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Everything posted by elhector1

  1. I was in Taos, driving back to Santa Fe through snow...GO MINERS!!! (In that great Walter Cronkite voice) From El Paso to Austin, throughout the great state of Texas, the word is out...OU SUCKS!
  2. [Hidden Content] well, Sooner fans have ticked off El Pasoans with their comments, as you can see from the above link.  It's gotten so, bad that some around here have taken to calling the Laters the "chupa ratones" (mice SUCKers).  ("Chupacabras", the mythical monster was too much fo a bada** to give it to the Sooners). For those that have a desire to come see the Sun Bowl, as the writer says...stay away from Juarez.  'Nuff said. GO STANFORD!... oh yeah...it's dry, 65 degrees with 73 expected....it's also 10:32 mountain time, and... [size=18pt]OU STILL SUCKS[/size]
  3. [quote name="bullets13" post="728193" timestamp="1260555516"] OU sucks so bad that i heard  Gabe actually traded his season tickets for herpes. [/quote] Daaaaaannng...you misunderstood...Gabe traded them for a "hair piece"... (Thanks Cheech and Chong)
  4. [quote name="rollinac" post="727174" timestamp="1260393860"] [quote author=MrUmp1 link=topic=63576.msg727169#msg727169 date=1260393532] Would someone please explain to me the definition of non profit organization. That is what the UIL says it is. [/quote] I have to admit that some of this stuff lately seems like some really shady stuff....and stuff aint the word I wanted to use. [/quote] Be careful Burro...there are agents of destruction from the UIL in our midst...both from the area around Liberty and the "Wooded Enemy".  They are helping compile an enemies list, where you will be stopped and strip searched at every UIL event at your school...be vewy vewy qwiet.....
  5. Since I am an El Pasoan, I will chime in... OU sucks so much they will suck the sunshine out of the Sun Bowl.  They will cause an international incident when they suck the border between the US and Mexico away, and cause Chihuahua to become the 51st state.  Even the little dudes in the mercados of Juarez are saying..."Oh Joo?...they're the ones that suck, huh?"
  6. [quote name="GCMPats" post="727026" timestamp="1260384166"] [size=14pt]UIL joins Nike in apparel deal for Texas schools[/size] Associated Press Dec. 9, 2009, 12:23PM The University Interscholastic League is entering a deal to make Nike the official brand for the governing body of public high school sports in Texas. The UIL has about 1,300 member schools. UIL Chief of Staff Kim Rogers said Wednesday the contract doesn't require schools to use Nike products, but does offer discounts on uniforms, apparel and footwear. The league says it's the first such contract for Nike with a statewide high school organization. Rogers says the contract was put out for public bid several months ago. [/quote] The UIL to TASO and Nike...SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!
  7. FW, the question really becomes, why the need for registration, if not for control?  TASO has been officating games for UIL for decades, yet now there is a "need" to register them?  Why?  There has been no situation that has made the change necessary.  Additionally, the UIL would have control over where a refree or umpire officiates, regardless of additional travel costs that would have to be absorbed by the official in question, which would result in many officials turning down games, so where does that leave the teams?  Right now, the same set of officials is used for sub varsity games and varsity games.  Since the new rules being implemented by the UIL would cover only varsity games, the same set of officials could not do both games, there would have to be a different set, or the sub varsity games would have to be refreed by coaches or fans...so there is a lot wrong with these rules, and in the same vein as you are asking FW, there has been little in the way of explaination or justification by the UIL about the changes...it was basically, tough, deal with the new rules...
  8. [quote name="FriendswoodFan" post="726427" timestamp="1260299997"] [quote author=ECBucFan link=topic=63324.msg723655#msg723655 date=1259952884] [quote author=FriendswoodFan link=topic=63324.msg723151#msg723151 date=1259878882] Call me "beyond blind" because I have no idea what you are talking about.  Can you shed some light on what you mean? [/quote] The scope of that answer goes far beyond the time I would have to spend typing it all in. I can say this: surf the net and do the research of the moves the UIL has made the last decade or so. The highly condensed version: More power + more control + more meddling = more $$$$$$$$$ for the UIL. Thats what it all about, and they are profoundly changing the universe of TX HS sports, at the [i]expense[/i] of HS sports! I support TASO! Hope they win!    [/quote] The fact that you cannot even even begin to explain your position makes me question whether you have a real basis for the anti-UIL postings. [/quote] Stands to reason that you are anti-TASO...I beleive he made it pretty clear, but since you are a Freindswood native, let me explain... The UIL is trying to FORCE, by regulation, that all sports officials register with the UIL, and pay them a "registration fee".  In addition, they will schedule officials for sports regionally, instead of locally, as it is now, meaning that officials would incur higher out of pocket expenses, in addition to the registration fee.  UIL, other than controlling even more money from the gate, really has no reason for doing this.  To tell you the truth, since they are non-existent on paper, I would wonder if they can take any money from schools at all, so maybe the districts need to get onboard with a lawsuit of their own, and either insure that the UIL "exists", or have it become a quasi-governmental entity...
