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Everything posted by ndn78

  1. Is there anyway the moderators of this board could start a thread that would allow schools/parents/friends to post where and how local kids are doing on the next level? Seems lke once they leave they are forgotten. I know it will be difficult but sure would be nice to figure out a way to follow these young men after they leave they area. Example, after Jaquezz Rodgers single handly whipped us back in 07 and I learned he was going to Oregon State I always try and watch when they are on TV. There have been countless young men from our area play in big bowl games and you hear there name called and where they are from and it's like damn I didn't realize he went there! Just and idea!
  2. I know, and yes his son is very very good. Just a little counter punch!
  3. If 77 truely is a LCM fan it explains a lot, while most of them have class and talent the rest could not cut it at WOS, Bridge City, Nederland or PNG so daddy had to find somewhere he could compete!
  4. Brenham is good! Never seen Angelton. I hope the team the plays with class, sportsmanship and no show boating wins! Good luck to both and hope that it's an injusy free game. This is not the NFL, just like Barry Sanders always replied when asked why he did not spike the ball after a touchdown "Act Like You've Been There Before", show some class. Way to many Ochocinco's in high school football today. I dont' blame the kids, I blame the parents first then the coaches for letting it happen!
  5. Pure luck on our part, new coach, new system with no D1 talent and our JV record means nothing. Sure hope our opponets and the polls feel the same way! We might go 5-5 ;D!
  6. I have always liked Friendswood for their year to year success but after listening to FW Fan post what he/she has posted this year about numerous teams and the total lack of class and sportsmanship he/she has done it with I hope it's a Jag's blowout. I would be pulling for the Jag's anyway because I support my local teams and will be there in the stands in my purple & white. If the UIL would allow I'd pay $1k to see FW Fan suit up and let #44 Hale have one good shot! Go Jag's and go NDN's!
  7. 77, keep hating we will keep supporting. Brenham was the better team last night, always good and bad calls in all games.  If you are a Brenham fan I hope you team goes all the way, they are well coached and good athlete's. Most showed class, as with all young people in today's society some just don't have the upbringing to win with dignity or even spell it! The true good kid's always have bright future's, some because of the talent get lucky and have a good run for a while but Karma will catch up! Go NDN's and good luck Cub's!
  8. Great job NDN players and coaches, remarkable run for a brand new system. Very proud of all of ya'll, you never quit in any game all season, even tonight being 20 down after the half and making Brenham sweat till the final seconds. Stayed until 4th qtr. had to get on the road due to work. Brenham played flawless football. Well coached, the quarteback is as smart an athletic as I've seen in a long time. Defense played in your face smash mouth football. Good luck to Brenham as they advance. Who ever plays them better be ready they are good! Good luck tomorrow Jags, going to try and make it!
  9. Go Jag's, if I don't have pneumonia after tomorrow night I'll be there Saturday!. Go NDN's!
  10. Perfect by Snooks and Bronco1, my kids are out of school still keep 4 tickets for over 30 years, sit through rain, cold, 0-10, 10-0 whatever. Now everyone has instant knowledge and complaining if someone who's been to every game for 30 years doesn't stand up or shake a can full of beans.........show up and stand at every game and scream next time we go 3-7 and then I'll call you a fan!
  11. Buddy of mine is weather guy for Continental Airlines @ G. Bush IAP and he doesn't sound to encouraging. Hope he's wrong an momma nature gives us a break not only for the fans but this game should be a good test for both teams and I'd like to see weather not have a big impact for the boys! Bundle up, bring plenty of rubber and Laizzes Le Bon Temps Roule!
  12. Stallworth is an all around good stadium, traffic so so but facilities are great for that old of a stadium All coaches withing 2-3 hours should not mind playing there! Hard to believe it will be sitting idle!
  13. NO UMBRELLAS PLEASE. ponchos, hooded rain suits what ever but please no umbrellas!
  14. Been around Price for years in all sports, he did a great job organizing events at ya'lls facilities. Hate to hear it, believe me PNG has it's own major political issues. Very glad we stopped the brother-in -law thing, but if we were 0-11 instead of 11-0 would have heard major whining. With that being said go outside, spend the $$$ bring in young blood. Good luck Coach Price your a good man and good luck to BH in the future!
