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WO-S 89

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Everything posted by WO-S 89

  1. I love to listen to Milo Hamilton of the Astros and Craig Way do Longhorns football games. Milo Hamilton called Hank Aaron 715 HR.
  2. I would also like to see more pass plays in the middle of the field.
  3. I know teams do it in the El Paso area because of travel issues.
  4. We hear that saying every year and come playoff time it's the same thing run up the middle, sideline pass and the bomb. Those 3 plays will win you district and about 2 to 3 rounds deep in the playoffs. By adding better plays to the play book and the offensive line blocking better this team could be playing Liberty Hill in December for a state title.
  5. Looking like Waco La Vaga might be going Div. I
  6. Just a question, I,m not a football expert.---After Silsbee QB kneeled the ball and then got up and threw the ball into the ground , could the ref have thrown a flag for unsportsman like conduct, back them up 15 yards stopping the clock and maybe giving them a chance for the field goal. Just don’t know about that ref. crew.
  7. I live on Chasse Ridge in Little Cypress and I have power.
  8. 21-7 WO-S-------------KOGT working on fixing the problem.
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