  9. INNER TUBES!!!!  Sliding down the hill!!!!!!!!!!!!...wait...dang...we don't have any hills...
  10. I beleive that the only way the UIL gets "brought down" is a situation that will be of it's own making.  I think the fear by some that the UIL will suffer is because they recognize that the UIL has problems TODAY that are the reult of poor management and greed.  As I said before, the UIL as first envisioned and started was a good thing for the state, and all sports as well. The relationship with TASO was symbiotic, with some small problems here and there, like you have in any business relationship.  However, to rise to the level of court action, there has to be a serious problem with no solution without court intervention.  This isn't about pay, it's about control, and, if I were an official that had to travel many miles for the same pay because the only group in the state says so, I would tell them to pack sand...and where would that leave the officiating?...Oh yeah...those objective bleacher refs...that would insure a fair contest... ::)
  11. [quote name="Colmesneilfan1" post="723177" timestamp="1259882057"] You better read the article...If TASO prevails, the UIL is finished and high school sports as we know and love them will be over.....TASO has decided that if they can't have their way, then the kids will just have to do without extracurricular activities....how selfish can you get???  [/quote] actually, I beleive it's you who needs to better comprehend the article.  TASO did not bring the lawsuit out of the blue...they brought it as a result of a middleman's increased fee schedule.  For years, TASO officials have been at games with no problems, officiating in an atmosphere of abuse and idiocy by fans who call games from the stands.  Where have the UIL officials been?  NOWHERE.  The UIL is a self proclaimed legislative body...they have no governmental function.  The way the article reads is that TASO wants to remain with the status quo, which has worked for years...until some greedy hands got into the mix at UIL "headquarters".  Nowhere is it evident that TASO wants to get rid if the UIL...what has happened though, in the past, is that there have been attempts by LEGISLATORS not TASO, to get rid of the UIL as it now exists, and create an actual governing body that is state affiliated.  So don't go saying that TASO wants to kill the UIL...
  12. [quote name="Colmesneilfan1" post="722985" timestamp="1259868739"] It's a shame that TASO believes that they are more important than the kids of this state who are served and have been served excellently by the UIL since 1910.... [/quote] Having met a lot more TASO officials than UIL ones, I can feel comfortable saying that I have more confidence in TASO being correct on this one than the UIL is.  Also, the UIL of 1910 is not the UIL of today.  I beleive that TASO will prevail in this lawsuit. 
  13. [quote name="Colmesneilfan1" post="722970" timestamp="1259866986"] Talk about a frivolous lawsuit.... [/quote] How about a frivoulous organization, which is what the UIL is?  They call themselves a "non-profit" but according to the state of Texas, don't have the required documentation to prove they are such.  They do not have taxing status, and as such are not able to dictate fees for anything, according to their own constitution.  I think it would be a fine time to subpoena the financials of the UIL, and see why they need these fees all of a sudden.  I am of the opinion that there MIGHT be some misuse of funds.  We'll see if they give up their financials...    
  14. Chuch Norris is no longer satisfied with an Oreck, Hoover, or Dyson...he wants to get an OU, because of it's major SUCKtion...
