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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. SW1966 knows all worthy people. Maybe he will grace you with a recommendation. The guy will probably not be a member of the mean girls club.
  2. So today is no different than when you were in the Sixth grade? Minorities are treated the same as they were then? voluntary integration date suggest precisely when you were in the sixth grade. The hatred of which you speak is, WITHOUT A DOUBT, taught/learned on BOTH SIDES of the racial spectrum. If you cannot acknowledge that, then further exchanges are unnecessary. I have grown children who have kids in their teens and I do not see any of what you are suggesting. Furthermore, explain this to me. I have a close family member who is a reasonably accomplished high school basketball coach. A few years ago, there were two jobs for which he decided to apply. The athletic director in both and separate incidences, told him that, regardless of his resume, a black coach had to be hired. At that moment, was his white privilege showing?
  3. So all laws need to be re-written? I didn't know laws had to be written with a certain segment of society "in mind". I thought the laws should pertain equally to all members of society?
  4. And one acts as though he is the only adult in the room and condescends to anyone who disagrees with his opinion which, I might add, is only that.
  5. Awaiting SW1966 to identify as a lie and part of vast right wing conspiracy
  6. According to SW1966 this is not true and is merely a phony video that we sycophants like.
  7. Who beat Hillary when he was supposed to lose in a landslide. Pretty good for an "un-educated" fool.
  8. So he is under audit. Why not let that audit play out instead of arriving at your own conclusion before the experts can? Oh, my mistake on embedded Trump haters. I guess Peter Strozk, James Comey, etc etc were just good old hard working guys trying to do their job effectively. Sort of like Lois Lerner. And you lecturing me on speculation? H Y P O C R I S Y
  9. Very impressive list of accomplishments. Sounds to me as though American is not as "unfair" as "some" say/imply that it is.
  10. If you make a certain member gone again ( I believe it will be under four different identities) it will likely be an unbreakable record
  11. So very true and accurate. Sad part is that the "enlightened" ( only self perceived, of course) haven't the foggiest idea that nobody is buyiing the garbage
  12. No different than the "Mueller Investigation" Lots of allegations with no validation (after $40 million and a bevy of "enlightened" attorneys
  13. Realville, which adjective best describes your current and my former adversary? 1. Enlightened 2. Refined 3. Intellectual 4. Dismissive
  14. If the evidence is circumstantial, it is somewhat less than overwhelming. If there were issues with the IRS, they would have surfaced long ago and the embedded trump haters within the irs would have pursued diligently long ago.
  15. You ask why Trump didnt denounce white supremacy. PLease note the video below and then tell me why the moderator, a registered democrat did not ask Mr. Biden to denounce Antifa and BLM?
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