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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Budget constraints??? I wonder if we will be cutting back on entitlements due to budget constraints? One of the few things the fed gov should be funding properly, they are cutting.
  2. ​Who is containing the violence...who makes sure it stays there and remains manageable. Is it the Mayor, city councilmen, police...who is it?
  3. ​Using a Big Girl tactic...slam FoxNews...lol. I have already pointed out how bogus your "science" was...no scientific evidence at all to back it up. Try to make a mature argument without attempting to demean the other side...every debate doesn't have to be like UT/A&M back and forth gaffs.
  4. ​Democrats, that's the problem...and they keep getting voted in...smh. [Hidden Content] From the article: DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP! Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1961; Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954; Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984; Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989; Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor; St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949; El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor; Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908; Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952; Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
  5. ​They're trying...they have opinions that are "rooted in science" to back them up.
  6. ​There are several posts on the forum about the urgency to remove the Confederate flag because of the SC shooting but these shooting deaths in Chicago would have never been brought up if I hadn't posted it. (and it happens all year long) So I guess we can start with this forum...AND why is this not continuously in the news like the SC shooting has been?
  7. ​But it's not...I view and read news from multiple sources...these nine victims didn't get nearly as much attention as the victims in SC. In fact, no mention of it on some outlets. So again I ask...why?
  8. Why no outrage over these deaths? Nine in one weekend...IN ONE CITY...and it was happening before and will continue after this weekend. Why do we pick and choose which deaths are most important and matter more. [Hidden Content] Thoughts?
  9. ​We make what we think are snarky little comments when we don't have an argument also.
  10. ​Theory of evolution, theory that folks are born gay, theory that climate change is caused by man. Rooted in science...lol.
  11. ​From the article: No studies have found specific "gay genes" that reliably make someone gay. So another "theory" just like evolution...rooted in science...lol. The right actually embraces science, the left embraces unprovable "theories".
  12. Good question... amazing how all this disingenuous contempt has surfaced over a TV show that has no shred of racism in it.
  13. Better thicken that sensitive skin if he want to be President... He could get some good advice from his brother on that.
  14. If that state or city decides to remove them...Memphis can make their own decisions on what to remove.
  15. Funny stuff...and sad. How we have "progressed".
  16. Brave guy and good ending to the story. My question is why these folks were in a Motel 6? [Hidden Content]
  17. I posted this very thing on the other thread, I questioned whether this would happen...ridiculous!
  18. Businesses should be able to make the call, and reap the rewards or suffer the consequences IMO. Taking a stand can help, like Chic-fil-a, or it could hurt, like the Dixie Chicks, but should be allowed without gov interference...let the market decide.
  19. If he was going to keep out all sinners, no one could come in. Would you make any distinction between a child molester and someone that speeds...both are sinners. He can make his choice and folks can decide whether or not to go there.
  20. Should be his call to ban whoever he wants for whatever behavior he wants. Some businesses may make the call simply because they feel it might cost them business.
  21. Yes, they should be able to refuse service to homosexuals. What if they had a business with a conservative crowd that might be uncomfortable around homosexuals...should they be forced to sit by and lose business. You could replace them with rowdy bikers that made folks uncomfortable and not come back... Can they be refused?
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