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Everything posted by FOOTBALLFEVER99

  1. Would love to see BH win this one, just don't think it will happen...BH still learning a new offense and Lumberton put up a lot of points against Jasper last week... Lumberton 31 BH 17
  2. Rain will only benifit a good passing game, unless its a blinding rain, because recievers know the route their running and the coverage man only reacts...but that said, I think PNG wins this one by a couple touchdowns at home..The tribe is hungry for a win.....PNG will be too much for Crosby..
  3. THE UNIFORMS ARE JUST UGLY!,,,,,,,,,Good luck to the Eagles though.......Guess it was trade off for getting the tunnel and smoke.....
  4. Daytons the team to beat...Chronicle may have this one pretty close.. BH and GCM may flip flop for 3RD AND 4TH.. BH has very talented group at LB.. Offense will be the big question mark.
  5. A coach "can" control his talent level each year by making the game fun and enjoyable for his players. Staulbaum ran off so may good players that would have been seniors for him this year. I could name 5 or 6 or that would have contributed.. Its time for a change here...Glad Gage is here...
  6. One word.."BONEHEAD"...Any kid would kill for the opportunity given to him and a free education to boot.....Hope he gets his act together if not, there will be another "good" kid ready to fill the open slot.. Most of these kids have been pampered and coddled their entire lives becauese of their athletic ability. Welcome to the real world young man.
  7. tnt-mom, You hit  the nail smack on the head....It was time for a change, Price is gone and people need to move on.....That era is over, and hopefully a new chapter opens where everybody is judged on their talent lelel, and not where their parents are employed.....The house cleaning isn't over yet I'm sure......Welcome Coach Gage, and good luck....From what I've seen and read wish my son could have played for you, sounds like good ole fashioned work ethic and common sense.......Nice also to see that he wants the kids to able to have other interest, hunt, fish, actually be normal teens and boys..   
  8. I agree, other than Cody and AJ, all this talk of D1 kids.. Give me a break,19-4a or any other area team other than Westbrook, WOS, doesn't put  many D1 kids in...D1 kids come along every few years for "most" programs other than a few exceptions, Northshore, Katy, and some of the big boys......Not that much difference in the talent level, and hopefully the new coach will actually ride the bus with his team.
  9. Now it will be interesting to see if any of the existing assistant coaches are retained for next year...IMO, I think all the coaches in each sport will be re-evaluated...
  10. Andy coached at East Chambers for years before going to Tatum. He would be a good one....Disapointed in Sandifer not taking it, but not shocked...Long way from his family......Tatum would be nice fit 
  11. Sources tell me Sandifer is in.....With alot green turf and cash....The only chance Wylie had to retain him was to make sure he took a trip to the San Jacinto Mall and they missed that opportunity....
  12. Don't read too much into the tunnel comment, My point is the game belongs to the kids,Its supposed to be fun! If something like a tunnel, that hurts absolutely nothing is important to your group of kids and the money is there, let them have it...I agree it won't win or lose games, but its about perception, that your open to your kids and inclusive, its not my way or the highway...  I just hope the new coach will ride the bus to the games.....
  13. I have no problem at all with a guy signing his name like Eric did if he chooses to do so. We may or may not agree on this issue, but I know him to be quailty young man thats willing to stand by his conviction. Hey thats what we all want our kids to be as they mature, speak your mind but do it with class.. He's done that I think.., but we disagree on one issue, I'll pull for the "boys regardless who's coaching them because the game belongs to them. Most of these guys are 16-17 yeras old, busting their butts in 100 degree weather in two-a-days lifting weights, everyday for a$6.00 Friday night show.I saw what my own endured while he played..so I'll be cheering these guys on next year regardless. The kids have nothing to do with the politics of the district. One other thing, lot of talk about Price naturally, but unfortuantely, when you fire a head coach some good assistants are caught up in the crossfire...so gotta say Caoch Taylor, the man impressed me, the kids love the guy..Coach Byrd and Horn both, good guys and well respected by the kids,Coach Riley, I don't know personally but the offensive line was much improved this year IMO....so their where some positives.. Hope whoever comes in will give these guys a look..Football is an emotional game and that spark seemed to be missing IMO....The kids need to be allowed to get excited...Its okay...[b]Go to youtube and type in Last play[/b]... One of the best speeches I've ever seen a high school coach make.. Gotta have more emotion IMO and maybe that was the key ingredient that wasn't there. Its the boys game, they need to "allowed" to get excited..Hey get them a run thru and blow the smoke if thats what they want...
