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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. So when Mr/Ms Klug was born, God made a mistake and she figured it out and is making it right...don't think so.   Come on...your argument makes no sense.
  2.   How do you know that is the truth...if they had not been managing the land, they wouldn't have lasted 100 years.   You buy the tree hugger  statements at face value when the evidence points otherwise.   This land has obviously been managed...the fed gov is ticked off because he isn't paying their grazing rights.
  3.   Yes I do, but properly managed, can actually improve habitat...many ranchers are employing the "one herd" grazing practice that improves habitat and native grass species.   Another problem I have with this  is why is the fed gov managing what should be state land? (i know this won't change...just one more place they shouldn't be)
  4.   I believe they limit the number of speakers at open forum meetings so don't think that would apply.   This is a person that can't seem to figure out what they are...I would call that unstable, and in turn, would not be comfortable with putting them in charge of children.   You may be willing to take that chance (obviously so) but I'm not...kids come first in a school district.
  5. Not sure what your point is...mine was that the fed gov was supposedly all about protecting the "endangered" desert tortoise, at the same time making plans to euthanize them.   From your post:   According to Nevada conservationists, a number of attempts to revegetate habitat in the Gold Butte area have been destroyed by the trespass cattle.   :rolleyes:    Right...if the cattle are so destructive, how have they managed to graze this land for 100 years?   Ranchers are excellent conservationists for the most part, if not, they put themselves out of business.
  6. [Hidden Content]     From the article:   Officials say Bundy and his son are illegally running cattle in the 500,000-acre Gold Butte area, a habitat of the protected desert tortoise.           [Hidden Content]   From the article:   Federal funds are running out at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center and officials plan to close the site and euthanize hundreds of the tortoises they've been caring for since the animals were added to the endangered species list in 1990.
  7.   If the majority of folks in the district want this, then it should happen...it's an independent school district which should serve the taxpayers within.     Your suspicions are wrong...the only overwhelming support she/he has received are from special interest groups, not parents, just like in the open forum meeting.
  8.   That's great, but this is a matter for the LISD and the parents within...no one else.
  9.   I can't speak for others but that has nothing to do with my evaluation of the situation...I simply don't think that he/she should be responsible for and around children when she/he is confused about what gender she/he is.
  10.   It's only an assumption that she/he is a transgender?
  11. Wouldn't want them teaching either.
  12. Good question...I wonder if you will get an answer from new tobie?
  13. If Frank Marshall Davis, Jeremiah Wright or Bill Ayers didn't concern someone, they'll consider this no big deal.
  14. Why should anyone have to remove their child so a transgender teacher can stay? If she/he is really in this for the kids, they should find an ISD that is accepting of them...I'm sure they're out there.
  15.   My point is that against her continuing to teach are many LISD parents and for her are very few LISD parents and mostly special interest groups.   We'll know the final decision after this weekend and depending on that, LISD will find out how much fallout they will have to endure...and NOT from parents but from groups that have no ties to LISD kids but to one disgruntled transgender teacher.
  16.   I certainly hope a nudist doesn't apply for any sub work...another bandwagon for you.
  17.   Check it out for yourself if you care to...found out that ALL the speakers and folks that represented against her at the open forum discussion had kids in the school district...only one speaker for her had a kid in the district and most of the speakers for her were from various LGBT groups in the area.   And there has been no decision made as to what the future will hold for her as a sub at LISD and I was also told that several of the news stories range from either distorted to flat out lies or the news is simply going by her assessment of what the situation is.   My earlier statements about LISD caving to avoid consequences were innaccurate and based on bogus news reports and even though it may still happen, has not yet.   Sad that this has to be more about this teacher and special interest groups than the kids.
  18.   No, I wasn't at the meeting but talked to folks that were.   you call SE Texas backwoods so you are obviously not well traveled (lots more backwoods places than here) and SE Texas IS the normal way of doing things IN SE Texas.   You seem to think we need to adopt some sort of liberal progressive way of doing things just because it's normal in other places.   LISD caved because they were worried about consequences, not because the good people in Lumberton have embraced this...person.   I think it's you that are not "normal folks" around here YET...but be patient, I'm sure we'll get there at this rate.
  19. And if this "person" were concerned about the well-being of the kids, he/she would move on and try to minimize what is going on.   But he/she and the squeaky LGBT community have an agenda and it has to be pushed no matter the damage.
  20.   Comparing African American civil rights to rights for a cross dressing transgender...now that is radical.   But, hey...your side won on this one, and I have no doubt we'll see more and more perverted behavior accepted in the future.   When it gets to a line that even you don't want to see crossed, just remember you asked for it.
  21.   Obviously you didn't get any feedback from the meeting...there was no tremendous support for Klug and there were more than a couple of parents concerned about this.   If this is what "times are changing" means for the public school system, the private school industry looks very bright.   "Massive" lawsuit and the wrath of a "great many people"...LOL...it's time we quit caving to groups like this that are pushing their agenda on normal folks.
  22. I can guarantee the same people that are up in arms about the Rice appointment would welcome Obama or anyone from his regime with welcome arms to the board.   I guess spying is OK to the left when the left does it.   [Hidden Content]
  23.   I agree with mat...you're not the one that is confused.   Cave in by the LISD because there may be consequences to doing what is best for the kids...smh.
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