  15. Hey Brenham Fan tell #81 he needs to find a way to get in touch with #44 Hale from Beaumont Central over the summer. Those two should make some noise at Utah. Hope to see a good hard injury free game and no rain so ya'll can see that new "Blue Bell" flavor, "Purple Passion". Good luck and can't wait to watch #81 and that mammoth NT play, I love watching great athletes and I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing ours, we have a couple as well but here just average ;D!
  16. FriendswoodFan I'd bet your own team doesn't like you, are you truely that misearable all the time? Where did you play high school ball, what college and pro team did you play for to have such wisdom? Is it that hard to acknowledge a group of 16-17 year old kids that have learned a totally new offensive and defensive scheme in 7 months which are 180 degrees from what they have been doing since 8th grade with almost all new coaches and have an 11-0 record? Do our fans go overboard? Sure they do, I would hope all schools fans would do the same. Why is bringing up the past so bad, we have been fortunate to have a great past, present and future. Any one who is a true fan of high school sports knows of PNG's passion and I bet a lot wish they had that kind of support. I hate looking at another side an seeing no one supporting their kids. All areas/districts have their traditions and great histories why hate ours so much. Ask they stadiums that we fill up when we travel how much they hate our $$$$ we bring them. Smack talk is fine but damn you have some kind of anger that just doesn't make sense towards a school and it's fans. It's a shame to see a good program like Friendswood represented by you! I sure hope things turn around for you. Good luck to your team!
  17. To all players on all teams for not hanging on the streets and being punks. I know they are not little angels by any means but being part of a team and working hard hopefully will pay off in their futures, that goes for the bands/drill teams/cheerleaders etc.. You young parents out there, keep you kids busy!
  18. I tried to send email to several Brenham school reps. but emails would not go through. I sent an email to the Brenham Banner sports reporter (Their Local Paper) and he responded with and explanation of what he was told. Brenham had Aldine guaranteed for Friday. Their volleyball team is in a state tournament Thursday and Saturday so they did not want to chance having their fans make a choice if the football game had to be played Saturday. He was told PNG wanted SpringBranch but it could not be guaranteed until Saturday night. Neither school wanted to wait and take a chance on losing Aldine. So by his understanding there was no coin toss and both coaches felt it was the best choice! He mentioned Brenham has not been traveling well and expects PNG should have ample room for seating.
  19. I either watched in person or via internet or listended to all 19-4A vs. 20-4A playoff games. They were all hard fought well played games, some bad calls, turnovers etc.. that's part of the game. All districts represented well, stop with the BS. Pull for all the teams in SETX to do well and enjoy the kids!
  20. Dawgs did good, not many teams could have pulled of the end season run ya'll had with all the injuries. Crosby ya'll played well, running game looked great. Good luck in the next round. Go NDN's!
  21. Friendswoodfan, please donate to the Forum site. I'm sure you have plenty of disposable income that our "Hicks" could use to keep this site up and running so fine people such as yourself can continue to flaunt your good fortune. The many friends I have in Friendswood do not seem to have the attitude as you. Good luck to you, people with your attitude need luck in life. Karma is a b*&^h!
  22. MHS32, thank you. I speak with Caleb almost daily and believe me he was very complimentary of ya'lls defense. He was tired Saturday, ya'll made him earn every yard. I will be at the Hill once Baseball Season starts, I always go watch Bh and other teams play there, it's a nice venue!
  23. TXKBear in my 40 years of watching high school football I know the rules also. I guarantee our coach would not agree to a stadium that would limit our fans or the opponets fans from bringing all they wanted. You are right a coach has no obligation to give the opponent a so called advantage. You would think in this day and age of "it's all about me" a little sportsmanship and class would go a long way. Rules are rules and if those such as you feel it's okay to limit the chance for the families and friends of the players, band/drill team/ cheerleaders to enjoy the possible once in a life time moment so be it. It's a known fact the PNG and other teams travel with large crowds therefore you are taking away $$$ from the areas in which the games are held. If a coaches idea of getting a competitive advantage is limiting the fan base of the opposition then I feel sorry for him.
  24. If it is true that the Brenham Coach would not allow a larger stadium his email address is on Brenham ISD website. A few nice thank you's may be in order, but let's wait until the facts are known. It would be sad to think a coach would stoop so low as to not allow another team to accommodate it's fans in a comfortable manor!
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