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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I do disagree...the complacency we, as a nation, have towards this will at some point have major consequences.   55,000,000...that's 1,375,000 a year for 40 years.  In no way is that some sort of solution...not one that 1,375,000 a year would agree with anyway.
  2.   Sad part is that we could power a lot of hospitals with the aborted babies since Roe V Wade...over 50,000,000   This story is a little tiny graphic illustration of what's been happening LEGALLY a long time.   [Hidden Content]
  3. Your step-mother made some very sensible choices after some very unfortunate instances...this is not what I'm talking about at all.
  4.   If you are pro-choice, why would you have a problem with it?   If you feel it's simply a "choice" for someone to be able to abort a child, then you place no importance whatsoever on the child's life...why would you care how "it" is discarded?   And that's what happens with abortion...human lives being discarded like unwanted trash...disguised as a "choice".
  5.   Not sure why the Democrats are so worried about this legislation hurting them..it was touted as something the American people would embrace.   Shouldn't they be using this to help them get re-elected?   Hmmm
  6. Liberals that are pro-choice/anti-life will have no problem with this, after all, an unborn child is only a fetus/blob of flesh...whatever. Doesn't' matter what is done with it...right?
  7. From the article:   In a heated exchange over whether he and his tax agency employees are cooperating in Congress’s investigations into tea party targeting, Mr. Koskinen said the amount of time it will take to look through and redact private information from the documents could last years.     “What they want is something that’s going to take years to produce,” he told the House Oversight Committee, which six months ago issued a subpoena for Ms. Lerner’s emails because the IRS wasn’t acting quickly enough.     Years...really?  This statement is proof that this administration is terribly inefficient or terribly corrupt...or both.   YEARS???  smh  
  8. LOL...how are you the expert on reasonable, well thought out responses when you have yet to make one?
  9.   Maybe he has seen the mess that Obamacare is and since he does have plenty of money chooses to pay the penalty, not participate and cover himself...I sure would.   Regardless of his motivation, I don't think he's doing it just for the privilege of complaining, he's probably doing it to defy the unconstitutional legislation.   I doubt very seriously he welcomes this as an opportunity to complain...it will hurt him...along with many others.
  10.   Just curious how you know this is the case?
  11.   If you back up a little:   "Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.   I believe he is talking about behavior that brought them to this point...God makes it clear how he feels about this, why would he turn around and create this behavior within someone?   I am no Theologian by any stretch, but there are others such as J. Vernon McGee (his explanations) and many others that could shed much more light on it for you if interested.
  12. That's what you get out of that?   He is speaking of generation after generation of vile behavior...not some genetic transformation.
  13. TEA BAGGER BS  PARTY POLICY = smaller gov, lower taxes and personal responsibility...what's not to like?
  14.   I agree...the unions, however, won't fare so well. 
  15.   Probably because it doesn't put Obama policy up on a threshold.
  16. Nice try...you brought it up with the royalty comment but you don't want to discuss it either. Ask a question, make fun of the answer or the dummy answering it, repeat. It's just your way...have a nice evening
  17. I doubt it...and no, I am not going to answer your question about why which writings were put into the Bible. That's an explanation too lengthy for here and I don't think it would be well received anyway. Besides, I'm sure you're asking a question you already know the answer to, right?
  18. It's clear you have no regard for the Word of God and by your reference to royalty and "telling us what to believe" you clearly have no idea how the King James version came to be.   Another Bible expert that has never read the Bible.  Try it, you may actually read something you like.
  19. Penned by men but inspired by God... ALL people need it but many don't accept it. Not sure what you want me to" get over" but I'm sure you'll tell me in your angry little way.
  20.   Mentally retarded is not sinful behavior and neither are mental disorders, homosexuality is...BIG difference.  That's not me saying this, that's God's word.   Read what scripture has to say about homosexuality and then try and make sense of why God would create someone that way when he makes it clear how he feels about it.   Sorry, but Scripture trumps however many homosexuals you have talked to that give their perspective on it.   Yes, we are all born with a sinful nature (in our soul) and fight temptations daily...big difference than being born with a genetically structured sin nature we can do nothing about.
  21.   You can say that as many times as you want but it is not true.   You admit it is a sin and you still believe that God would create someone to be destined for a life of sinful behavior...think about it, makes no sense.
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