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Everything posted by ndn78

  1. Just like all season ya'll never gave up and only lost by 6 to the #1 seed from the far superior 19-4A district! ;) I watched the game on panews.com and you could have very easily given up and gotten blown out. Hat's off to the whole team for fighting through a tough season. Congratulations Crosby, your O line did a great job and your running back and quarterback are outstanding athlete's. Good luck in the next round! Go NDN's!
  2. 7mary3 your avatar signature speaks volumes! ;) And once again BH played a great game and most of their fans have class!
  3. I hate to do this because he is not about himself he gives all his accomplishments to his team mates but Caleb you are a beast. You may not be the biggest or the fastest but you've got the heart of a champion. I gave him a hug after the game and that boy was scratched and bruised from head to toe. BH made him earn every single yard. Another team effort on both sides of the ball, BH ya'll got game!
  4. Way to go Jags! Go NDN's! Somebody get me an autograph from #44, my 401k needs help and I know that boy's going to the big show!
  5. He just got my vote, that boy can play and better get a scholarship!
  6. #11 is a real talent, ya'll played hard and no way are a 5-5 team. Enjoyed the smack talk, which is all it should be! Great effort by both teams. Caleb Harmon your an animal! Another overall team effort NDN's. Glad to see Stork got some action and did not see any injuries. Go NDN's!
  7. Great game, BH much more than a 5-5 team. #11 got some skills. Way to go NDN's!
  8. Dawg's ya'll have over come way to much to let it end now. Be safe play hard and good luck to both teams! Go NDN's and go Dawg's
  9. From your post I'm sure you are a big fan of the group to which you refer, do you wear the chaps or the cop outfit? ;)
  10. Good for him, hate to see a good player miss this type of excitement. Have fun young man!
  11. Great stadium for the kids and fans, used to go watch Dustin Long his senior year. Pirates I will be the one in Purple & White yelling for my 20-4A brothers to kick some butt. Be safe and good luck to both teams!
  12. BHFan I wish all poster's had your since of humor yet since of reality that this is all in fun and all that matter's is the kids enjoy the experince. Some take things way to far. With that being said........I -N -D-I-A-N-S scalp em Indians scalp em! Hope we see a good game!
  13. Good article, sounds like a great young man. I know our team has a lot of respect for him!
  14. When you say his dad is from PA, do you mean Port Arthur? If so he gets my vote even if he does go to BH. Good luck Mathew!
  15. Finally a post we can all agree upon! ;D Good luck, no injuries, show respect and let the kids enjoy this!
  16. All you other districts don't get you bowels in an uproar. I know ya'll all have good teams, coaches and players but I did not get to see any games just highlights. To all the teams in 20-4A this has been a great year, even for those teams that did not make the playoffs. All teams gave awesome efforts, the coaches did a great job and some very talented young men emerged during the season and every game I saw had sportsmanship! True fans understand what an achievement it has been for PNG to take 16-17 year old kids that have been running the same offensive and defensive schemes since Jr. High and pick up on an entirley new system is simply remarkable to go 10-0. We could have very easily went 0-10. So even if you hates us you at least got to respect that. What Nederland did to over come all the injuries and still make the playoffs.... no words can describe what the players and coaches did. Good luck Saturday! Central, enough said. To have continued to put together play off quality teams over the last several years is great to see. Please don't take this the wrong way but to see ya'lls stands full at home games and away games says how much the program has turned around. Wish I could see Fridays game but I will be farther west on I-10! Vidor, wow! What an offensive performance from three running backs is simply mind blowing. That O line is awesome. I still say get #43 the dang ball! Kid got game. Coach Mathews and staff have class! Good luck Saturday! Livingston never gave up, pulled off some great upsets and has some great players. Keep on working hard. Tell the announcer to chill a little, just kidding she really gets behind ya'lls team. Ozen, another team with great atheletes that are close to taking that next step. Ya'll played hard and that's all you can ask out of young men. Fans get behind your team and go to the games, those kids deserve people in the stands! Lumberton is steadily building a strong tradition, everybody goes through ups and downs I have no doubt ya'll will come out fighting next year. LC-M had some individual players that were amazing to watch. If they would have had a few more people in the right positions they could have won a lot more games. Once again thanks to all the players and coaches from 20-4a, let's support each other and see how deep we can go! Go NDN's!