  14. Aymond has nice resume, but I'd favor bringing in a 35 -40 year old guy with a proven track record much like PNG did from Permian......Aymond's not getting any younger and who knows how many more years he'll coach. Money won't be an issue, if BH wants a guy they'll pay him.....and he'll be working with top notch kids..Rgeardless of likes or dislikes towards the schoolboard BH is a top job for almost any coach......Bet he gets turf almost instantly!
  15. In regards to the pressbox, The Baytown Sun stated that the cost was 1.4 million...Hate to say it, but somebody got royally screwed....elevator and all......I could build a 6500 sq ft. house on the bay, real estate and all for that price and have money left over for a couple new Hummers and then some....but thats another story....Need turf badly.......+Wow, Eric Silva, your the man!
  16. Sounds like Coach Stewart could use some extra money to pay for the new house.. BH has nice bank account......and hey we got a new Sonic....I've heard a name or two and their "big"....Sorry no comment.....lol
  17. GCMPats,Thanks for letting me know that...Congrats to your son by the way......
  18. BHFan is pretty much right on the money.....By the way my son was on the All District Academic team...and would have been there with or without Price..That's not a slam on Price, just the facts.. Also I wish Coach Price the best of luck! The Parents at BH turn out for everything, sports or academics. Good teachers and two parents in the home that have the best interest of the child at heart almost always spell success, not necessarily who the Head Coach or AD is...  By the way the Baytown Sun quoted Price as saying We don't practice on Thursday's so the kids can visit their teachers, well that's not exactly the case.. Thursdays are sub varsity games and the coaches are obviously at the games, and also the UIL limits schools to a certain amount of hours the kids can practice... A Thursday practice would exceed that limit....Would have been nice to see The Baytown Sun list the names of those kids that made the All District Academic team.. 
  19. Banquet was nice.. Varsity players showed alot of class by going thru line afterwards and shaking hands with Price and hugs to all the coaches..It was obvious from the comments of the coaches this was special group of guys...Coach Taylor defensive coordinator is a class act....Great speaker.....
  20. My son played for Coach Byrd and I can tell you the kids love this man... [b]Great guy, great coach and a Christian.[/b] Would love to see him back next year if that can work out and he wants to be back..Coach Byrd thanks for the influence you had on my son into helping mold him into the great young man that he is...Very much appreciated from this family...
  21. Dayton takes this by 14 points. Coach Stewart will have his guys ready to play and he's a master at getting his teams to peak at the right time...Thats just great coaching....BH is pulling for you guys....
  22. Brenham 17- PNG 0...Might be time to start looking for the BB shoes......This could get ugly..
  23. #2 spot and gaining fast.. We're gonna do this.......
  24. One thing I can tell you for certain, these young men that make up the BH football team have had fun the last two weeks preparing for this game. Their loose, but focused, knowing that "they" can beat PNG. They have respect for PNG and the program, but even more repect for themselves and the guy lined up next to them. Their 5-5 in the record books, but anybody that has followed this team including PNG knows the record doesn't reflect the talent and desire in these guys.....This will be a battle and anyone who expects anything else will be proven wrong. Their won't be any 3 and 4 touchdown blowouts, thats fantasyland and dreams on the part of some....Buckle up and get read for a battle....Good luck to both teams....GO EAGLES, play with class and win with class.....
  25. No, Seriously either place is really good..Iguana's is more of a local hangout .. Great food and prices..Good luck to both teams........
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