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Everything posted by GUNHO

  1. First and goal from the one he likes the shotgun and the end around play or any play that takes a lot of time to develope ::)JK. He's going to see what kind of talent and personal he has and go from there.I don't think he will have the speed for the type offense he ran at WO-S.LCM has for the most part ran a grind it out type O.
  2. I agree.It just amazes me the stark difference between the threads on the coaches being hired at PNG and LCM.For the most part the PNG people think their's can walk on water ( well that might be a tab much ) and beleive he will bring them back to their glory days.LCM on the other hand seem to be more concerned about who's feeling might get hurt...the kids,coaches or parents.No talk about football? I think coach Crouch is aware of what is ahead of him at LCM...He lives here.
  3. At 1:01AM Tuesday February 10th, there will be a small bonfire in which all of the Coach's blue and silver wardrobe will be burned. You can burn all the wardrobe you want....he will still be a MUSTANG at heart.Well maybe for nine games. ;D
  4. They are losing alot this year. I guess because they are losing a lot this year, the chance to coach a 4A team, and the increase in salary would be something to jump at. From watching the vids, I can see that LH has a huge fan base like PNG. Vance's record at LH is GREAT! It's my understanding LH in the past were not as good as they have been in the last 4-5 years.How long has Vance been at LH.Where else has he coached and what were the results
  5. Maybe Dan will throw in his hat.Got to have a good coach for that talent ya know. ;D
  6. : Darkhorse? They have the whole recieving core back along with a great throwing QB. No Darkhorse. thats not saying a lot imo.They dropped a lot of catchable balls last year.But dark horse...I don't think so.
  7. Kogt is going to air this game Friday and I'll be lestening.Celina has to lose this game...It's in line with Obamas spread the wealth thingy. ;D
  8. The Area Round game was last week genius....plus you misspelled "crowned" I know.Just wanted to see who would bite first.You win ;D
  9. Never mind.I thought you had some brains but your in your on little world with the rest of them...shuts out anything they don't want to deal with. :
  10. Just wandering if the Gilmer and Carthage coaches have set a time and date for their game next week...seeing the Gilmer fans have crowend themselves already as area champs. ;D
  11. Griff.Went to the weather channel Partly cloudy High 62 Wind NNE@ 6mph Precip. 10%
  12. Yeah.He posted that on the downlow also.These Gilmer people are nervous.That's why they are talking so much trash.Just sit back and LET THE SILVER HELMET DO THE TALKING ;D
  13. Haven't you heard...we shut down big numbers so it want take that many. :-*
  14. Oh,I think we can score at least 24.Yeah that will do it. :-* ;D btw it's y'all. ;D
  15. I agree, heck I have seen both of them play and still not sure how it will go. If we hold on to the ball, If we keep it away from them, if the defense stops them, etc.... Oh heck, even if we don't do all that they may do it too. Well what if we go for 2, what if we don't, what if they do, what if we run 2 kickoffs back ??? ??? who knows what will happen and how this thing will go, that is what makes it so fun!!! I just hope when that clock turns to 00:00 we have 1 more of what counts than they do!!!! If we knew all that before hand it would take away all the speculation and hype... but you are right,that's about it in a nut Shell. ;D
  16. You might as well find another present because a lot of gilmer people have already got their matchup with Carthage on the calendar!! : Yeah but they weren't aware that the stangs would have this extra incentive and I don't think they could beat Carthage anyway.
  17. My birthday is Sat. and the mustangs can give me a round 4 game for a gift. ;D
  18. [ And get this. Silsbee only lost by a touchdown to West Orange-Stark. Silsbee only lost by 3 points to Diboll. Diboll as we know got beat by Gilmer last night 54-0 and by Carthage 62-28. West Orange probably would have had 2 losses in Jasper and Kirbyville had they been able to play those games and obviously didn't play anyone yet other than Silsbee. So the possibility of Carthage meeting Gilmer are improving! Go to the top of the pageReport Post This is funny.We all know you can't compare what one team did or did not do to another team and use that as to what your team will do to a team you have never played.To think that a teams weak schedule says that team is not for real is foolish. We beat two solid playoff teams handily that were going to destroy our defense.I'll put my money on the Chain Gang.
  19. Teams are putting up some numbers on Gilmer.Gilmer is winning because they are putting up bigger numbers.Now just because other teams are doing it doesn't mean that wo-s will do it also.How many times have we seen that happen before.What I'm saying is we have to stop gilmer from putting up the numbers they are used to and the chain gang can do that.If we get into a shootout like the Gilmer/Jasper game a few years back I don't like our chances.This defense of wo-s is where the battle will be won.We are going to get past this round three and go home thing.
  20. What Tiger is that? It will be hard to sit Reggie Garrett down. I think he was talking about UT TAM.
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