  17. Roughrider you are wrong, I would have been dissapointed not screaming bloody murder. Like I said rules are rules but I don't like them. 2 teams max. If a player the caliber of #44 Hale for Central would get hurt in a playoff game against a less than .500 team then I would be screaming bloody murder. If you knew me you would know I'm being sincere. I love high school sports and watch all of them even when my NDN's aren't involved, I like watching talented young men and women. I guess coming from the days when only one team went just gives me a different perspective. I understand the joy these kids get now from the new system (my kids benefited) but I just feel the team/teams who performed the best during the regular season should reap the rewards and not have one bad game or play change what they earned. As I said before, good luck to all, have fun and no injuries. Go NDN's and 20-4A!
  18. Nothing to do with which school, PNG has benefited before and I still don't agree with it. I just feel it takes away from the game, back when 1 school went and made it all the way that took hard work week in and week out. Now you can rest players, have a few bad weeks and pull off an upset and say you were the best. I don't like it at the high school level, pro level and especially at the college level where you can win 2 or 3 games and be in the Preperation H Bowl! Just my opinion, has nothing to do from which school I pull for. I wish all of them good luck, have fun and stay healthy!
  19. PNG vs Central, no one gave away anything but their hearts and soul on that field. We just happen to come out on top. I see both teams getting a boost from that game and going deep! Good luck Jags and Go NDN's!
  20. To me it's kind of like the whole self esteem era, where you don't try out to make a little league baseball team. Dad hands over $$$ and you on the team even if your no good. Or a girl enters a pageant and everyone gets a trophy so they dont feel bad. What happen to the days when the hardest working most talented got what they deserved. First year I tried out for baseball I didn't make in little league, next year I worked my butt off, got better, made the team and had a descent career through out high school. Just my opinion, we are rasing a bunch of kids that are to soft and think they deserve to be winners....not have to earn it! Cold world out there and mom and dad won't always be ther eto make things better!
  21. Still wish we would go back to the old days where only district champs moved on, maybe two. Anything can happen in a 1 game series which is not fair to the consistant teams, not to mention chance of injuries and cost for families who really can't afford it. Just like pro sports it's all about the money. I go to all high school sports, football, basket ball, baseball, track you name it. Just doesn't seem right when a 2-8 team has the chance to beat a 10-0 team. Look through the state playoff pools and see how crazy it is for some of these teams to even be considered being in the playoffs and having the chance to take down a team that played steady all year. Oh well rules are rules, good luck to all, please respect the kids who do win and lose and hope for no injuries!
  22. BHplayer011, I sure hope your not a player. I know your coach and he is way to smart and classy to ever let a player say bulletin board material like that!
  23. Great post Game Time, Hussey is a player and good kid. Please all of south east texas support this team! Once they get going we need to show up in force, I for one will buy a couple of tickets so I can continue to support Lamar and our local talent!
  24. Nothing against the other young men because their numbers are outstanding and I do not know them personally, but Caleb Harmon for his actions on and off the field!
  25. Just got back from our BC mtg. and would like to say a big thank you to the BH coach for having the class the let us wear out purple jersey's for the game. Since our whole program was changed including uniforms we did not have time to have our players names put on their jersey's early in the year. Since we wore our white ones against Central it allowed time to have the names put on our purple ones. Faircloth had nothing but praise for ya'lls coach and players. Thanks again to the BH coach for a show of class and sportsmanship. Good luck to all and go NDN's!
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