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Everything posted by stevenash

  1. Translation: You can only be entertained and enjoy things of which I approve
  2. Have you checked with SW1966 to see if it is permissible for you to believe that?
  3. If you are from the left, you believe that morals and ethics are derived from the almighty and evergrowing state.
  4. And some lack the capacity to understand that what they say is ONLY their opinion and ABSOLUTELY, UNEQUIVOCALLY nothing more.
  5. But you have no concerns about Burisma and the Bidens? Everything there is good?
  6. Who in the H&*$ are you to tell him and anyone else whether or not someones belief or disbelief in God has no impact on him? Not his business? Even when it comes to baking a wedding cake?
  7. I know this will trouble SW1966 considerably and cannot wait for his enlightened opinion
  8. Since many of you are being emotionally "evaluated" by a certain expert on this board, lets request that he analyze this information and give his reflections on the individual in question. [Hidden Content]
  9. During the democratic primary, Biden and Harris both claimed the other was unfit/unqualified to lead the nation. Now they are proposing exactly that.
  10. Come on SW1966, tell them how untrue this is and that we are simply drinking kool-aid along with the rest of your scientific psycho-analysis.
  11. Wait a couple of minutes. SW1966 is going to tell you this is fake and is part of a right wing authoritarian conspiracy.
  12. But yet, you" KNOW" anything and everything about anyone on this board who takes a position opposite of yours. Simply amazing.
  13. SW1966 ought to provide an answer for you shortly
  14. You cannot say that. You must remember that, as a member of the right, you are NOT entitled to your "unenlightened" opinion.
  15. Very little, if any legitimacy, to the Steele Dossier
  16. The issue about Benghazi was not the investigation but the statement that it was caused by an internet video. An overt and intentional lie to preserve power at a time close to elections
  17. Do you not have any interest in Mr. Biden being under criminal investigation regarding Ukraine, China, and Burisma?
  18. Please note the total absence of all associates ( and associate sympathizers) from this board
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