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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. You have no idea about my financial situation because I, like most folks, don't feel the need to discuss it with others. You, on the other hand, are constantly trying to boast about how much money you make, which almost 100% of the time means you're full of it. Successful folks normally see no need in boasting about their wealth. Poor broke blue hatter.
  2. lol, I can say the same to you. You hanging out with millionaires. 🤣🤣🤣
  3. And then you woke up in Mom's spare bedroom.
  4. A creative way of saying never take a stand even if you know you're right. Always straddle the fence and wait to pick the side that winds up in the majority. Good old squishy moderates.
  5. What a sad way to go through life. These democrats are degenerates, but I'm with them because their guy is in power. Most telling post I've seen from you.
  6. Funny how he places blame on the folks that have been proven to have made the choice that was without a doubt best for the country. No doubt growing pains will come, a new candidate won't fix the problem we have. Seems that someone's TDS is flaring, lol.
  7. Agree, there are some that have been duped into believing that if we will simply nominate a snowflake approved candidate all will be well. Nope, the snowflakes are still there.
  8. I guess you missed the fact that I have said many times I would like him to step aside and let DeSantis have it. (gotta work around you snowflakes) Hard to debate when you refuse to listen and continue to make crap up. Both are bad, but it's laughable that you think cheating with a porn star is worse than pressuring a 21 year old as President while ALSO cheating on your wife simply because it's Bill Clinton, whom you seem to admire. Can't get out of your own way,
  9. I don't think funds should necessarily be siezed even if they think someone may be using it to commit a crime. So is a guy withdraws a family's life savings and is headed to make a deal with an undercover agent, they should be able to sieze the money and take it away from the wife that knows nothing about this? That money belongs to the wife, this nonsense that law enforcement agencies are entitled to it simply because they siezed it is just that, nonsense. They have no right to ruin lives because they "found" the money.
  10. You seem to still be naĂŻve enough to think no prosecution means nothing was there. And I have never said, how dare they investigate Trump, there you go again. Hunter's own business partner said Biden was involved, there are visits to the White house that back it up. Sorry you can't see the corruption involving the Biden family, you and UT alum seem to have a lot in common. Cue 1,2,3 but but but Trump. By the way, Clinton was a debase pervert that actually lied to the Grand Jury about not being able to control himself with his 21 year old intern, sad thing is, I've seen you speak admiringly about him.
  11. [Hidden Content] Yeah, let's make drugs legal, that removes the criminal element and all will be great. That what we always hear. From the article: "Oregon has turned into an international spectacle and I think we looked at each other and realize that we made an enormous mistake," Portland-based trial attorney Kristin Olson told Fox News. Oregon is the only state in the nation where possession of personal use amounts of hard drugs including heroin, meth and fentanyl is decriminalized, after 58% of voters passed Measure 110 in 2020. Olson voted for Measure 110 thinking it would mirror Portugal's decriminalization effort, which changed the law so that drug users are sent to counseling or mandatory treatment. But Oregon's law made possession a Class E violation, punishable by a maximum $100 fine. Treatment is optional. "If we take away all the incentives, they're not going into treatment," Olson said. More than 60% of voters DHM surveyed said drug decriminalization has made addiction, homelessness and crime worse.
  12. There are plenty of articles just like this, this law needs to change. There's no way law enforcement should be able to confiscate funds because they "think" it was linked to a crime.
  13. "Soon find out" has passed, they sat on this for 4 years. There is nothing good about how this was handled. I'm sure they'll come up with some evidence of wrongdoing, they've had 4 years to work on it and I'm sure they want to keep THEIR $40,000.
  14. So why is he having to take this to court to get his money back? Seems there should have been charges made and not just sit stagnant with this guy’s money for 4 years. This looks exactly like they took the money, brought no charges for 4 years in hopes that this guy from another state would just give up.
  15. No difference other than there was no Russian collusion and was simply made up compliments of the Clinton campaign and Hunter’s laptop actually showed business dealings in Ukraine that directly involved the big man. Yeah, no difference, lol.
  16. So guilty until proven innocent, I guess? I guess if they don’t prove a crime they’ll hand the money back and say, oops, our bad. Bad law that seems to promote bad behavior. Nothing like this should drag on for 4 years.
  17. No I don’t, but it appears that 4 years later he hasn’t been charged with a crime but they still have his $40,000. You good with that?
  18. Imagine making a post that doesn’t make you look like a dimwit…now focus and try and do it.
  19. Very sorry to hear this. I have enjoyed his posts on here for many years. Will really miss his take on things. The good news is he’s now with Mrs. Hagar and no longer in pain. Strength and prayers for his family.
  20. There is a big difference between this scenario and the one I posted. You actually caught guys committing a crime, doesn’t seem to be the case with the truck driver, they just seemed to have come across some cash and no crime.
  21. No charges were filed, IF you go by the article, he had no criminal activity to base this on. Looks like he found money and no crime and just decided to take it. And why haven’t they given the money back after 4 years?
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