. I would guess that the officer interpreted the "smart off activity"( if I understood you correctly, she made more than one remark ) as  potentially a confrontational event.  As for the way you stood up, I would further guess the officer interpreted your move quite differently from the way you described it.   In the Michael Brown case, I could not disagree with you  more.   A trained officer has a better feel than someone untrained when a threatening situation exists.  If Mr. Brown would have approached me in the manner that I have heard he approached the officer, I would do whatever was necessary to stop a man twice my size from assaulting me. 
  15. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to stevenash in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Are you of the opinion that the guy who shot the people in the church should have been shot and killed as soon as they caught him or should the rules of the justice system have been fully implemented?  Is there something wrong with "waiting on the facts"?  In the Michael Brown case, I guess it is a very good thing that we "waited on the facts" rather than accepting the "hands up don't shoot" BS.  Wouldn't you agree?
  16. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to Peppermint Patty in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Humm. "Suspect in custody".
    I think we all need to stop painting with such a broad paintbrush.
    Officer shot near St. Louis; suspect in custody
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  17. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to Bigdog in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   

    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up 238 Whites shot, 123 Blacks shot in 2016 by cops. 494 Whites shot, 258 Blacks shot in 2015
  18. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to tvc184 in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    It appears that the officers were possibly shot by a sniper. Maybe three down.
    It has to be the officers' fault for being in uniform. 
    I wonder if the community will be outraged. 
  19. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to 78Stang in Png/Wos vs Ned/Wos   
    UIL is a big joke. I love WOS vs PNG. Two class programs with huge fan pride. It just seems to me that both teams put it all out on the field and the better team usually wins. I remember some VERY close games that were decided in the last few minutes and could go either way. After the game there was no pouting or bad sportsmanship. I never remember one of these game losses being blamed on referees. It has been- we got beat by a better team tonight.
  20. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to The Icon in Png/Wos vs Ned/Wos   
    Was a much better district back in the old 20-4A days:
    Got to watch some squads duke it out for 3 playoff spots 
  21. Like
    Long Tall Texan got a reaction from BS Wildcats in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Scum will be scum, apparently. How does this help? If cops continue to be shot for just being in uniform, they will only get more defensive and there will be more violence.
  22. Like
    Long Tall Texan got a reaction from Hagar in Live news - Dallas - Cops shot   
    Scum will be scum, apparently. How does this help? If cops continue to be shot for just being in uniform, they will only get more defensive and there will be more violence.
  23. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to stevenash in Minnesota man killed by cops   
    If we don't have all the facts yet, perhaps it is better to wait for the investigative efforts rather than accepting your conclusion ( as in "hands up don't shoot)
  24. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to thetragichippy in Minnesota man killed by cops   
    We are jumping to conclusions again without even seeing the initial contact that caused the death. The cop could be guilty as heck, or not. All I seen was a man bleeding and a cop in a panic stating he told him not to reach for the gun. Hopefully we can see his body-cam soon.
  25. Like
    Long Tall Texan reacted to NDNation in Minnesota man killed by cops   
    If my boyfriend got shot sitting next to me in a car, I would be hysterical, not doing a documentary of it. She's pretty calm.
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