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Everything posted by Silsbee92

  1. Not at all, there was at least "one" player around them when it happened. Difference is that the defensive coach for PNG knows how to get at least one player in the backfield by rushing "Eight" against "Six". You would think that the defensive coach for the "Other" team would send at least "five" to combat the "six" blockers. But then again PNG has that prolific passing game so we keep at least 4 guys in deep coverage. But of course right now I am just upset... I have no idea what I am talking about....
  2. Seems like Mid-County did the "fumbliruscie" dance tonight. Both teams benefiting huge dividends.
  3. 6 fumbles with 3 INT's if I remember so far. Hard to keep up with all of them.
  4. Embarassing to have this many fumbles in the first two games. They are not even getting hit in my opinion. Gonna be tough this year to watch if this keeps up. But I will be there. :-[
  5. Giving yourself way to much credit. I wish I had any team who would give me 10 Turnovers as a coach. I could win then too. Big win for PNG tonight. You guys shoud be proud.
  6. Man WO92, ;D You have to play nice. funny though. But still, be nice.
  7. No kidding. He is not even the fastest on the team from what I hear. Get Barnes to show them what 4.4 looks like.
  8. That's good... If it really exists. Silsbee has the reigning 3A State Hurdle Champion and I am not sure if he runs a 4.4. : I will believe it when I see it.
  9. Man what a game.... FLASHES OF BRILLIANCE and then the youth shows up ( 6 Fumbles / 2 Lost ). They showed tremendous heart throughout the game and then grew up at the end with the hold on 4th down. Defense needs work but they never broke, bent a lot but never gave up a huge play in my opinion. This team will be a force to reckon with for the next few years. Jeremy Johnson has brought something to Silsbee that we haven't seen in years maybe even decades. A Pocket Style Passer with spped to run. (Can anyone spell Vince Young?) Great game Tigers. Hold on to the ball fellas, all that speed does no good if you don't have the 'skin to score with.
  10. The freshman WO-S team has been playing together since pop warner from what I understand. Could be a deadly team when they take the field as Juniors and Seniors. With the young squads from Jasper, WO-S and Silsbee coming up it could be a rout through the 3A playoffs in the future. I'm counting on it. 8)
  11. I wonder if the UFC fighter from Dayton will be on video....
  12. Wouldn't be too big of a shock to me. I expect Jasper to compete hard this year.
  13. My Tigers' have another week off, so I will be attending..... :-\ Dayton @ WOS. Don't tell anyone. 8)
  14. WOS 27 Vidor 7 Hypolite to R. Dennis long touchdown pass. 3 minutes left in the 3rd. I feel like a traitor reporting on this game. 8)
  15. You like crawfish??? This statement sounds like crawfishin' ..
  16. There are 15,000 people or so in the Orange area. 4 schools within a 5 mile radius??? Lose more than they gain.. whatever. 8) WO-S has the tradition. Who wouldn't want to play for them if they could? I give them a hard time whenever I can. : Still got mad props for them no matter what.
  17. A Soph??!! Holy .... !! This could was as big as some of the varsity guys. If he develops so more speed with his hard running style and aggressive play on defense... then no telling where he will go.. Keep up the hard work Bolton. Enjoyed watching you work.
  18. Sounds like some excuses I have heard from Balla,,, Balla is that you?? :-[
  19. I would like to thank the Nederland faithful for some honest and dead on evaluations of their teams and ours. Thanks to the Dogs for a great scrimmage. It will definitely pay dividends. Good luck on your season.
  20. Hilarious!!! ;D You just didn't spell bad enough. You have to make up some words that don't make sense also. 8)
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