  15. Having come from a high school in far West Texas that had one of those "insensitive" names, I can tell you that sometimes, a high school's mascot ahs something to do with the people in the area.  In El Paso, there is a part of the city called the Lower Valley, and it is home to a part of El Paso named Ysleta.  Ysleta is a misspelled Spanish word meaning "small island" (the correct spelling being Isleta).  It got it's name from the southern New Mexico village ("pueblo") of Tiwa Indians that were part of the Pueblo nation.  Many of the tribe moved to or were forced to come to the El Paso area after the Pueblo revolt against the Spaniards in the 1600s.  Most settled along the banks of the Rio Grande, and continued the practice of Christianity for which they were persecuted in their original home, while retaining most of their Indian customs.  This resulted in the establishment of the Mission Trail in the El Paso area, with the main mission being the one in the Ysleta area called "Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo" (Ysleta, Village in the South).  Initially, the school mascot was the Bears, but changed to more accurately reflect the make-up of many of the citizens of the area.  The Tigua tribe has given enthusiastic permission for the use of the mascot name, both to remind people of the struggles such as "carpetbaggers" coming and stealing Indian land grants, to honoring the tribe which still has a reservation in the area. Seriously, the Tribe is less worried about the team being called Indians, than they are about the state of Texas closing Speaking Rock Casino, whcih enabled the tribe to be self sufficent...all in the name of "no gambling in Texas"...lol...yeah, right.  CLASS OF 1977 "ONCE AN INDIAN...ALWAYS AN INDIAN!"   
  16. Just saw the story about the young men from Buna that are on the football team who are accused of groping a female student.  According to the interview on channel 12, they were "punished" but are not off the team. The mother of the girl stated in the interview that she has filed criminal charges.  Now my question...is there any wau the UIL can get some consistency with regard to players who are accused of wrongdoing?  In a recent case, a player was suspended from the team for the rest of the season for a case that did not have any physical aspect to it, and happened off campus, yet we have alleged assault that happened ON campus, and those guys get to play?  Does something not seem right here? 
  17. OU could suck a wrecking ball through a narrow garden hose...yeah, they suck THAT much... :o
  18. The Aggies hope that OU sucks better than their fat little.....neve mind....
  19. That funny sounding guy that invented the Dyson vacuum cleaner has been seen around the OU campus...he said he may have a great product, but nothing compared to how...(wait for it...)...[size=36pt]OU SUCKS[/size]
  20. the "OU Sucks" phenomenon has gone international! Now we can join our freinds worldwide in saying...OU SUCKS! (Spanish) OU CHUPA! (O  U  CHEW-PAW) (Greek)  OU APORROFA! (O  U AH-POE-ROW-FAW) (German) OU SAUGT!  ( O  U  SAW-PHLEGM SOUND-T) (Russian) OU BCaCbiBaET  (O  U  BUH-SAUCE-BE-BAW-ET) and many, many, more, in little symbols that are much too confusing to read, but still spell out the sentiment...OU SUCKS!
  21. [quote name="Itch?Scratchit!" post="695368" timestamp="1257220382"] [quote author=ndn78 link=topic=61783.msg695338#msg695338 date=1257219374] Scratch this! ;D I'm sure you'll go far in life! [/quote] Go smoke something! [/quote] I think this is the kid that played the banjo in "Deliverance"...and by the way fool, the word is "trout", not "trot"...which shows the level of education that you got...
  22. [quote name="ChampionEagles" post="690865" timestamp="1256936519"] In Newton an 18 year old senior would already be married to his sister. [/quote] As I read this, I had the strains of the theme from "Deliverance" playing in the background...
  23. BTW, I am definitely a GOOD Karma slut...soc click away on the "applaud" icon...Cause I know the superserious sourpusses will be clicking the "smite" icon... One more on the little old blue haired ladies...I once saw one take a tumble walking down the stairs of the stadium...looked like that saber toothed squirrel "Scrat" from all the Ice Age movies...made the same noises too...OOF...OOOHH...EEEK...DOH...landed on her feet, raised her arms, at which point the sudent section gave her a 8, 8.5,9, 10, 10, 10, and a 9.5.  I hear there was also a proposal of marriage, but the 18 year old senior won't fess up...
  24. [quote name="ChampionEagles" post="690826" timestamp="1256934674"] Newton had a stadium face lift this summer and everything is real nice, except I don't have a cup holder on my arm rest in my reserve seat and when I get to foaming at the mouth, sometimes my drink slips through my hand from all that foam and seems to always land on this real nice blue haired lady that sits in front of me. Come to think of it though, she really wasn't that nice the last two times that happened. [/quote] You gotta be careful with them blue haired ladies, especially around the LCM area...I foamed at the mouth one time, some of it kind of landed on one in front of me, she turned around sweetly, an...BAM!..I never saw that purse until it hit me upside the head...knocked my glasses into the Gulf of Mexico.  Good thing she was only 95...
  25. lol...that's the spirit...wait, did I say spirit on Halloween?
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