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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Yeah, it's August 2015...can't imagine anything will change by November 2016.
  2. He would have to be President for that...I like that he has folks talking so much about immigration but I can't see him lasting. Of course, I didn't see Obama lasting either...plenty of low information voters on both sides so anything is possible.
  3. [Hidden Content] Didn't intend to reply to you BS Wildcats...just wanted to post, my bad.
  4. I'm sure Cruz is leading with TRUE conservatives.
  5. How is Trump the face of conservatism...because he's a Republican? Lindsey Graham and John McCain are Republicans also, definitely not conservatives...and that's just two examples out of many.
  6. Yes, anyone who is guilty about being here and proudly calling themselves an American and insisting all who want to come here must do so legally should self-deport. Good luck finding a better place on the planet to live.
  7. If the new career is fly, you must say goodbye!
  8. But wait, I didn't think this guy had any ideas.
  9. This guy must think everyone is as dumb as he is...video cameras???...smh.
  10. Not to me or any other rational person that uses a little common sense. Many times the folks that lump all cops in with the very few bad ones have an unfavorable view towards cops to begin with. We are told to not lump all Muslims, Christians (fill in the blank) in with a few bad ones but this seems to be ok with cops.
  11. Just like Buffett and his railcars streaming oil down here...Obama helping his buddies out. Crony capitalism at it's finest.
  12. People aren't donating money to Cruz because they want bigger gov and higher taxes...there are all the Democrats and several Republicans to give your money to if that's your goal.
  13. Hmmm...maybe there are more fans of the Constitution than we think.
  14. Hillary may be done...even the Clinton machine may not be able to get her over this email stuff.
  15. I agree...he shouldn't have been in the house, he brought this on himself...no doubt about that. Like you, I just don't understand the high fives over this...to each his own, I guess. I would be willing to bet the homeowner isn't celebrating this.
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