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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. Lot of rain to the south of orange that will miss us but some more coming in from the northwest that looks like it will get us in a few hours or so. >
  2. Can't be any worse than a couple of years ago at lcm.Man,that was a sloppy mess.
  3. Not according to some on this site. ;D Sticks knife in and twist.
  4. When you have the numbers wo-s has everyone is relevent.
  5. This looks odd to me.Silsbee is suppose to give wo-s a run for their money this year in district.So why the 15 place seperation between the two?Could wo-s be ranked a tad high and Silsbee to low?I don't know what wo-s is going to bring to the table this year to tell you the truth and imo we are ranked to high for a team which is really rebuilding.Just my thoughts.
  6. After looking at your schedule that's what I was thinking.Just didn't know to much about Davis or Dibol.
  7. Just because they were playoff teams last year doesn't mean they will be this year.So how many are really going to be a test?Just asking.You know how the media likes to hype things.
  8. I don't know about the smile,but he has old Dan's sideline pacing down pretty good.
  9. I agree with that.Best I have seen LCM in a long time.As for as Jeremy he was a little off but he had a few passes dropped also.He is a playmaker that is for sure.Best way to defend him is to keep him off the field.He will hurt you if you give him enough chances.
  10. Got to go to this one being we play both of you.Silsbee should preveil.
  11. What player for Vidor are you speaking of? He is just sticking the knife in wo-s and turning it a bit.I think he is also refering to a wo-s player...maybe the track star.
  12. Newman was sitting near by and I could swear I saw him licking his chops watching wo-s,but I bet Vidor got his attention.
  13. Well we got donkey stomped that first half.It is what it is.Vidor as I suspected has a good ball club.Going to make some noise in their district.As for wo-s...jury still out on them as far as I'm concerned.All the hype about a qb with a riflearm and tested receivers has yet to materialize.They will get better as the season unfolds.
  14. There is no clear favorite in this district this year that I can see.No real power houses to start with at least.Could be a good time for the lesser teams to make a move.
  15. Your telling me. Probably lots of goodens that were left off too. No doubt about that.Would have helped if they did one for each decade.Might be able to do that.Maybe.
  16. I don't see how you can pick the best out of that bunch.Way to many goodens for me to try and narrow down.
  17. Only concern at this point is the dropped passes.Flashes of last year.This is going to be a big part of our offense and they have to work on this hard.
  18. No, it's not "part" correct. It's all correct. While it is a fact 4A will have more athletes in the classification, but not so much when you get to the upper echelon teams in each class. Most people always relates lower classifications to smaller players and less talent rather than just number of players.Lower classifications can have just as big of players and talent as the higher classifications.You have some pretty salty teams in the upper end of lower classification.I often wonder just how great that 1983 Dangerfield team was.How far could that team have gotten in the classification above it.Pretty far I would think.
  19. If this was 2004 I would agree with you.Here we are five yeras later and have only made it as far as the simi's one time.And let me add all those teams had what it took to get to state.It's not as easy as you seem to think it is.No team worries about another team...they respect them but they don't worrie.
  20. I think we were lucky to get out of there with a win and I'm sure most will agree with that.Silsbee always plays us tuff and are always in the game at the end.I see no reason that will change this year.Matter of fact they came so close to beating the mighty Stangs they really beleive...so buckle up the chin straps,it's going to be a war again.
  21. I agree.The way to stay in a game against a good offense is to keep the ball away from them for as long as possible.You want keep them from scoring on you but the less points they put up the better chance you have.Of course you have to be able to score points too.
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